AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5 @Sebring, Wednesday 16th February 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Guys, I hope anyone can help me.
AC doesn't save some of my setup changes anymore.
When I change the pitstop options and save the setup, it's fine. But when I change the tyrepressure, the fuel or the aero or the alignment and save it (confirming the override question), the old values reappear when I load the setup again.
It also happens when I save it with a new name instead of overriding.

I checked that I didn't anything wrong like clicking load instead of save or vice versa.

Ideas anyone? Cache or something like that? I use content manager.

@RasmusP You're my IT hero! Do you have a clue?
Is it all car track combos or just some?

Have you looked inside the setup file to see if the new values have been saved? They could be in the file but the issue is read related.

Could it be access rights on the file that don't allow writing?

Can you save a file with just default settings to confirm you can actually save something.

Maybe attach the problem file and I'll have a go saving it with the changes you're having problems with.

Here the comment of Paul Fairweather on yesterdays event. It's a pity we were only with 4 participants.
Therefore I would like to do another Ligier event next Wednesday instead of the regular multiclass, hoping a lot of you will join. Is that ok with you? Please respond with a 'Like' if you agree and want to join. Use a 'Sad' if you don't want it.

Despite the low entries, this was great fun and would be a real blast with a full grid on these ‘mini me’ kart tracks that replicate the full size tracks brilliantly.
But in the Netherlands Vs England team race, :DI lit the turf tyres up off the line and Andre got past into T1. What followed was some great side by side racing until I managed to get by as Andre went wide.
While Allan and Han pitted I decided to try to go the full 45 minutes on the same set of rubber leaving me in P2 but by the end there was nothing left ( not even any red on the tyre app) and I was at the mercy of Allan with just half a lap to go. :(
But great fun and if there is a championship then guys, you need to get in on the action as this is something different where you can have fun away from the normal stress of having to practice for days.
Thanks Han for the idea, well done to Han for the win and Allan and Andre for making it an event.:thumbsup:
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My comment about still needing to learn how the MX5 works last week was just as true this week: I have no idea how my pace was an entire second slower in qualifying than my race pace, but I guess that's a mystery for next time...

Shame not to battle more with the three A's Alan, Axel, and Andre, but still happy with the consistency, much better than last week.

Congrats to @HF2000 on the Audi win and the podiums! Thanks Han for organising!


VR onboard:

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Yeah it was strange to see "Mr. World Record" ride into the sunset ( ;) not really :rolleyes:)
and have the AAA Team yapping at your heels.:cautious:

No surprise they found their way through "around" me eventually. I even tried to let the last A pass by doing a very not gracefull pas-de-deu in T4 on the last lap but he very much insisted on returning the favour in clear sight of the finish line. :notworthy:

So, note to self:


Great racing guys, have a good night Carsten
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Great race, could do little about Martin other than wait for the Mazdas, unfortunately, they were not on my side this Wednesday, lost loads of time, then buggered up my pit stop. so as I am not obviously in favor with the racing gods. Resigned myself to fate, and just buzz it to the end.
Also, my medium tyre strategy did not take the eventual race outcome to be in my favor either.
Well done podiums, well done Mazda's great racing, certainly were very good to me but in the wrong way.:roflmao::roflmao:

I hit @HF2000 going into the pits which I am sorry about Han, unfortunately, I was going into the pits, but my Audi was not.:(:O_o::O_o:
I heard a lot of chatter on Discord just after it happened, so if that was directed at me, then you have no hope of me hearing much over Discord.
Most of the time i rely on the situation relative to the moment and guess what people have probably said.
probably why when someone says something unsavory to me I reply with a polite "thankyou".
That was a very "wide" race. I did 20 laps, and took 20 different lines through the last turn :laugh: Where's our anti-fan club pins? @Dzul :O_o: :D

Not a track I have a ton of experience at so I can't compare what I drove today to much else, but I had a good time sliding around the florida runways with "ya'll". Nabbed some spots off the start which is rare for me, managed to stick around with some other drivers for the whole race, and my pit stop didn't throw off my whole race. All in all a decent drive :).

Congrats winners and finishers, and thanks for hosting Han :thumbsup: (So long as my apartment move doesn't get in the way of things, I'll be there next Wed.)
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Did an ok qualifying lap but missed out on doing an extra lap by 1 second.

Missed the first corner incidents and got briefly up to 2nd before Carsten squeezed by and demoted me to 3rd.

First part of the race was spent trying to keep my pace and avoid my customary off tracks, which I did. I was overtaken by a recovering Andre, Allan and Axel.

Once that settled down I set about trying to catch Carsten who was about 6 seconds ahead. Made some small gains then I completely failed to execute my pitstop plan.

I had intended to pit as soon as the Audis got close to avoid losing time with blue flags. I left it a lap or two too late and lost time, anyway. Then I overshot my pitbox, had to reverse and overshot again. Probably lost about 10 seconds.

Came out about 5 seconds behind Dave who had some good pace and it took me many laps to get on terms then ahead.

Held that to the end for a mid place finish.

Met my goal of not having any major off tracks, now to find more pace.

Thanks Han, for organising and congratulations to all the racers.
No luck today at Sebring. First had to learn the new version and do some practice. No flawless lap in qualy.
Lap 1 first corner was a tricky situation. I had to go 100 percent brakes on exit to avoid a contact as cars in front slowed down. That lead to tricky next corner as I had to slow down that much so that guys behind could go for it on the left, which was absolutely their right to do. Sorry @Simon Hodge for contact, not your fault, I'd say racing incident, I tried to stay on the right but space just was not there to avoid contact. So that both sent us into a spin. I was overcautious to rejoin and lost too much time. Race pace was ok, doing some 2.13 lap times. cu all next time.
Thanks Han for organising and everyone for a good race! :laugh: Practice went very well, nabbed my fastest lap on this track... but, as Chris previously mentioned, on qualifying everything was different. To start with, my wheel quit on the spot when I tried to go out. I had to leave, reboot my gear and check on the Windows peripheral manager it all got recognised. I rejoined the server with a bit more than half the time still available but was already unfocused so my laps were "bagger" (dutch for rubbish, I could use the mexican term but the admins will ban me :roflmao: ) ... started at the back, which is always fun (I can highly recommend it to all our fast drivers ;) )... that helped me scoot about the first-corner incident and trot away. My first stint was fun, having a good scrap with Paul. He was faster on some parts and I was faster on other parts so we kept each other sharp for some laps until I hit him at the 3rd. corner, slightly but just enough to get us both on the grass (sorry again mate)... we kept close until he decided to pit. Clean air helped me focus and I managed a bunch of clean, fast laps. Once I started negotiating the incoming Audi traffic I went for my pitstop and managed to come right in front of Paul so the "hammer-time" paid off. I managed to keep the gap to the back and started to close the one at the front but Doug had good pace and, although at the end I could see him in the distance, there wasn't enough time to catch up. Still, I had fun and quite a good race since I had a stable pace I managed to keep for the majority of the laps... even my Jim was happy about it.

Congrats to the winners and podiums! Looking forward to next week's special event! :D
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Nothing worked this evening. Had to give up :mad:

Ok now for a little explanation after having quit in rage (I know I know.. I shouldn't had to, but it was pointless at that point to continue).

Managed to join about 8 minutes into quali, which left me a couple of minutes to set everything up. First my bluetooth headset refused to connect despite all of my efforts, so I had to find a wired one. Of course, the wire was quite in the way of the arms and wheel. Had to re-join because I had plugged my wheel after having started AC so it wasn't detected.

Eventually, I started the quali with 7 minutes left and just managed to do a couple "good" laps but the first of them has been completely thrown away because of an incident in the last corner, and basically this also screwed up the following and last one, because I had to start from scratch at the beginning of the straight, leading to massive loss of time. In addition, lately AC is freezing for a couple seconds at every little incident (the one I just made, or when hitting a curb with a little more energy than normal) so it becomes hard to keep control of the car. I still can't explain why, it started doing this without any setting change.. I don't remember who it was, apologies anyway if the fault was mine (I still have to check the replay).

Next: I read the post where Han explained about the replacement of Abarths with Audis, but didn't notice that the first post had been modified as well, so the mandatory pitstop was a complete surprise to me. This basically led me to start with a standard setup and with the idea of modifying the pitstop conditions on the fly upon entering the pit lane, which then proved to be the wrong decision.
After the start, I kept my (last) position and was trying to keep up with the pack, but hit @davejevons at T1 (that's our fate, it appears) and lost some time which I hand't been able to recover anymore due my too many errors, first in driving (I don't know the track like the palm of my hand and I had little time to practice so I braked too late in a couple of corners) and second in managing the Audis when they were overcoming (at least a couple of times I didn't want to harm their race and ended up in the gravel to let them pass without it being too difficult).

Oh well, there's always something to learn and enjoy even if the race goes bad, I thought, so I continued racing up until I decided to enter the pit lane. I made some mess while trying to adjust the fuel refill, and arrived a little askewed in the pit area, and no matter what I tried to do, my crew never picked up the car or refuel. After more than one minute trying to go back and forth and never being able to have the pitstop done, I decided to quit..
I don't know the reason for this, as I never changed any setting with regards to the pistops, and when racing with the GT3s some months ago I was always able to pit without problems.

Let's hope next time will be better.
In addition, lately AC is freezing for a couple seconds at every little incident (the one I just made, or when hitting a curb with a little more energy than normal) so it becomes hard to keep control of the car. I still can't explain why, it started doing this without any setting change..
I used to have this happen all the time Omar, tracked it down to RAM. Going from 8 Gig to 16 completely cured it. Maybe something else is using it so Ac is making do with less?
I used to have this happen all the time Omar, tracked it down to RAM. Going from 8 Gig to 16 completely cured it. Maybe something else is using it so Ac is making do with less?
Thanks Tony. Actually I have the very bad habit of keeping Chrome open with lots of tabs, to read them later because sometimes I open pages for my reference but have no time to read them straight away.
If only I could save the sessions just as it does when it crashes.. however, will try closing it next time!
Martin (@Fabrizio), I'd be interested to hear what happened to you in this race?

It appears you got the 'return to pits' penalty for not doing the mandatory pitstop but from the replay I can clearly see you driving into the pits and stopping at a pitbox for approx 5 seconds (from memory at maybe around 30 mins). Do you know why you got the penalty? Again from the replay it appeared to happen at exactly 40 minutes into the race when the mandatory pitstop period ended so it can't be anything else in my opinion. But certainly seems like really bad luck, given your likely victory otherwise, if you hit an AC/SimRacing bug or even if you made some technical infringement of the pitstop rules (but I can't really imagine what!).

For my race, exciting start with Thomas/Simon spinning off right in front of me, recovering a place from Colin after a couple of laps, and then a long chase after Robert to sadly no avail in the end despite closing the gap to 1.8 secs. Well done Robert holding out for the last podium slot and congrats again to all the other podiums finishers.
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This was a nice race for me and the win was as much a bonus as a surprise.
Really struggled in practice and I was far from the pace of the frontrunners. But in qually I used the mediums for the first time and I got the hang of it. Unlike Laguna Seca the natural understeer of the Audi isn't much of a problem on Sebring. Tha Audi seem to like this track. Starting 3rd I could hold my position after the first turns although I almost hit Ernie who went wide in T1 and because I had to lift Robert felt a chance to overtake on the inside towards T2. But it went well and when I found my pace after a few laps I slowly closed in on Ernie and increased the gap to Robert.
Tha Mazdas were in my favor this time and I could get on the tail of Ernie. I used a P2P on the straight towards the last turn and went in the inside a bit in front of Ernie in that dreadful last turn. Ernie let go and tried to come inside again with a better exit. There was a little contact (both guilty I think) but Ernie went into the pits immediately.
He had a bad pitstop so he was about 7 sec behind after I made mine. And when Martin disconnected I was the leader with a comfortable gap to Ernie.

So very happy with a lucky win but also a bit deserved for a race without major mistakes.
Congrats to the other podium guys. Thanks to all the Mazda drivers. You were all very helpful.

Next week for once something completely different but I hope you all will give it a try and join. The event will be posted tonight. The week after we will return to the usual multiclass.

See you on track!
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