AC MCMC - multi car mini championship

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
This is a difficult car, not sure there is any setup that goes close to taming this beastie.

for me it is okay, does not mean it will, suit you sir.

I have put my meagre time I achieved to give you something to aim for.

The first gear is high, to try and tame the gear that will give an instant scenery visit.

Thanks for sharing this!
Regarding next round... I'm one of the Porsche drivers, and wanted to ask you guys if there is some setup magic to make this car a BIT more forgiving? e.g. on each crest, if I use too much throttle it just spins out of control. And I need to slow down a LOT before each corner so the car doesn't oversteer into oblivion...
Any setup gurus around who have some suggestions or even a complete, more forgiving setup?
Well, I'm far away from being a setup guru, because I don't know what I'm doing. But your request motivated me to give Moby Dick a go, even though I'm a Audi driver in the event.

Here's the resulting setup, which feels fine to me with 100% turbo. And below are two videos how I drive it. One is a reasonable fast lap (still with a few flaws) and one is a few race laps against the AI. As always my vids aren't perfect, due to my poor PC but they're meant to help a bit. With a bit more practice and smoother inputs, I could nearly match my Audi pace I guess.



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Wow, that was extremely awesome @Reik Major ! Thank you especially for the first video! My main fault is usually oversteering, so I'll have to practice a bit more with your video in mind. I'm sure the next round - with more Porsches - will be quite eventful. (In a POSITIVE way, hopefully)
@abecede let me know how you got on with the Reik setup , he is normally about a second quicker than me on a good day and 2 seconds on a bad day.
Seeing that he about 2 seconds quicker for such a difficult car, this is about what I would expect.
So for me it would be a useful piece of knowledge if you compare his setup to mine.
I am somewhat biased for my setup to compare properly.
So if you could get your times and opinion I would be most grateful
@Kek700 I probably won't be able to do some serious comparison before Tuesday evening, but when I have it, I'll make sure to post my personal, slow, clumsy results and experience :)
(But don't take *my+ word for choosing any kind of setup, as I am usually just a backmarker...)
Seriously, I am really grateful for you and Reik to have made such an effort! Thank you both a LOT!
Just looked into Content manager, and those two setups look really different... (see attachments)
EDIT: changed reiks pic, since there was some overlooked transparency from gimp left...


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I most likely do trial and error. In general I think a softer rear is better for grip when accelerating but makes the car less willing to turn/rotate. But I'm always unsure if to start with ARBs or the springs or the bumps or the rear wing or with toe or with camber or with.... you get my problem? ;)
I think…
The problem is that there is no setup where the car can be easily driven, then you can start to dial the car to give you what you want from it.
It is all about the driver, you need such a good feel and have good resolution in your throttle application.
You cannot say oversteer, understeer, rotation and more , it does that all in one corner, especially for me, I am not in control of this car at all. Just hanging on for dear life.
Which basically means I am responding to the car and not driving it.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

PS will give Reik setup a go tomorrow.:)
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Yeah, it's a tough car and not easy to get to a point, where the car deliberatly does what you want.
Thank you for the setup, I drove a couple of laps, and I'm slowly understanding this car. Finally! There is hope that I can do maybe two or three laps in succession without driving off track ;)

This Tuesday will certainly be special for me! Looking forward to meet you all again on the track! :thumbsup:

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