Maximal Graphic Preset

Maximal Graphic Preset 3.3

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From my side I can say that it is neither a virus nor malware or anything else. I have written the code completely. This is probably the reason for the problems as the code is simply not written professionally enough and therefore looks suspicious.
Unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to fix the whole thing.
But of course I can understand if you don't want to take any risks.
Alternatively, you can of course use the original method to install the mod.
I'm sorry :(

Virus check
As you can see here just 4 of 75 Virus programms cause a Alert.
Yea I did not think it was a virus :) was just letting yk incase u could do something, wierd it gets pinged for me but seemingly not many others? Ofc overall an amazing mod and the manual install works fine! Great job! Hope u continue this for 24 and other games in the future! (Or until frontier does it themselves.)
Just reporting back after installing your latest version (3.1), though I did not use the installer as it's easy enough to manually copy.

Using DX12, Borderless, 2560x1440, no Raytracing and can confirm performance is vastly improved compared to my last feedback. Those little freezes and hiccups are gone and the game looks better.

Thank you for the effort you've put in.
Just reporting back after installing your latest version (3.1), though I did not use the installer as it's easy enough to manually copy.

Using DX12, Borderless, 2560x1440, no Raytracing and can confirm performance is vastly improved compared to my last feedback. Those little freezes and hiccups are gone and the game looks better.

Thank you for the effort you've put in.
Great. That was my goal.
Here's a small update from my side. I'm still working on the mod. I've even managed to get ray tracing and Lumen reflections and shadows to actually work. However, as of today, there unfortunately won't be an update, and I'll continue working on the existing version.

Still, here's a little preview of how it could look ;)
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Cafiso updated Maximal Graphic Preset with a new update entry:

Full working Raytracing with DX12, less ghosting in Rain, Light adjustment,

Patch Notes:

After a long effort, I managed to get Raytracing and Lumen running in DX12. You can find it in the setup under the folder "RayTracing Variant Fullscreen - DX12". Currently, I’m only providing the fullscreen variant (other versions will follow eventually). This version might not work with AMD graphics cards, but unfortunately, I can't test that myself.

The DX12 Raytracing version demands significant hardware resources, so be aware of this if you plan to use it. If you...

Read the rest of this update entry...

DX12 Fullscreen RTX crashes when moving my mouse to my 2nd screen the game instantly crashes. Idk if it is a problem with the mod, but i have not had it before. (I am not even tabbing out just moving my cursor 2 pixels off the game. Would not suprise me if its just the game, I used to play with Borderless.
View attachment 776374
DX12 Fullscreen RTX crashes when moving my mouse to my 2nd screen the game instantly crashes. Idk if it is a problem with the mod, but i have not had it before. (I am not even tabbing out just moving my cursor 2 pixels off the game. Would not suprise me if its just the game, I used to play with Borderless.
Okay at first i thought it was related to my cursor but now its carshed 3 times (The past two just happend to be while i did that) this is a consistent carsh that happens about 30s into a session, but speeding up the session seems to reset that timer. I will reinstall 3.1
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View attachment 776374
DX12 Fullscreen RTX crashes when moving my mouse to my 2nd screen the game instantly crashes. Idk if it is a problem with the mod, but i have not had it before. (I am not even tabbing out just moving my cursor 2 pixels off the game. Would not suprise me if its just the game, I used to play with Borderless.
This will be the Reason, because the actual Version only Supports fullscreen. You can change it by yourself by going into the GameUserSettings.ini and swap to fullscreen=1 or 2.not sure. Im not at the PC atm.
Okay at first i thought it was related to my cursor but now its carshed 3 times (The past two just happend to be while i did that) this is a consistent carsh that happens about 30s into a session, but speeding up the session seems to reset that timer. I will reinstall 3.1
Hmm i tested this build over several hours. But i will look into it as soon as possible.
Okay at first i thought it was related to my cursor but now its carshed 3 times (The past two just happend to be while i did that) this is a consistent carsh that happens about 30s into a session, but speeding up the session seems to reset that timer. I will reinstall 3.1
What gpu are you using?
Yeah this is good enough. Maybe you try changing it to broderless and try it again. Would be a good Feedback.
You mean putting on the RTX + dx12 back on but changing in game to borderless? (idk if that works)
But if u mean putting the borderless non DX12 version on i did that and its all okay now. So it seems to be a problem with the DX12 one. That was at austria during full wet quali if that helps. I can try it again for a dry weekend at silverstone, if it works now then that should help.
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You mean putting on the RTX + dx12 back on but changing in game to borderless? (idk if that works)
But if u mean putting the borderless non DX12 version on i did that and its all okay now. So it seems to be a problem with the DX12 one. That was at austria during full wet quali if that helps. I can try it again for a dry weekend at silverstone, if it works now then that should help.
Put the DX12 RTX back on and it carshed in the setup menu for FP1 (before even going to track):cry:

EDIT: I am sorry, but i really dont know alot about UE5 and this kind of file editing, but if you need anything that can help I would be willing to try to help, not only for myself (To get it working bc it looked GREAT before it crashed) but also for others in case there are problems for others. Would be wierd but not impossible that its just me.
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Did you Guys @dan883007 and @Sebeinkro tried the workaround i worte in the Patchnotes?

If you encounter issues when starting the game, you can try adding the following to your Steam launch options: -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -dx12 -raytracing

And another stupid developer Question, have you downloaded the latest Driver Update?
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