Maximal Graphic Preset

Maximal Graphic Preset 3.3

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Hello everyone,

After what might have been a restless night, I see that I might need to address the situation again to clarify a few points from my perspective.

Let’s start with the positive. I am truly overwhelmed—really overwhelmed—by the amount of support I’ve received. I didn’t expect this at all. Whether it’s through comments in the reviews, discussions here, or private messages, I am incredibly grateful. This means a lot to me, and I never imagined such a reaction when I set things in motion yesterday. It was never my intention to spark so much discussion.

Regarding those who asked if I would make my mod available for a fee: I would never place a price label on my mod and say it costs €3 or something like that. However, I am always thrilled to receive a donation, whether large or small. That’s exactly why there is a donation button on the main page of the mod, to allow people to support small modders like me.

Now, for the somewhat negative aspects and some clarifications (of course, only from my perspective):

Let me try to reconstruct the situation for you. When the user in question uploaded their mod, I thought, "Oh cool, a new mod" (because that’s what I think about every new mod related to the F1 Manager). So I downloaded and opened the mod. It didn’t take even a second (since every modder recognizes their own work immediately) to see that it contained my two files plus a few new lines. This is why I reported the mod. My issue was never with someone copying a few lines of code. From the beginning, my concern was that the work I put in every year was taken and then further developed by someone else. I imagine it like this: if I were to take a livery mod, add a sticker in the corner, and then write "inspired by," that’s exactly the point that upset me. I hope you understand what I’m getting at. Since the mods rejected my report, I gave a 1-star rating out of pure frustration. I want to emphasize that I had nothing to do with the review bombing. I never told anyone to give a 1-star rating.

After my report was rejected, my 1-star review was removed, and the other user gave me a 1-star review (which is still there), the matter was settled for me. Then I was bombarded with messages from the other user accusing me of stealing his creation. And yes, I use some command lines that are the same as his, but as he himself widely proclaimed, the code is freely accessible. Nothing more. I could elaborate further, but by now, probably no one is still reading

In conclusion, the mods say I should have reported his behavior, but I didn’t want to exhibit the same behavior he did and simply ignored him as best I could.

There is certainly more to say. Perhaps one last point: I was also often asked if I would make my mod available elsewhere. This is actually my “home” when it comes to the mod.

There are two options: I either re-upload my mod and reference the USER to satisfy him (which I don’t actually see as fair) or I block this person and see how or if he carries out his “warning” against me.

This is the final warning... for here and *********.

This is a very small excerpt of what he has written to me.

In conclusion, the mods say I should have reported his behavior
Reporting is not just that, it alerts us and if you had it would maybe have prevented what has happened, but I also understand your reluctance.
Unfortunately some of your supporters have taken things too far which has led to this constant back and forth with review bombing and attacking posts. Despite being asked or warned to stop.
I agreed with you're wish for both mods to go there own way but it seems that isn't going to happen unless cooler heads prevail.
Cafiso updated Maximal Graphic Preset with a new update entry:

Finetune & new way to install my Mod

Here we are again, one day later, with a bit clearer perspective. I even discussed this with my wife.

Just shows how old I am. :cry:

My wife also said, “Oh, it doesn’t matter what others say (I chose the family-friendly version). Just go ahead and do it.”

I want to apologize to everyone for making such a big deal out of it. Maybe I overreacted, I don’t know, but I was just really frustrated yesterday. At that moment, it was all just too much for me....

Read the rest of this update entry...
I love that you didnt give up. Internet is a really wild place full of retarded people, just ignore it and you will be good. I also reported the user that was causing you trouble just in case
Love the work - trying to install the latest update with the new installer, getting a "Files not found in the selected resolution directory" error when installing. Doesn't seem to matter which resolution or version I choose.
Love the work - trying to install the latest update with the new installer, getting a "Files not found in the selected resolution directory" error when installing. Doesn't seem to matter which resolution or version I choose.
Hmm, it seems to be affecting multiple people. Are you running the installation file as an admin? I'll see what I can do. As I mentioned, I've never written a code in my life before. If I can't get it to work, I might offer the mod using the traditional method in the future.

Strangely, I'm not encountering the error, which makes it harder to reproduce the issue.
Hmmm okay seems t
Thank you for your work on the mod, I'm struggling a bit with performance sometimes, which setting would be best to be reduced in the file to give back some more performance? I'm using a 3060 on at 3440x1440 resolution.
I am glad to see you back man after sleeping on the situation, we all get upset and make rash decisions when upset. My perspective you had a reason to be. I am glad to see you continue the work. If the user in question continues to bother you just ignore him before it gets to you again. that is what the block button is for

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