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I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
It really always devolves into a circular argument based purely upon personal opinion.

I am tired of the whole pCars is not a simulation argument. When someone says that about a title that is obviously striving to accurately represent physics, handling, tire models, pit stops, tire wear etc. it gets ridiculous. Instead, why not just say it isn't very good or very fun or as close to reality as the "the title I like"? That is fine and legitimate. But saying it isn't even a simulation at all feels like nothing more than the taunting you'll find in a middle school lunchroom to me.

Everyone keys off of different inputs and features to judge quality. This ends up producing different opinions-- all expected and good. Just because your taste isn't being optimized by a particular feature or feel of a specific title doesn't make it "not a sim".
Of course, I'm not of the view that this is what's happening in pcars case, I'm of the view that it's Shift3, and nothing wrong with that as long as the non sim related problems of Shift2 are fixed.....and it seems as though that'll be the case, but as far as pcars being a sim or on the verge of being one, I don't feel or see it.

That's the 'glass half empty' view, and that's fine. I really don't have a problem with that at all. It does appear that some people, you included David, are not just basing their 'Shift 3' argument on the current state of the game, but are actually hoping that's how it turns out when it's finished. It's the vehemence of the discussion that perplexes me. I bought the latest Sim City, didn't like it at all, and moved on to something else I liked. I haven't dedicated a major portion of my daily life to trying to convince everyone else who like it that it's crap.

Project CARS will speak for itself when it's done. It'll be crap, or mediocre, or great, or the 'best sim of all time'.. probably somewhere between the extremes. It's certainly getting a lot of effort by talented people, and is the first game to have such an involvement from the gamers that are fans of the genre. The release version isn't the end of the road either. It'll be supported, improved, expanded. We want to make it something that evolves and isn't abandoned after the initial sales.

I certainly don't expect some people to change their opinion about the game, regardless of how it turns out. I expect there will be people who come to the official public forum and say all sorts of things about the game that many of us won't agree with, or be happy about. That's the nature of public game forums. Thing is, we also know that those critiques won't matter if the game truly meets the goals that we set out for it nearly 3 years ago. Some people can spam the forums with as much vitriol as they can muster, and we'll just laugh about it and pat ourselves on the back because we were right about what we were doing all along.

And if it's not the 'greatest racing game ever' on release, we'll work on making it better. Not every endeavor turns out exactly as planned, but if no risks are taken, it's hard to reach a goal. Risking and failing is noble in it's own right, and is far more than what the critics do. It's easy to point and giggle at someone else's failure when one hasn't even tried to do something great.

I know I'm in it for the long haul, and the majority of WMD members are as well. I'm not going to just take the money and run. I took a huge risk, and so did a number of other guys. I'll take another risk, and another.. and another. I know the guys at SMS. I know them extremely well, beyond any public facing posts and such. They're the kind of guys who set tough goals and work like maniacs to reach them. That's how I am, and why I have the money to back their work. It may seem like we're clique-ish, but when you throw many years of your working life into a project, that tends to create bonds.

This is TL:DR and will likely get derided because of that, but I'm going to say one more thing on the subject because while I don't understand the vehemence of the criticism, and constant time consuming efforts behind the negativity, I understand why I and many others are the complete opposite. I can explain it very clearly, and I would think that sensible will say "okay, now I get where Micas is coming from".

So I have roughly $110,000 USD, 80,000 euro, invested in the development of pCARS. I don't net that much in a year. I gross more than that a year, but after taxes, retirement contributions, and living expenses, etc., the money left over is far less. So let's say it takes 3-5 years for me to save up 110 grand. That means that I turned over 3-5 years of my working 40+ hours a week at my job to SMS. I work very hard, as many people do, but I put years of my working life into pCARS. I will put more into it, because I have a long view and because I know the SMS crew, I know I will benefit greatly if we are successful. I'm not asking for a pat on the back for doing that. I expect people to say I'm being foolish. The bottom line is, I'm taking a risk to achieve greatness, and if we fail, we failed trying to be better tomorrow than we are today. I can live with that. I've failed before, and I'll fail again, but the chances I've taken and the rewards that come with it have been far greater than the failures. That's why I'm a highly respected professional in my field and why I make really good money today, with job security until I retire. Hardly anyone has that. I do because I worked hard when friends were partying, and I took chances when others said I was being foolish. I learned how to be successful, and the behavior I see from a lot of people, not just on RD but at WMD, is completely counter to what it takes to make it in this world. I don't compromise my principles, but I don't antagonize those that help me get to the next level. Why go to war with Ian Bell when he's only going up and is clearly wanting to take people with him? Why not find out what he's about so you can see that it's all about being smart and principled?

Anyway.. every time I see some 'simcade' and 'shift 3' remark, and much much worse from the Andy Jackson types, I take it as an attack on everything I went through in my life (and trust me, it was often sucky and a hell of a lot of work) to be able to join SMS in this project. It's crapping all over the goals and dreams and effort of people that you ("you" in a generic sense) don't even know. It makes me angry, and makes me want to ask what you've done in your life.. what risk you've taken, when have you just put it all out there where failure meant years of your working life were lost? Are you doing that now? Are you working on a high risk goal? Is there some way I can do my level best to crap on it? Is there a forum I can go to every day and do everything I can to see that you fail? I'm guessing the answers to all those questions is "no".

Lastly, as far as Race Department is concerned; I looked through the first 10 pages of news items. There were 10 mentions of Assetto Corsa, and one of pCARS (a trailer mention). The admins/owners of RD have chosen to go the route of at least enabling the aforementioned vitriol towards SMS and pCARS. Claims that are demonstrably not true allowed to stand as "opinions", etc. Well, fine. That's not a particularly smart business move, but then not every business is run to be successful. Nobody ever expects gushing and glowing praise, but a modicum of fairness certainly does go a long way to creating positive relationships. Apparently RD wanted to burn down any chance of that happening, but okay. Cool. We move forward.. ever forward. We will be successful. And I will let you know about it. We're measuring it in months now, and not years. Exciting times.
Nicely articulated post Micas, I can relate to much of what you say . . . ,well, okay - maybe not the part concerning your income.:) After following many of the discussions concerning the development of Pcars, I do agree with your stance on the work being done to make Pcars a great game. One doesn't have to read very long on the WMD forums to see that there are many people pouring their heart and soul into making Pcars something special. I hope it is wildly successful. Cheers!
Ya, I fully expect some people to go directly to the money thing and miss the point. I didn't just have a bunch of cash dropped into my bank account. It takes a massive amount of time and effort for that to happen unless you're born rich or win the lottery (neither of which happened to me). Ultimately, I put several years of my working life directly into the project. I see people trying very hard to ruin what we're working on. It should be obvious how angry that can make a person, and trust me, as harsh as I come off in some forums, I've dialed it down many notches from the first iteration of the post.

There are many WMD members who have multiple manager packs and the like, and they extended themselves financially to do it. They're taking a risk just as I am, with the same consequences if it doesn't work out. The pCARS vitriol affects them as well, and that upsets me.. and round and round we go.
That's the 'glass half empty' view, and that's fine.

Then why the wall of text?

I judge pcars on how it drives, not anyone/thing at WMD......and IMO, pcars needs a tonne of work to get to sim status.

If we look at old PC sims like GTR, it came with a flawed rear tyre model/weight transfer issue, but that aside, it still drove like a sim and was "tight", so other than the obvious issues, it operated well with my wheel and still had consequences for poor driving and was rewarding for good driving technique.

I've promoted and continue to promote the best PC sims at other forums{no charge}......but based on my ownership of most PC sims from 2005-....pcars is more on the simcade side.

Codemasters F1 doesn't pretend to have a sim driving model, but it still achieves millions of sales, so there's no reason why simcade games can't sell, and no reason why pcars won't do well.

Lastly, as far as Race Department is concerned; I looked through the first 10 pages of news items. There were 10 mentions of Assetto Corsa, and one of pCARS (a trailer mention). The admins/owners of RD have chosen to go the route of at least enabling the aforementioned vitriol towards SMS and pCARS. Claims that are demonstrably not true allowed to stand as "opinions", etc. Well, fine. That's not a particularly smart business move, but then not every business is run to be successful. Nobody ever expects gushing and glowing praise, but a modicum of fairness certainly does go a long way to creating positive relationships. Apparently RD wanted to burn down any chance of that happening, but okay. Cool. We move forward.. ever forward. We will be successful. And I will let you know about it. We're measuring it in months now, and not years. Exciting times.

Thanks for making this personal again. As stated before we NEVER receive news updates from SMS about Project Cars and the only two times we did it was immediately posted: The trailer and the World of Speed announcement are both there. Feel free to report any news* to press[at]racedepartment.com or http://www.racedepartment.com/report-news/ and when its interesting we'll publish it.

*not weekly buildnotes that are only interesting to those that actually play and have access to the game.

Secondly there is no communication line with SMS's marketing/community management or anybody else while other companies know to find their way when they have something to report via email/skype/phone/socialmedia.

Furthermore we have a photosection that is in use for all major SIM games and surprisingly nobody adds anything there for Pcars while other games have tons of great looking screenshots http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/gallery/

And with 250+ of awesome looking videos in the media section we must be hating the game a lot as well http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/media/category/project-cars.21/

FYI: you dont see any official news from Codemasters' games here either for the exact same reason (poor communication) but with a massive forum here at RD and a wide library of resources we admins must have an agenda for that game as well eh?
I just took a spin in a few cars to see what changes might have been made and used one of my presets on the wheel at spring=100 & dampening=100. I found that the FFB with those settings is actually much more communicative but, only in some of the cars. Others clearly need to be dialed in as the FFB is very vague and spongy feeling. Of the cars that have gone through a round of "Focus Testing", the driving feel is quite good. The FFB doesn't feel as "connected" as that of AC for me but, it's better than I previously thought. I had been using zero spring & dampening.
I think most would agree this is not the site to frequent if you like PCARS. It seems impossible to find a thread which isn't attacked by either Andy Jackson or David Ignjatovic. It's not constructive criticism here, it's malevolent glee. There's a similar character over on virtualR who's personal mission seems to be the same as these two. The amount of personal time and effort put into dissing a title you clearly dislike and never will is frankly embarrassing.
The amount of personal time and effort put into dissing a title you clearly dislike and never will is frankly embarrassing.

I doubt I've put in more than 2hrs over the last week, in fact, Micas probably spent more time on one post than I have over the last week or so.

But all it really boils down to is that a number of us are dissatisfied with the sim status of the game{the game side of it should be okay by all accounts}, and you don't want us discussing it publicly.
Food for thought here. Someone once told me there are two types of people - those who are "drains" and those who are "radiators". Worth thinking about what category some here fall in to.

Trouble is, you've self appointed yourself as right/knowledgeable/omniscient, but in reality, yours is just another opinion, the difference is that{at least from my POV}, I never call for moderator intervention or imply you should be banned/leave, but you guys do that type of thing all the time in a bid to protect your opinion.
And none of us need WMD boosters informing us of basic info related to sims, we already know and understand the limitations of sim racing via a controller, so IMO, the last thing you want is the relationship between the physics and controller borked/gimped due to the primacy of physics{on paper realism} vs in game driving quality.

Of course, I'm not of the view that this is what's happening in pcars case, I'm of the view that it's Shift3, and nothing wrong with that as long as the non sim related problems of Shift2 are fixed.....and it seems as though that'll be the case, but as far as pcars being a sim or on the verge of being one, I don't feel or see it.

"booster" LOL that really shows what you think David, and it's rather pathetic if I'm honest. Crowd funding is established and here to stay and I think in many ways preferable to the control brainless execs of Publishers exerted and still exert to ruin gaming experiences.

Try to not drop into "Andy" mode, it's not good at all.

And I only mention FFB because time and time again you yourself bring this up as the main thing you dislike about pCARS...or is the tune changing a bit now?

Andrew is still working hard on the STM and the community is giving feedback to help him, once that is more complete then I presume more work will be done on FFB.
and you don't want us discussing it publicly.

Utter and complete bull......time and time again (clearly falling on deaf or ignorant ears) it been said that you CAN discuss it publicly. Just not like a complete douche! comprende? capiche??? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the basic premise of constructive criticism, yet clearly many here fail to understand that premise.

It's utterly laughable. You have zero credibility unless you can discuss something in a mature way. Falling into the style of Andy is not doing you any favours.
It's utterly laughable..

Funnier still is that fact that we've been discussing the simcadey quality of pcars for 2yrs, and in that time, not a single car's hit sim status IMO, yet you expect us to believe that within a few short months, 50-70 cars are gonna rock the house with the most advanced physics engine ever built.

In my view, the WMD crowd should ensure that the gameplay modes work well and that simple things aren't left out{like in Shift2}, then we can finally judge an unencumbered SMS game.
David-- I appreciate your willingness to speak out about the quality of some of pcars features leading to a likely satisfying video game.

What many of us find distasteful or exasperating is that you arbitrarily dismiss it as a simulation. A reasonable person (which most are here at RD) wouldn't complain that you prefer GSC over pcars. In fact many would agree (including me) that in its current state of tune pcars falls behind GSC in several areas.

But saying it isn't a sim is insulting to the hundreds of people who have spent hours giving well written and researched feedback to SMS on how to make pcars as good as possible. I am not saying that this effort will translate into pcars being the best sim in handling feel. The jury, though highly subjective and based upon individual preference, is clearly still out on how good the end product will feel vs. the leading sim titles available. But there is a huge effort to make pcars a realistic sim in every respect possible and really, no one with a window into WMD forums can legitimately deny that is the focus of the effort.

Let's play with this for a moment: One could arbitrarily say that the open wheel cars in GSC are all simcade because they are not licensed-- pure fantasy arcade cars just like an old Namco title. On top of that the lack weather probably makes the whole thing simcade. Now it will be easy for you to respond that that doesn't bother you. But if people continued to say this over and over and over at every chance in the GSC forums, eventually you would get tired of hearing your favorite title called simcade. And as Micas referenced, if you were actively working to create Reiza's game you would probably get more than just tired of it.

But if someone instead said that GSC's use of non-licensed replicas just isn't that appealing and doesn't give them the same feel as licensed content that they know was created with technical data provided by a manufacturer then that would probably be seen as a more acceptable criticism of GSC to all the fervent fans of the title.

So in the end, yes of course you can and will have any opinion you want about pcars quality and if it is a sim or not. But when you take your perceived lack of sim quality and then dismiss pcars as a sim completely, then you are petting the proverbial cat backwards.

There is a chance you haven't understood that is what you are doing. If so, now you do. It is your choice to continue or to change your wording slightly from "pcars is simcade" to "pcars is not my choice for best handling/feeling sim".

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