PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Aaw bless, someone disliked me and the fact that is said it looks like Shift 2 a bit. Bless the poor darlings. Or the fact that I stated it was eye candy first. Disagree yes, but surely not dislike? It is just my opinion on the game so far.:rolleyes::whistling::thumbsup:
Yeah there seems to be a couple of members here who downvote/dislike/disagree with whatever you are posting, even when you asked a harmless question earlier in this very thread. Quite immature if you ask me.
Yeah there seems to be a couple of members here who downvote/dislike/disagree with whatever you are posting, even when you asked a harmless question earlier in this very thread. Quite immature if you ask me.
I totally agree with you. There are a few obviously connected fanboys who seem to relish in doing what you say just because they can. And as you say extremely childish.
I totally agree with you. There are a few obviously connected fanboys who seem to relish in doing what you say just because they can. And as you say extremely childish.

Hopefully this will be helpful.... I am guessing but I think part of the issue was you said "Pcars is eye candy first and foremost and that is their goal." That could well be interpreted as a bit inflammatory to someone who sees and contributes to all the physics and realism effort happening at WMD.
Hopefully this will be helpful.... I am guessing but I think part of the issue was you said "Pcars is eye candy first and foremost and that is their goal." That could well be interpreted as a bit inflammatory to someone who sees and contributes to all the physics and realism effort happening at WMD.

I see. They don't want any negative opinions at all. I understand now. They get a bit upset if someone mentions that the game seems to be eye candy priority over anything else. Bless them. :rolleyes:
I think people would value Andys opinion more if his steam account showed a little more then 0 hours and 0 min of pcars played.

I don't know why you are saying that? Because I have logged many hours in the game. I don't know why it is only showing that for you. Perhaps you would be better spying on someone else. Strange pastime you WMD fanboys have. Oh by the way, I also log into Steam using my sons computer who is also a WMD/Pcars paying tester/ investor and he is regularly on the WMD forum. Perhaps that might quench your probing and damn right nosey mind. Next you'll be asking what his name is maybe? :cool:

Now back on topic, my topic actually. Latest build testing, still not very good. Not much different. Still prefer Shift 2 for overall quality. Lets hope it improves soon on the physics side. Any more eye candy is not needed. Great for screenshots though. :rolleyes:

So you guys, stop hating and start your own thread about the game. And respect my opinions as I respect yours. That will keep Bram happy. :thumbsup:
Instead of hating each other all day in every freaking thread in this subforum why not add a few screenshots http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/gallery/albums/project-cars.27/

Surely simpler to just ban Andy and Kjell for posting complete toss all the time? I think there's a global biscuit shortage because those two are clearly taking them all!

They contribute absolutely zilch to mature debate and I have a mental image of those two as Jay and Bob or maybe Vyvyan and Rick.
Hopefully this will be helpful.... I am guessing but I think part of the issue was you said "Pcars is eye candy first and foremost and that is their goal." That could well be interpreted as a bit inflammatory to someone who sees and contributes to all the physics and realism effort happening at WMD.

Inflame is exactly what he wants to do, no amount of reasoned debate will ever work with him. He'll just do his "puss'n'boots" impression and go "who me?" and swear blind he's not being a douche when anyone with more than a single brain cell can see that's exactly what he's doing. Utterly utterly sad and pathetic.....IMO of course.
Well I had some more testing today. Spent a few hours on it. It's coming along nicely. Very nice sounds. Almost as good as it gets sound wise. RRE has slightly better sounds in my opinion, especially on the outside replays. Very very pretty. My son loves it but he does not have the same experience as me and his first taste of race games was the first Forza so no wonder he feels it's great. He has no idea about other great sims of the past on PC.

I do love the Nascars still. Always loved Nascar Racing 2003 and spent many season racing online with it. I hope Pcars can match it. I like the weight simulation of the Nascars. Big and heavy with handling to match and a great sound. They do look better than ever with Pcars now.

Still prefer AC at the moment. Actually I still have more fun with Shift 2, but I live in hope. But the Nascar side of things is looking promising.:thumbsup:

I did some testing of the Mclaren F1 at Besos and Besos is looking excellent. James Kett is an artist in pixels! Mc F1 was a handful on default tyres....almost too much so. Changed to a different set of tyres (I think it was actually the name of the car!) and it felt better. Which one was right I have no idea, but the defaults were rather loose and I struggled with grip even driving sedately at 50 mph. Going to investigate this more. Default ffb, seems to be weak again, going back to Jack Spades tweaked ffb settings.
Although I have Damage Inc on ignore and cannot see his posts, I have been reliably informed he is still insulting me and others(thanks to members letting me know) Why? Why can't he just ignore my posts? I have done as a mod suggested and put him on ignore, surely he can do the same and stop any more childish insults against me?

If you are reading this Damage, live and let live. Just ignore my posts and you won't get so uptight and stressed enough to start calling names. Just an idea. ;)
Edit: I forgot to stress that these are just my opinions and I hold no malice towards Damage or any one else here. I just want to see a game made good and in the mean time I'll comment on how I see it. I think that's fair.
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Did some more Nascar driving today. Really enjoyed it. But the AI are woefully bad. And the damage modelling is not good enough either. I hope both of these improve considerably by release. The car actually feels quite good, heavy on the steering and FFB for me. Keep up the work WMD and you might produce a race game worth buying.
I have my opinion of Andy and I can express that opinion, the second he stops the snidey childish digs at pCARS is the second I stop. If I get banned for that opinion then this site is hypocritical. I'm sorry if I'm harsh, I have a low tolerance for certain behaviour. I also cannot help it if everytime I see Jay I think of Andy. But like I say, if the certain comments stop then I stop. It's time for Andy to be the bigger man and prove me wrong.

Many in the Anti pCARS camp are unable to grasp the simplest notion that the game is in development, this is not an excuse, this is the truth...plain and simple.The Ai and damage modelling are in development just as much as the physics and graphics etc etc and (shock) by different people too (something else the naysayers can't grasp). Ai is getting some work done on it but it is indeed very hit and miss at the moment. If Andy can be arsed he can find a thread on WMD detailing the tracks that have had some AIW work by Doug. I can point him in the right direction if he wants. Even then some tracks that have had work are by no means flawless and finished.

And I totally agree with Andy's last sentence, if SMS keep going as they are the game is going to be excellent. So lookee here I agree with him! (gosh ;) )
As a heads up for people, Ben Collins (some say he was the stig) really rates the Capri and the Formula C.

Personally I think that the opinions of Ben (who isn't just a name driver plonked on a gaming rig for some sound bites and quotes after 30 mins of farting around..he is actually TESTING the games physics) carries significantly more weight than people comparing sims (when we have no real proof that what they are comparing pCARS to is actually correct).

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