PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
I made this approach about a year ago -- the trouble is it is totally negating what the physics is delivering to the wheel. Ian B said here last year that once the tyre model is correct, the FFB should naturally fall out from it. My fear is that using the profiler is avoiding the solution to the best way to the feel at the wheel -- ie one that is totally derived from the physics engine.
Yes but, if you have your custom profile setup correctly - the end result will be the same and you can fine tune each game to suit your preferences. In recent builds, the settings in my previous post no longer worked well. Obviously, something changed and I now have a more common profile for Pcars as in other Sims.

One thing that may confuse the results using custom profiles is that you have to have the "Allow game to change Settings" unchecked in the Global profile or your FFB will be inconsistent between the custom game profiles.
Latest testing from me and it has hardly changed in my view. Getting prettier though.

I am not going to mess about with FFB profiles or any of that kerfuffle. But the FFB seems to be good one second and go the next. Hit or miss. Still not as good as Shift2 in my opinion (with the mods that is).
Latest testing from me and it has hardly changed in my view. Getting prettier though.

I am not going to mess about with FFB profiles or any of that kerfuffle. But the FFB seems to be good one second and go the next. Hit or miss. Still not as good as Shift2 in my opinion (with the mods that is).

Wow, I thought I was the only fan of Shift2. lol. Even with the xbox, I can make it feel decent with the Fanatec wheel. The tracks and cockpit feel are unparalleled, imo.
Wow, I thought I was the only fan of Shift2. lol. Even with the xbox, I can make it feel decent with the Fanatec wheel. The tracks and cockpit feel are unparalleled, imo.

Agreed. My heavily modded PC version brings me great fun. It is not a simulator in the realistic sense hence why I regard Pcars in the same department. Simcade I suppose. Anyway I still feel that the modded shift 1 and 2 are a bit better than the current build of Pcars. Just my opinion of course.
Agreed. My heavily modded PC version brings me great fun. It is not a simulator in the realistic sense hence why I regard Pcars in the same department. Simcade I suppose. Anyway I still feel that the modded shift 1 and 2 are a bit better than the current build of Pcars. Just my opinion of course.

I might have to switch over to the x-one when F1 2014 and PCars come out. How do you think PCars, on the console, will compare to, say, Race Pro?
I might have to switch over to the x-one when F1 2014 and PCars come out. How do you think PCars, on the console, will compare to, say, Race Pro?

I think it will be well above the class of Race Pro, but better on the PC hopefully. Consoles are so restricting.

I hope F12014 by codemasters is the last by them. We need a proper developer to do F1 justice.
I would say that the current FFB in Pcars is somewhat like that of R3E, not very detailed and communicative but, kind-of functional. I didn't find it as lacking when I was still using the G25 but, with the CSW - the lack of detail in the FFB is much more evident. Having said that, I have yet to really spend the time to experiment within Pcars beyond changing force mask settings and it's still very much WIP.

FFB like that of rF2 or AC should be the goal IMO. Hopefully, FFB in Pcars will get there eventually.
Took the brand new prototype out last night at Loire 24 and wow, fantastic experience. First of all, track development is ramped up and looking amazing. Pin sharp visuals, great textures and daylight changes making a big impression. Also, the prototype under development felt really, really good. Lots of feedback through the wheel, particularly when the rear wants to step out and overall a very positive driving experience (especially as I moan about the FFB etc...). Once road noise and other stuff is developed with appropriate track development then I can see some very exciting endurance races.

What's also interesting to see from within is how everything is now coming together. Not that much time to release now but the sum of the parts making a greater "whole" is evident. Tricky though as there is lots of competition.

Talking about endurance, some excellent real-time telemetry tools under development. Class act by Tom and Are for those team events in the future. Already working great.


For some reason my Pcars won't run from Steam, keep getting a fatal exception error! Is this common knowledge and a fix readily available for it? I daren't remove it from my Steam library as is doesn't show up in the Steam database of games.
^ There has been some issues with the Thursday and Friday builds (657/658) with the introduction of the 64 bit build. Some issues have been identified and have been / will be fixed. Other than waiting for the first build of the coming week (possibly on Monday), have you tried verifying the integrity in Steam (Properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game cache)? You can also remove the local files (Properties -> Local files -> Delete local game content) in order to do a reinstall (has ben reported to work for some users). There's quite a bit of discussion re. these issues on the WMD forum - why not check it out there.
Latest build test for me: Very very pretty and some real nice tracks and the details are coming along nice. Physics seem the same. Almost to light feeling in my opinion and hard to explain. FFB seems the same but meatier, almost as though it's just been made stronger. It still seems to fade in and out and makes the wheel loose sometimes, very strange. Still not on par with AC by a long way. The whole thing plays very smooth on my new custom built PC though and that is without the optimization that is apparently yet to be done.

Some nice sounds though. Some cars better than others. No real big change in my opinion.

I look forward to the the final release. Should be a fun game. :)
I think the FFB will get better once the physics are done and they can focus on that. Some of the cars drive quite well IMO but, the tires you choose make a big difference too. FFB is better if you turn off the Damper and Spring in-game (F1 key/Input/FFB mask).
Latest build test for me: Very very pretty and some real nice tracks and the details are coming along nice. Physics seem the same. Almost to light feeling in my opinion and hard to explain. FFB seems the same but meatier, almost as though it's just been made stronger. It still seems to fade in and out and makes the wheel loose sometimes, very strange. Still not on par with AC by a long way. The whole thing plays very smooth on my new custom built PC though and that is without the optimization that is apparently yet to be done.

Some nice sounds though. Some cars better than others. No real big change in my opinion.

I look forward to the the final release. Should be a fun game. :)

Excellent post, agree with most of it. AC ffb is arguably better but I don't think pCARS is that far behind with the right tweaks. Once it's all finalised and fully developed I think it'll be very close.
Yeah, I agree, had the same feeling here, quite good. I love driving the Z4 most of all :) The fact that I cannot feel much when the car skids or under braking has to do with physics or FFB (or both)?

FFB is having a bit of work but because the tyres are changing on a daily (hourly internally I expect) basis I think they are not going to be able to really work on FFB untill the tyres are locked down a lot more than they are now.

"tweaking" the ffb or downloading someone elses tweaks (chap called Jack Spade on WMD does some really good ones for fanatecs) can help to a degree, but can often cause some side effects. I've had a look at tweaking the files myself but just too many parameters for me. It takes a LOT of time and dedication to test every one and get a feel for what they do.....then they adjust the tyres and it all changes!!

It's the same with the Ai, until the tracks are more finalised there's no real point working on the Ai pathing.
The AI is woeful though. Worst I have ever seen in a race game. I thought that the AI would have a small improvement over the last 30 or so builds. Can only hope the vastly improve on it by release. I can't see some of the tracks being improved either. I mean they won't be changing the actual layout so the AI path finding should be better than it currently is. I wish they Geoff Crammond working with them. The AI in GP4 was sublime and almost felt like real humans sometimes.

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