PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Since this is a build testing thread ccould someone please do some actual testing? I can´t play since my new internet situation is way beyond ****ed up and I cannot download such huge files unless spending hours.

Would be nice to hear if they finally updated the missing links in the FFB transfer.
This is still terrible and IMO, people calling this a sim based on how it currently drives are delusional.
Horribly disconnected turntable FFB.
Going from GSC 2013 to this highlights how far behind this is......truth is, Shift2{on my new PC} drove better than this{as a simcade}.
I think he's smoking drugs to think Shift 2 is even in the same league as this. I own Shift 2 and I wish I didn't, I remember the anger I felt towards myself for allowing myself to buy it even though I knew It might disapoint. The input lag was terrible, the cars sliding back n forth like a pendalum, it was a horrible rushed mess. Project Cars started out much like Shift 2, I didn't own it then but played it on a friends account, but they sorted all of the glaring issues of Shift 2 as a first priority and when they did I decided to invest.

Even Project Cars within 3-4 months of the beginning of the pre-alpha was better than Shift 2, to say that Shift 2 is anywhere near Project CARS is to be trolling.
to say that Shift 2 is anywhere near Project CARS is to be trolling.

Then my G27 must be broken....but I doubt that would explain the turntable physics and low level of FFB detail, especially as all my others sims are fine, and even rf2 has some cars that work fine, so if my wheel was the problem, I'd have noticed elsewhere.

I have no reason to lie, but some of you might$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I always used Race 07 settings in shift and it drive normal without input lag. Until build 70 pCars was Iike Shift with sim physics and I was a big fan. But now the ffb is just horrible.
I wish they went back to the build 70 ffb.

I felt the same tbh but not sure if it were the ffb or tire model. Towards the end of the old tire model they had the ffb feeling good.
I am finding tires now have a big influence on how the ffb feels, the sp/300r of a few builds ago had numerous tires to chose from, one set brought back the wobbly centre, another the ffb was tearing the wheel from my hands.
I bet they get some good tire data from this endeavor if nothing else.
Then my G27 must be broken....but I doubt that would explain the turntable physics and low level of FFB detail, especially as all my others sims are fine, and even rf2 has some cars that work fine, so if my wheel was the problem, I'd have noticed elsewhere.

I have no reason to lie, but some of you might$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

"Turntable physics" "low level of FFB detail".

Does not really say anything, just a load of mindless aimless ranting. The game is in development, every car is at a different stage of development, all of which is well documented and discusssed on their private forums.

You have no reason to lie? You've come accross as a hardcore anti-fanboy in every Project Cars related discussion that has been here at RD, you have for a long time posted no different from many of the teenagers arguing in the COD vs BF, Xbox vs PS, GT vs FM discussions all accross the internet. Spouting nonsenisical and emotionally driven/biased rubbish that never comes close to actually explaining with reasonable description exactly why or what the issue you have is.

Rfactor 2 is to me at this stage the finest sim out there, with the best FFB. Honourable mentions goes to Netkar Pro for having such a direct and precise feel. Project Cars is not bad though, with the recent very early Mclaren F1 build (which is on placeholder tyres, and the first pass of physics) I could feel every single detail, every chassis movement and every bump in the road, the torque from the engine and its effect on the chassis is also very obvious through the FFB. And sure the car is a bit wobbly and it is clearly not finished but in regards to FFB there is no lack of detail. I use a G27 and amazingly I experience none of the issues you raise, amazing that! But then how could I know what these issues are when you never explain anything? Of course coming accross as a reasonable thinking adult is not befitting of someone who's only intention in the thread is to discredit the game and any who enjoy it, regardless of reasoning.

Infact whatever issues you might have with the game the FFB isn't really that bad. Is it the best? No it isn't, but then are GSC/RF1, Simraceway, iRacing, Gran Turismo 5, Race 07, RBR the best, no I don't think so. They all do a decent job, but none of them excell in the FFB and I don't think there has ever been an arguement that they do.

Assetto Corsa tech demo had in my opinion the closest feeling FFB to a real car, but yet one of the biggest complaints I heared was that the FFB was not as good as Netkar, because people wanted direct and precise FFB, ignoring the relevance of the actual car they were driving or what a realistic road car wheel should feel like.

The problem with you (and a few others) is that instead of talking like a reasonable human being, from a non-biased viewpoint and from a factual/descriptive perspective you resort to fanboy/hater tactics, disregarding anything that would challenge or contradict your views.
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I find McLaren F1 too soft and wobbly. In almost every game you can many times save spin by pressing brake but in Pcars its just too exaggerated. Car handling and physics are too on/off type as you many times cant feel when car is about to loose grip.
In faster corners the feeling is much better but so many time you just loose the feeling of tires and grip. In Rrf2 you feel in wheel FFB how the tires get loaded in corners and when they are about to loose grip. In pcars the steering wheel feels loose and uninformative because lack of weight.

I like the graphics very much and some of the FFB effects are nice and they are delivered smoothly. Sadly Pcars just feel weird to me and I dont get sensation of driving a real car. To me the best combination of FFB, feel and car handling/physics is AC tech demo. It will be interesting to see how it feels with faster cars and more bumpier tracks.
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Does not really say anything, just a load of mindless aimless ranting.

LOL, the odd/poor physics and FFB of pcars have been discussed many times at these forums and others, I certainly have no desire to go over the same ground again other than to comment in a general manner.

Each time a new build comes out, some pcars booster declares that they've made improvements, so I dl the new build and it's the same old unfinished un-sim like rubbish.

Btw, if I'm a hater, I'm guilty of hating bullshit.

LOL, the odd/poor physics and FFB of pcars have been discussed many times at these forums and others, I certainly have no desire to go over the same ground again other than to comment in a general manner.

Each time a new build comes out, some pcars booster declares that they've made improvements, so I dl the new build and it's the same old unfinished un-sim like rubbish.

Btw, if I'm a hater, I'm guilty of hating bullshit.

No need to go over it again, you said all that was needed 2 years ago when you played it last! Jari actually made a constructive post, maybe you could learn from it?
No need to go over it again, you said all that was needed 2 years ago when you played it last!

<mod-edit: offensive language removed>, that's your typical response, but the truth is, I played it one or 2 DAYS ago and it was still a mess.
And FYI, I'm not here to waste my time detailing why pcars is a simcade game only to be told to report my findings at WMD where they'll be ignored/rejected as subjective.
Just reading about sims around the net and people's expectations of what they want to be delivered in the physics department often makes me think how little many understand the complexities of developing stuff like tyres to get right. For one car you might have several different temperature values for various bits of the surface and cacass, each of those needs to be tested with various combinations of the other in one particularly set up. Then they need to be all tested again with another incremental set up change. Then there are the different track / weather conditions to think about. And this is one tyre on one car on one track. Bloody hard.

Then my G27 must be broken....but I doubt that would explain the turntable physics and low level of FFB detail, especially as all my others sims are fine, and even rf2 has some cars that work fine, so if my wheel was the problem, I'd have noticed elsewhere.

I have no reason to lie, but some of you might$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Oh cause if we don't agree with you were lying or driven by money?
I tried the Lotus49 on Florence last night and it felt quite good. I could feel the front tires losing grip when pushed too hard (default tires) and the FFB was definitely improved overall. Every now and again, I feel like various cars are starting to show the potential of Pcars and it certainly seems as though it is heading in the SIM direction.

Its getting old now David.

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