PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Not exactly typical simracer gear, not exactly realistic (not C.A.R.S. fault) but interesting nonetheless. This was a recent enough build, and such a video is sure to capture the attention of casual racers and arcade racers (the visuals are second to none, I'd say). In typical non-simracer fashion, the user TUNED the 49.

Video on Youtube:

Project CARS Build 471 - Lotus 49 Cosworth lap on Heusden (1080p)
PGR :)

Pad steering looks fine. The dude from the RUF video also looks like he's doing fine if you don't look at what happens on-screen :thumbsup:
Why not just delete the pCARS forum? Seriously.. just go ahead and do it. You know it's going to be nothing but a flame-fest from irrational haters, so what's the point?

I am glad this thread is here and your poisonous rantings. It shows the true reason for your existence (and others from WMD) on this forum, to cause angst and to wind people up. No leave this thread alive and relish in the negativity that Pcars gets here. You see this site is mainly geared at Sim racers and sim racing titles. As your video shows, your game is closer to Test Drive unlimited than a race sim. I hope it does get better by release but my latest testing of it does change my mind yet.

ps, glad to hear about your wise investments and that they are all on course to make you more money. Arcade racers on the consoles are getting better and Pcars should do well. My 6 year old is looking forward to it.

Have a nice day y'all.:cool:

Project Gotham Racing? :p

Pad steering looks fine. The dude from the RUF video also looks like he's doing fine if you don't look at what happens on-screen :thumbsup:

Compared to other titles, that is one thing I find most interesting - smooth input, even if the user is using non-simracer gear - precisely what most gamers will find appealing (a dev studio head recently told me that over 90% of gamers use a gamepad for racing games, only a fraction use wheels, and a fraction of that use wheels and pedals (I saw a PS3 controller consisting only of a wheel, no pedals, so it makes sense)).

But...there's the counter-point to that. If it appeals to gamers (which, as we read here, oddly enough can find "realism" in such conditions), serious simracers (not necessarily hardcore ones) will look at it suspiciously - we all know of some titles that have sacrificed physics and realism for gameplay, and that mostly due to the pressure from the 90%+ of gamers that invariably use gamepads.

In such conditions (shall we call it "gamers conditions"), it is natural that things like weight transfer, the feel of mass itself, gets a back-seat.

if you don't look at what happens on-screen

That got me thinking about one thing. We know the "harder is realistic" myth is finally on its death throes (**fingers crossed**), but still, what is that keeps people referring to iRacing, GPL and NKP as great sims? The challenge - though in the case of NKP this is fully accurate, given the type of tire model Stefano dared to come up with (the best, imo).

Conversely, what is it that makes some titles (call it popcorn games) go to the dustbin? Lack of substance. They have all the bells and whistles, all the jaw-dropping, eye-candy material, but in the end there's little challenge in them (other than accepting and overcoming pseudo-physics) and even less substance. [Something of a similar nature happens in movies: you can have an explosion of special effects (Michael Bay type of movies, or more recently, JJ. Abrams movies) but little actual content and substance, or you can have something that actually makes people enjoy the movie for itself but also makes them think (David Lean movies, for instance).]

Having a lot of things happening on screen means little or nothing at the end of the day, when you want to learn from the experience and challenge yourself.
I think what might be confusing some people regarding pcars sim status is that even simcade games require a lot of physics and FFB development, but only real sims go the extra mile and fine tune the whole package.

And you don't think this will happen in pCARS case? You know who hard at work these guys are to be able to sell them short on their efforts. Wouldn't you say?

As for me the ffb on my CSW feels quite well but am aware that different wheels my have a different reaction. Also if you are not pushing enough fps that will have a considerable effect as well I push 80fps average all others I average 150-200fps. On my backup machine this is kinda crazy I see framerates of 400 but less visual quality.

My earlier comment about being sim racer was only part of the sentence the other part was a question where it concerns hardware since I have no idea about the type of in game experience you were getting so the question was left fairly open in nature and was not a direct attack but an example of the possibilities for the reasons for some of your shift based comments. I for one am not having a Shift type experience with pCARS and is milestones better and feel it's an unfair comparison if in fact you are getting the same performance as I am with my PC and controller hardware. Fact is you may not be and is something I should take into consideration but that also works on the opposite side of the coin on your side of it..
Project Gotham Racing? :p

Compared to other titles, that is one thing I find most interesting - smooth input, even if the user is using non-simracer gear - precisely what most gamers will find appealing (a dev studio head recently told me that over 90% of gamers use a gamepad for racing games, only a fraction use wheels, and a fraction of that use wheels and pedals (I saw a PS3 controller consisting only of a wheel, no pedals, so it makes sense)).

But...there's the counter-point to that. If it appeals to gamers (which, as we read here, oddly enough can find "realism" in such conditions), serious simracers (not necessarily hardcore ones) will look at it suspiciously - we all know of some titles that have sacrificed physics and realism for gameplay, and that mostly due to the pressure from the 90%+ of gamers that invariably use gamepads.

In such conditions (shall we call it "gamers conditions"), it is natural that things like weight transfer, the feel of mass itself, gets a back-seat.

That got me thinking about one thing. We know the "harder is realistic" myth is finally on its death throes (**fingers crossed**), but still, what is that keeps people referring to iRacing, GPL and NKP as great sims? The challenge - though in the case of NKP this is fully accurate, given the type of tire model Stefano dared to come up with (the best, imo).

Conversely, what is it that makes some titles (call it popcorn games) go to the dustbin? Lack of substance. They have all the bells and whistles, all the jaw-dropping, eye-candy material, but in the end there's little challenge in them (other than accepting and overcoming pseudo-physics) and even less substance. [Something of a similar nature happens in movies: you can have an explosion of special effects (Michael Bay type of movies, or more recently, JJ. Abrams movies) but little actual content and substance, or you can have something that actually makes people enjoy the movie for itself but also makes them think (David Lean movies, for instance).]

Having a lot of things happening on screen means little or nothing at the end of the day, when you want to learn from the experience and challenge yourself.

You sir make loads of sense and if anyone here is truly a seasoned sim racer it is you. I agree with so much that you say. Like NKP tire model for one it's realistic challenging but not over the top IMO.
Other people say pCARS has unrealistic grip? If those saying this would say it's too grippy or not grippy enough I would understand exactly what they are trying to say but most the time details of their feelings are left out making some of it useless or baseless.
To those that I'm saying this about give some details and let's talk like adults about why we feel the way we do. I have no interest in pissing in anyone's corn flakes but just want to understand why you feel the way you do better.
Take care everyone
I'm in the same boat, don't worry. Funny that DrJustice thinks this is actually supporting him. At least judging from how his post has been worded, sorry if I'm mistaken.

We have neither started with nor are we currently hating pCARS. All you and other "WMD supporters" are doing on here is spreading hate towards people who don't like the game as much and trying to defend "your game" against opinions. You do realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I kind of resent this statement of All you and other WMD supporters spreading hate. Hate is a word I have omitted from my dictionary and to be grouped as a hater I see as unfair. My hopes are that people within the Sim Race community would have a better understanding of each other but that is difficult when people will not go into detail of why they feel the way they do.
What don't you understand about the sentence: Going back to topic?

This is the third and final time I issue a warning in this thread. Next one taking this thread offtopic again can have a third class ticket to Simberia for my part.

Topic: Latest Build Testing.
Latest build is pretty neat. There's a number of bug fixes and some audio enhancements. There's been quite a bit of back and forth between Ben Collins and AJ, so we'll likely see some of Ben's (and Nic Hamilton) suggestions in future builds.

All in all, I'm pretty impressed by the incremental improvements in each's days build.
That is great I look forward to my hardcopy and then use the code to put it on steam. Kinda like SimBin and I am sure AC will be pretty much the same. Steam is responsible for taking up a good bit of my HDD. I just bought 2 Batman titles today for less than 13 dollars USD
That is great I look forward to my hardcopy and then use the code to put it on steam. Kinda like SimBin and I am sure AC will be pretty much the same. Steam is responsible for taking up a good bit of my HDD. I just bought 2 Batman titles today for less than 13 dollars USD

Steam has taken up around 1TB on my HDD and ~100GB on one of my SSD.

On-topic: is the T500 F1 wheel finally working fine? The last time I tried it was rattling like crazy, even tho I was still in the pits and didn't even move the car yet. If so: what are your settings? I'd like to give it another go but I'm afraid my wheel will be blown to space if I do. :D
Steam has taken up around 1TB on my HDD and ~100GB on one of my SSD.

On-topic: is the T500 F1 wheel finally working fine? The last time I tried it was rattling like crazy, even tho I was still in the pits and didn't even move the car yet. If so: what are your settings? I'd like to give it another go but I'm afraid my wheel will be blown to space if I do. :D
I have the same with the GT rim.
And here we go again. Honestly I don't even care anymore if you are trying to be sarcastic or just funny Andy Jackson but I am fed up having to check this forum multiple times a day to see if adults can post in an adult way without constantly trying to drag discussions offtopic.

As you again try to steer things up its now time for you to go on a small trip to simberia for a couple of days. See if in the meantime we can have an ontopic discussion around here.

Three warnings were a clear enough signal I think.

For Off Topic Chat you have an entire forum here to go nuts
Steam has taken up around 1TB on my HDD and ~100GB on one of my SSD.

On-topic: is the T500 F1 wheel finally working fine? The last time I tried it was rattling like crazy, even tho I was still in the pits and didn't even move the car yet. If so: what are your settings? I'd like to give it another go but I'm afraid my wheel will be blown to space if I do. :D

My CSW oscillates quite madly in the pit but fine when I get moving. I would like if SMS would adapt a Race 07 style ffb effects slider system to further improve overall personalization of ffb.

Anyway...getting back on topic, the opinion of those I talk to seems somewhat split in the last few weeks. Some have it that the handling of several cars has improved somewhat (case in point, the M3 GT2), while others are not convinced in the least. They're in agreement about the lack of feel of weight of cars, though, and the stunning visual quality of it.

I should add, damage is also quite impressive, judging from the (few) videos I have seen.

I think the feel of weight is improving but more on some vehicles than others. It isn't at GSC or FVA levels yet but the improvement is real.

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