PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
^ Indeed you are Kjell - I'll follow suit :)

I note that pCARS has yet again been relegated to the depths of the "Other Sim Racing Games" sub forum, despite being one of the big upcoming sims. Is that a way of punishing the naughty SMS/WMD/pCARS, or is there another reason? I don't mind the placement, but it bears the question :whistling:

We don't see any reason to place an unreleased game, which isn't even overly popular on here, on the front page of the forum. Now you'll obviously bring up that Assetto Corsa is placed right there - that's right. Because it is popular on RD.
AC didn't even enter my mind.

We know that pCARS is hated here, it has always been a very hostile environment - even the mods will poison the well (ref. your "Now you'll obviously bring up that Assetto Corsa..."). So a punishment it is then. Cool, then normal people can be spared the nonsense in here :)
AC didn't even enter my mind.

We know that pCARS is hated here, it has always been a very hostile environment - even the mods will poison the well (ref. your "Now you'll obviously bring up that Assetto Corsa..."). So a punishment it is then. Cool, then normal people can be spared the nonsense in here :)

See, that's what I've (I, that means I as an individual person) always been thinking: no matter what we are doing or saying, you'll always place yourself in the position of the victim. You don't like it on here? Fine, there's the door. :)

Peter Koch Too easy, so most people on the internet would refuse that idea. :)
^ It's the general atmosphere here Peter. The critique of the sim is not the problem (that's fine!), it's the bashing of the community and its members that I object to. I'd rather say that if people stopped the 'hating' (or derision, demonizing of WMD members etc. - the RD crew started all that) then things would be better. But I know it's to no avail. As for claiming the role of the victim, that too is on the usual RD crew ("we're being censored, no free speech, WMD is mean to us", wah, wah, wah....).

I've tried to contribute positively here on the RD pCARS forum in some other threads (on topic, help and info regarding the sim), but sadly that has mostly been a waste. Anyway, at a rational level, I guess we can agree that this exchange is pointless, as well as off topic, so I'll leave it.
To easy? I don't like pCars in it's current state, when I say it loud it makes me a hater. I'm not a hater, I just don't like it how it is right now.
I'm in the same boat, don't worry. Funny that DrJustice thinks this is actually supporting him. At least judging from how his post has been worded, sorry if I'm mistaken.
^ It's the general atmosphere here Peter. I'd rather say that if people stopped the 'hating' (or derision, demonizing of WMD members etc. - the RD crew started all that) then things would be better.
We have neither started with nor are we currently hating pCARS. All you and other "WMD supporters" are doing on here is spreading hate towards people who don't like the game as much and trying to defend "your game" against opinions. You do realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? There's no such thing as a false opinion. You can't change an opinion if people are convinced of them either. It's obviously a matter of taste as well, alas.
But I know it's to no avail. As for claiming the role of the victim, that too is on the usual RD crew ("we're being censored, no free speech, WMD is mean to us", wah, wah, wah....).
I have said that because although I have made a very neutral post (and even added a joke in order to make clear what it's all about) you immediately claimed we would hate pCARS, apart from accusing us that we have moved the forum into a subforum because SMS, or rather Ian Bell, threatened to sue is if we refuse to delete posts he didn't like and deemed to be libel.
I've tried to contribute positively here on the RD pCARS forum in some other threads, but sadly that has mostly been a waste.
If that's positive...I don't know what's negative in your books.

What really has to end is the endless "BUT I DISAGREE WITH YOU!!!" discussion - if we'd always agree on everything, wouldn't it be boring? I often disagree with my girlfriend (about movies) but we are still together after all those years. Did it help our relationship? Yes, of course. Why? Because it means there's diversity in my life. Diversity in gaming is great as well.

Just to be clear on that: I'm playing pCARS as well, from time to time. I don't like the current state of the game. Does this mean I hate it? No, it doesn't. It just means that I'm not satisfied with it right now. Although I have to say I last played it 3 weeks ago, so who knows - if I fire it up tonight (and I will do that) I might actually enjoy it a lot more.

I believe many others are in the same boat but then again, making a well-worded post is always harder than posting "this game sucks!!!!111" even tho this might not be what those people really wanted to say. On a related note: any fix for the T500 FFB issues in sight? It's rattling like crazy.

^ I said "other threads", please reread my posting. You were also wrong in your first paragraph. As for opinions, I've never suggested that people shouldn't have them.

I think it's proven (again) that if you're an anti SMS/WMD/pCARS RD regular bashing WMD members, you pretty much have a free pass here. E.g. posting 525, vs my retort to that and what followed.
the RD crew started all that

Oh really? Please link us to the thread where the staff started the so called hating. Seems you confuse opinions and in some cases cold hard facts as hating.

As I recall it there was this thread where a couple of members were frustrated about the game and things got out of hand when the Pcars Defense Force came into action trowing accusations of libel and defamation around (including yourself with your countless reported posts but never bringing any proof to the table).

Its a nice attempt again to classify us as haters and I am sure you guys will abuse this whole discussion again to generate some negative interest like last year, as afterall bad publicity is also publicity right?

Be my guest but so far the only defamation / libel going on the recent post here are your own twisting the facts around saying that the staff here started this all.

And now we return back to the original topic that was started here: Latest Build Testing. If you want to continue arguing about proof, facts, hate and libel you know exactly what thread to bump.
I was just about to answer Tom's posting in response to my 548, which was an opening for letting us round this off on at least a semi-positive note, but it disappeared, and now your posting above is what I see. Instead Tom did an edit of his previous posting, a bit different to the vanished one.

I'm not saying the RD staff started it - they didn't. I used the word "RD crew", which is admittedly ambiguous. It referred to the RD users that did indeed spark off things. As for defamation and twisting things, you're at least as adept as me....

Well, I guess the chance of that rounding off is gone with the latest flurry of edits. Back to build testing then.
This is rich. I simply post a few recent videos of this game.. some guy accuses me of being a liar.. and then I get the warning after pointing out he's wrong. This is all kinds of awesome.

Why not just delete the pCARS forum? Seriously.. just go ahead and do it. You know it's going to be nothing but a flame-fest from irrational haters, so what's the point?
There is no point that's exactly the reason why this thread doesn't need to be derailed again.

We are not going to delete a forum either as believe it or not we only have this still open so we can actually do some racing the moment the game is out.

And for videos you can post as many as you wish in the video gallery for project cars btw: http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/media/category/project-cars.21/

Now back to topic please.
Maybe SMS shouldn't bother building for PC unless it's a sim.
I'll probably buy the next gen of console and do all my simcade racing on there.

I thought this was supposed to get back on topic. I find it silly and childish that the same guys are still arguing the same tired old points for over a year. Get over it already. Just because David I, Tom E, or Chronus etc, don't like PCARS in its current state, that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't like it. Some of you get so upset when someone doesn't like PCARS, but who cares really. No one in these forums is an expert on what is a simulation or what isn't a simulation so just accept the varying opinions and move on.

I lost my simrig due to some flash flooding a couple weeks ago and have been stuck to racing with a joypad :O_o: I actually like PCARS more than forza or gt5 when using the gamepad. It just feels weird with the force feedback on my wheel which ends up turning me away after a little while but is a whole new game with the pad. Either way, PCARS has a ton of quality tracks and a great list of cars so it will definitely appeal to any real racing fan that doesn't have the time or money to invest in all the sim gear. While the gran turismo series is fun in it's own right, it's geared for the automotive fan as much as the race fan. Pcars is purpose built for the race fans out there and you don't have to climb through hundreds of pointless non race cars at the beginning.

I've been a sim racer for years now and while I wouldn't put PCARS at the top of the list, I dont cream my pants for AC either. So it just shows the varying opinions about simulations,but none of them are the ultimate end all for sims, it's all down to personal preference :)
I thought this was supposed to get back on topic. I find it silly and childish that the same guys are still arguing the same tired old points for over a year. Get over it already. Just because David I, Tom E, or Chronus etc, don't like PCARS in its current state, that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't like it.


Show me a post in which I stated I didn't like C.A.R.S. in "its current state".Show it.


Anyway...getting back on topic, the opinion of those I talk to seems somewhat split in the last few weeks. Some have it that the handling of several cars has improved somewhat (case in point, the M3 GT2), while others are not convinced in the least. They're in agreement about the lack of feel of weight of cars, though, and the stunning visual quality of it.

I should add, damage is also quite impressive, judging from the (few) videos I have seen.

Show me a post in which I stated I didn't like C.A.R.S. in "its current state".Show it.


I cant show you chronus. I just grouped you in. my apologies No need to go all bold and drama queen on me, my comments weren't meant aggressively :)

I have been doing a bit more testing with the gamepad and it is like night and day. It's hard for me to feel the weight of the cars in my csr elite but with the gamepad it's a lot different. Haven't had a chance to test many cars, but running the clio at road america is fantastic. If you carry too much speed into a turn and get back on the throttle, the front wheel drive beast pushes like crazy. I love how the brakes lock up as well and if you are going too fast and hammer on the brakes (left trigger) the car completely loses control as the brakes lock up. Once I get my simrig back up and running I still may use the gamepad for pcars, in hopes of buying it for my PS3, which I have hooked up to my television in the family room.

I understand where David is coming from with some of his views but if I can find realism like this from the comfort of my couch than we must be in a perfect world. There are plenty of sims for me to run on my pc with my wheel and pedals, now we may have a great console racer too :D
I cant show you chronus. I just grouped you in. my apologies

LOL, bud. :laugh: Oh, my...


Using a PS3 controller...ahem.

There is a video of someone trying the Lotus 49 with that controller, track is rather wet, reflections are stunning.

Not exactly typical simracer gear, not exactly realistic (not C.A.R.S. fault) but interesting nonetheless. This was a recent enough build, and such a video is sure to capture the attention of casual racers and arcade racers (the visuals are second to none, I'd say). In typical non-simracer fashion, the user TUNED the 49.

Video on Youtube:

Project CARS Build 471 - Lotus 49 Cosworth lap on Heusden (1080p)
I should also mention that months and months ago, I'd dl the new builds, put a handful of cars into the top 10, but I don't ever recall birdogs name being in there.
Btw....I have a 3570/16gig ram/7950+20%oclock system these days.
It's there I have a couple of #1 lap times and a few top 10's but I go by my real name in the forums so understandable if you missed it. If your judging today what it was you experienced many months ago your opinion really is no longer valid and to say it's shift is way off base I have both shift games and I really see no major resemblance. The ffb in Shift 2 was all over the place but pCARS ffb seems to be pretty solid. Sure improvements could be made and I have made some of those points clear in the forums in regards to subtle effects that could be added to spice up the feeling behind the wheel but at least I am working toward the greater good of the title. As for my comments for R3E I really don't want to be like that and may just have been responsive in nature as well as some of my other comments. It just builds up to a point where some steam is needed to be blown off. If I were to make a habit of trashing other peoples favorite titles I think they would get pretty tired of it as well so I don't make an ongoing habit of it.
The ffb in Shift 2 was all over the place but pCARS ffb seems to be pretty solid.

Unfortunately, I find the FFB in pcars to be all over the place, and don't think the FFB or grip levels are remotely realistic, but don't worry, I can say the same regarding some cars in rf2, however, rf2 has got a number of cars right.

If you drive an established sim....GTE EVO/FVA/rf2/AC/GSC 2012/Netkar, they all have excellent steering and FFB.

If I were to level criticism at games like GSC/Netkar etc, it would be the low number of cars, but I'd have nothing to say regarding FFB etc, as they're virtually always excellent, even if not perfect.

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