PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Watched it right now, a good video with some great driving and a nice rig-setup as well.

But since you posted "Simcade!" in a sarcastic/ironic way, I have to bring up a direct quote from the maker of the video in his own comment section, I apologize in advance for that, but I simply coudn't resist it :)

That deserves a good laugh.

The author of the video (and you perhaps ;) ) is trying to convince people that C.A.R.S. is to fit a special category, one that people can easily accept.

Well, problem is, "simcade" (a term I personally dislike) is a derogatory term with a clear objective: to label those games who are trying to convince people "they" are sims, when they're actually arcade in their nature.

Any defence of C.A.R.S. made on that basis is a deficient one - although one that those who are solely interesting in lining their pockets do not mind a lot. :laugh:
My point was that it's in a pretty good state right now, but there is a significant amount of features (heat, tire wear, live track conditions, etc.) and work on the tire model yet to be completed. I have no problem with the video creator's points.

I don't know anyone who is 'solely interested in lining their pockets' at WMD. That's a nice extra added feature.
Watched it right now, a good video with some great driving and a nice rig-setup as well.

But since you posted "Simcade!" in a sarcastic/ironic way, I have to bring up a direct quote from the maker of the video in his own comment section, I apologize in advance for that, but I simply coudn't resist it :)

Ahahaha the irony :)

How's your 25K investment doing, Micas ? You imagine pCARS is going to get raped by GT6 and Forza 5 on consoles, right ?
It's actually 80k, and it's doing great.. thanks for asking!

If you consider the budget for GT6 and Forza 5, if we sell a decent fraction of what those do with our extremely small budget, we'll profit substantially. Then, once people discover that pCARS is a better game than GT and Forza, we'll sell more copies and pCARS 2 will be on a more level playing field with GT and Forza... and I'll have a hell of a lot more than 80k invested in pCARS 2. Good times..
It's actually 80k, and it's doing great.. thanks for asking!

Something is off, sir. Not only did you spread a ton of insults around here and at NG (duly protected), but it seems you spread misinformation about your own investments (which no one wanted to know about in the first place).

Just a few weeks ago, you declared:

Actually, it's over a hundred thousand dollars invested into pCARS - just so we're accurate.

as can be seen here:

Micas_WMD said:
Actually, it's over a hundred thousand dollars invested into pCARS - just so we're accurate.

As for my "behavior", that's just a matter of perspective. I bent a handful of people here.. whereas hundreds of WMD members thought I was spot on. Yes, I do like to tweak people who obviously have a deranged view of the subject, because actually engaging them in a sensible discussion is pointless. Ian tried - and the usual suspects are still going on and on about how dreadful the game is. Some men, you just can't reach.
So, which is it? 80 k or "over a hundred thousand dollars"?

Or rather, which is the truth and which is...obviously not true at all? The first, or the second claim? Perhaps both? So, what about the multiple portfolios and properties, are these also...not true?

And what about the interest in simracing? Is it real? As it is, obviously not. Money is, obviously, the only motive here. (A right you have, no doubt.)

Do you understand now why I said many times that some people were actually hurting C.A.R.S. by behaving like you (and others) do? I believe Ian Bell does not support these behaviours and claims, it hurts SMS and the project just as surely as people spreading lies do.

Be my guest and start insulting people...again.
You imagine pCARS is going to get raped by GT6 and Forza 5 on consoles, right ?

GT6 and Forza 5 will appear long after C.A.R.S. is released. If it were at the same time, then it would be hard to compete with those.


actually, that might not be the case. According to IGN, a Sony executive confirmed GT6 for the PS3 during 2013 and not for the PS4. And FM5 will probably hit the shelves soon after.

So, two massive competitors releasing at the same time as C.A.R.S., after all.
There's inevitably some disinformation in all this, for I heard (not too long ago) analysts predict GT6 and FM5 released for the new consoles due to the restrictions the hardware of both consoles impose on development....which would imply a much later launch.

But if they're really considering GT6 for the PS3, then 2013 seems feasible. And the next xbox may be out late this year, with FM5 right up front.

So, we're probably looking at FM5 and GT6 release dates around late 2013/early 2014. With patches being slowly released, interest (and sales) in these two titles won't fade out until much later (say mid-2nd Quarter 2014).

When is C.A.R.S. now projected for release?
Do you understand now why I said many times that some people were actually hurting C.A.R.S. by behaving like you (and others) do? I believe Ian Bell does not support these behaviours and claims, it hurts SMS and the project just as surely as people spreading lies do.

Be my guest and start insulting people...again.

DrJustice is correct re the investment. There's no secrets about it. Everyone at WMD has their investment displayed just under their avatar. Mine has been the same way for a very long time. I never, ever, lie about things.. 80k euros, which is 104k US at current exchange rates. I must admit to be amused by your link hunt though.. :) Funny you quoted me as using the word "dollars".. Since you ask about my other properties.. I have sold them since I'm moving to another state soon.

As to my interest in sim racing, it is, again, odd that you make claims about my interests whilst simultaneously accuse me of lying. I "obviously" have none? I've been sim racing for ages.. used to sub to iR which I stopped when free time was in short supply. I participated in some pCARS league racing this afternoon (4th place and 2nd place finishes against some quick fellows). Why do you get to just make something up, like my interests? I also have an interest in other genres of video games (playing the new Metro now).. I like flying R/C planes, and admiring sports cars. I'm also a big fan of various types of metal music (listening to Messuggah right now), and I play the guitar badly. Is there anything else you'd like to know about how I spend my free time?

Speaking of not lying.. Ian and I get along great, as I do with all the SMS devs. They're all fantastic people and are working very hard to get a great sim made. I suppose you'll have to take my word for that as I doubt Ian comes round here much anymore. It's not because I was his first investor either. He genuinely cares about the people who support the game and his company. This "Micas makes Ian upset" thing has been tossed around for ages. I can tell you that Ian and I are far closer in personality type than you and Ian are. He has his impish side and a sense of humor.

As to the release date, there is no firm date yet, but it can be narrowed down to 2014. Ian has expressed a desire to limit the amount of scope creep that we have due to constant iterations on features, but he does intend for SMS to deliver what they said they would. He recently approved AJ to do a pie-in-the-sky addition to the physics engine so he's not being totally inflexible. Personally, I think we have about 10 months to go. But of course, in software development, things tend to take longer than estimated.

Anything else you'd like to know? I'm one of my favorite topics, so I'm always happy to talk about me.
How come you are back on here, Micas_WMD? Didn't you make like a gazillion farewell posts? So why did you spend so much time on them only to come back a few months later?

But it's ok, no worries - we don't ban or threaten to sue people over their opinion, so you're safe to continue posting on RD. Nothing to be afraid of.

However, please make sure to keep everything at a constructive level - that's not only meant for you but everyone. Although this game has a very special history on RD we still want to make sure that discussions are being held without openly (or hidden) insulting others.

I'm sorry for going off topic and bringing the thread back to it's original topic, but I must admit that some cars in the later builds have become a LOT better than what I used to know pCARS for. Still feels a fair bit too forgiving and the FFB is rather numb (as in not much happening unless I lock up or such), but still better than before and quite enjoyable as a game. If they keep this development going I think it can turn out to be a good racing game alongside Dirt3 and the F1 series, but contender for "best sim of the year award" seems like a long shot to me. :)
Justice is correct re the investment. There's no secrets about it. Everyone at WMD has their investment displayed just under their avatar.

No worries, bud. :D

Tell you what, not long after you replied to LaFail, our Sunday night skype chat ended in a good laugh when your post was read. Then a reply to it, and like clockwork what followed next - the appearance of a maître d'hôtel, the exchange rates explanation, the close relationship with Ian Bell, the properties...If AJ's tire model is as predictable, C.A.R.S. will be a great success.:thumbsup:

You're sometimes fun to read, give you that, it is good to know your "million" posts about leaving RD were as serious as most things you post.
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I'm sure you are fine with it, but to me it does nothing but polluting the threads taking them off topic (which this post also does, sorry for that), making for a poor atmosphere and honestly putting RD in a worse light than I think it deserves. Whether you are fine with people behaving this way or not is none of my business, but I think it's sad because of said reasons, cos I really like RD and think it deserves better.
I'm sure you are fine with it, but to me it does nothing but polluting the threads taking them off topic (which this post also does, sorry for that), making for a poor atmosphere and honestly putting RD in a worse light than I think it deserves. Whether you are fine with people behaving this way or not is none of my business, but I think it's sad because of said reasons, cos I really like RD and think it deserves better.

I can't say you're wrong but then again, we want to defend freedom of speech. As long as everyone is behaving we don't see a reason to remove posts at all. Obviously, things should be kept constructive at all times, so if something is borderline we might remind all parties involved to stay civilized.

We have fought this battle last year, as many of you might remember, and we don't want to change our stance now either. If someone's claiming a game sucks, so be it - however, a post in all caps without having any arguments isn't what we are looking for.
To me, consistently bringing a thread off topic to throw dirt at eachother (even within the limits of free speech and not "out of line") is a "breach of rules", but then again here I am posting off topic posts in a thread about the latest pCars builds. :)

Edit: What I'm trying to say is that I have problems with the two winging it out at eachother, but when it makes a thread made for a specific purpose hard to follow because most of the postings are completely unrelated to that specific topic, then it's doing noone a good service. Break up their convo to a separate thread and let them have their own little sandbox to throw dirt at eachother and leave the constructive threads for constructive discussions.
^ Indeed you are Kjell - I'll follow suit :)

I note that pCARS has yet again been relegated to the depths of the "Other Sim Racing Games" sub forum, despite being one of the big upcoming sims. Is that a way of punishing the naughty SMS/WMD/pCARS, or is there another reason? I don't mind the placement, but it bears the question :whistling:

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