PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
If you think the cars in pCARS are like Shift you either are not much of a Sim Racer or you don't have a PC that can run it properly. If there is any game I could compare to Shift it's R3E

You're comparing RRRE with Shift?:confused: The basis for such...er...a comment is...?

Because David has the opinion he has on C.A.R.S., David is not "much of a Sim racer"? Unbelievable.
Comparing CARS to Shift is like comparing Codemasters Dirt to Richard Burns Rally, they are very different. I think anyone who likens the game to Shift now is just trying to kick up a fuss, CARS can change quite a lot on a weekly basis and I know a lot of guys who still talk about it using comparison after they played it in 2011.

It ain't perfect that is for sure, but aside from being a little rough around the edges their Focus RS is the most realistic FF road car I think I've driven in a game. Very rough around the edges as I said but they have the base of it nailed, I drive a Focus ST which is about as close to an RS as you can get (without having an RS) and I was impressed. The way it torque steers and the chassis movement is something I've not seen a sim nail with an FF road car before.
And comparing RRRE (a solid and honest, though not finished product) to Shift (which, I read elsewhere, some said may have been intentionally sabotaged by the developer as a way to "get back" at EA) is kicking up a fuss.
And comparing RRRE (a solid and honest, though not finished product) to Shift (which, I read elsewhere, some said may have been intentionally sabotaged by the developer as a way to "get back" at EA) is kicking up a fuss.

My opinion to me the cars in R3E have that waggy tail like shift had and the side grip is unrealistic. I think SMS is way further ahead with their game engine than is Simbin with lizard. In the end when all bugs and physics updates are made with both they may be fairly similar but R3E has much more of an Arcade feel to it. at the present time. The Race 07 series was much better.

As far as my comments to David as you can see it was not singled to one possibility and he even said he had computer problems that even made rF2 feel like crap to him so I think my comment is justified.
My opinion to me the cars in R3E have that waggy tail like shift had and the side grip is unrealistic. I think SMS is way further ahead with their game engine than is Simbin with lizard. In the end when all bugs and physics updates are made with both they may be fairly similar but R3E has much more of an Arcade feel to it. at the present time. The Race 07 series was much better.

Unrealistic grip:

birddogg, it is time for people to abandon those misconceptions. GT1, DP or LMPs have shockingly high levels of grip. iRacing/GTR type of "difficulty" is wrong, does not portray these cars as they are in real life.

As for RRRE "unrealistic grip", unless you're saying the opposite... I'd say NO, quite the contrary, there is not enough grip on cars such as the SR7 or the Aquila, they still snap all too easily (and no, nothing to do with the mythic/preposterous idea that ISIMotor2 based engines suffer from this). More than anything, SIMBIN need to approach their cars differently, nothing new and something we have been saying for years.

SMS and theirr being "wayy ahead of SIMBIN" with Lizard:

Lizard was used for Race Pro.

The current engine is different, as Sartori explained. As for being wayyyyy ahead...it's all in the eye of beholder. The less info people have, the more hype they consume.

As far as my comments to David as you can see it was not singled to one possibility and he even said he had computer problems that even made rF2 feel like crap to him so I think my comment is justified.

Come on!

Of course it is not justified. His "computer problems" are one thing, his abilities as simracer are another. I see no reason to tag him as "not much of a Sim racer". Have you ever raced against him? I suspect not.
Exactly Chronus sorry you misunderstood me we are in agreeance about the concept that the ideas of less grip is realistic. I am not one that wants cars glued to the track however but a good balance and is what I am seeing in project CARS.

As for David I like him I really do but there comes a time when you have to draw the line of falsities being spread around. If David really believes what he is saying I question his expeience with many different sims more than his abilities. I am sure there are those loyal to 1 or 2 titles and judge others based on that and when something different comes along they say it's crap because it's not exactly like what they are use to.
There are those two extremes, too grippy and ice driving. Reiza has it spot on with GSC (with the brazilian TC), SRW still has a lot of work and SIMBIN is getting there with RRRE (still, the same old issues tire calibration).

As for C.A.R.S., it's been a roller-coaster for people I know - sometimes, cars are handling quite well, other times a complete turn around and all the improvements seem to have gone down the toilet. Disconcerting, I'd say.

Regarding falsities...

There are two sides to this, it is true some people are distorting things against C.A.R.S. or SMS (not saying it's David case, though), but there's more than enough exaggerations/lies/misconceptions being spread by some WMD members.
Personally, I don't think that RRRE or Pcars is anything like Shift2, both are in a whole different league than Shift2 was - that's more like comparing apples to bowling balls. I suspect that inconsistencies in FFB, improper controller setup or other controller issues may account for the bulk of the negative opinions about RRRE(GR) and Pcars handling. I'm not saying that either is going to end up being at the level of rF2 or AC but, they are certainly not arcade racers.
I think SimBin was pressured from RaceRoom to get them the material they have been seeking for a few years now thus I believe GTR3 became R3E and was at the bare minimum level for release. I am sure they will continue to patch and upgrade the system since it is an online based platform like iRacing or SRW. People must remember that Raceroom is a gaming café or arcade one might say I hope it is successful because I think very highly of Simbin but to be honest I am not crazy about the handling of the cars to the point I have not put any money toward it. Hopefully this might change in the future because in a way it does bother me that I cannot be supportive of SimBin from the wallet at the present time. I just won't throw money at something I am not gonna play.
I think SimBin was pressured from RaceRoom to get them the material they have been seeking for a few years now thus I believe GTR3 became R3E and was at the bare minimum level for release. I am sure they will continue to patch and upgrade the system since it is an online based platform like iRacing or SRW. People must remember that Raceroom is a gaming café or arcade one might say I hope it is successful because I think very highly of Simbin...

Gaming café or not, the physics engine is not that of an arcade racer or a "simcade" (geez, horrible word this one). The concept is quite sound, provide an easy way to drive/race, whilst keeping a good, proven physics engine. It works and is already impressive.

The problem I find with RRRE is that SIMBIN hasn't deviated enough from some of the "established" concepts they have in regards to slip curves, slip ratios/angles and load sensitivities (not to mention what I suspect are still wrong inertias and aero values). But the improvements are clear (the S7r already offers a very impressive experience).

Now...will I give them my money towards RRRE? Nope. iRacing and SRW are enough...at least for now.


It is becoming normal to read posts by previously "cautious people" now somewhat dismayed, and expressing their lack of "faith" in C.A.R.S.. Quite a turn of events for some people... :confused:

Watched it right now, a good video with some great driving and a nice rig-setup as well.

But since you posted "Simcade!" in a sarcastic/ironic way, I have to bring up a direct quote from the maker of the video in his own comment section, I apologize in advance for that, but I simply coudn't resist it :)

...pCars is not a pure simulator, but neither is a pure arcade. It is something between sim and arcade (simcade). Obviously is not comparable RF2 with CARS, but the good thing is that you can enjoy with each, though differently.

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