PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Well folks, I can honestly say I have given up on Pcars pre alpha. I will wait for the end result and some positive Sim reviews if they are forthcoming. For me the game has not changed very much from the first few builds physics and dynamics wise. Yes it's far prettier blah blah blah. But this far down the road it still poor in my opinion. It had/has a few nice moments but not enough to make me waste any more time on it.
Over to you guys to carry it on and keep arguing. :cool:
Everyone should try rf2, especially given that default G27 profile is pretty good on most cars{I still think G27 suffers a bit here and there, but you no longer need to adjust ini files, and you can still adjust FFB dampening ingame}.....the only thing worth mentioning is that you must ensure wheel is set properly, ie, brake and throttle % etc.

David... not too long ago you were very unhappy with RF2 but they made a change that fixed the issues with the G25/7 apparently and it is working well for you. Perhaps the same patience should be given to pCars?

I know they have been at it a while now but the physics engine is really being developed from the ground up unlike the graphics which is an incremental upgrade from earlier. Compare this with ISI who have a long history of physics development yet still they have had to solve issues. So SMS are more starting from near-scratch physics wise and it is taking them a long time.I just recently confirmed there are still 1-2 elements they have not implemented yet.

Of course I am saying this from my perspective which is that they are making good progress and the latest builds have a few cars that are really feeling significantly improved. I agree the FFB is a bit hit or miss/needs more work, many of the default set-ups (and tires) also need help and the weight transfer is still not where it could be. Despite this, I am really quite surprised if people are driving the latest builds and feeling like pCars is not making real progress. Are you driving the Lotus 98T or 49? The M3GT? The R500?
David... not too long ago you were very unhappy with RF2 but they made a change that fixed the issues with the G25/7 apparently and it is working well for you. Perhaps the same patience should be given to pCars?

My problems with rf2 were partly PC related, and now that's been fixed, my rf2 experience has been greatly improved, and as it stands rf2 has some of the best sim cars IMO, but pcars doesn't have any sim cars as it feels something like Shift2.

pcars driving model and FFB have been all over the place the last 12months, as such I uninstalled it after testing last build.

I'll still buy the game if it's Shift3, but I won't be endorsing it as a sim unless it actually becomes one.
Latest build testing for me has proved just the same. IE; same old crud. One step forward, two steps back. I was hoping it would have improved but the physics model just IS wrong. Holy crap it's crap. But occasionally I will come back to it and re-test.

Just to add a thought. Why, on the WMD forum do members not really speak up? Surely, real sim racers on there must know that the whole physics model is just wrong and needs a complete re-hash. It's almost as if they are brain washed or scared to speak up. Strange.

They can't produce the final sim model, as that could be analysised, so they keep releasing a broken one and in a sense, prey on people's optimism.
As I've said before, as long as this is an improvement over both Shift1/2 wrt driving and also gameplay{Shift1 nearly got it right IMO}, then I'll buy the game as a simcade racer.
Latest build testing for me has proved just the same. IE; same old crud. One step forward, two steps back. I was hoping it would have improved but the physics model just IS wrong. Holy crap it's crap. But occasionally I will come back to it and re-test.

Just to add a thought. Why, on the WMD forum do members not really speak up? Surely, real sim racers on there must know that the whole physics model is just wrong and needs a complete re-hash. It's almost as if they are brain washed or scared to speak up. Strange.


Because you will get told the sim isn't finished as everything hasn't been implemented yet which is a fair comment, plus those members with a time machine/crystal ball know the sim will be great so there is no need to worry.

Then there is the usual very active members that will defend it until the death and keep posting that the physics are realistic and the FFB is already great, if that was so work would have stopped some time ago.
Good point, Graham.

I understand Andy's disappointment, or David's suspicion towards SMS and this project, but aside from them (their opinion is known and quite clear), crystal balls seem abundant around pCARS. Some say it will fail, even though release is reasonably far away; conversely, like the Borg's Collective, others already know pCARS will be a real sim.

Never ceases to surprise me.
Tried this for the first time in a good while this weekend, driving the Focus RS and it's pretty damn good. I drive a Focus ST170 (a slightly more tame but still relatively high performance Ford Focus) and I have to say that it feels, drives and reacts a lot like my real car.

I don't think I've ever really felt a simulation of an FF car that I thought felt genuinely realistic before but that feeling of the car almost standing on its front wheels, the torque steer and the way the tyres feel and how the chassis slightly moves (though this is a bit exaggerated in game) when you steer.

Tried a few other cars and thought they felt horrible though (the Lancer Evo and RUF), but then I've not driven those cars or anything similar to those cars in the real world, but to me they don't feel right, the Evo drives more like an FF car than a 4WD to me.
I'd be optimistic too if I would have put my money into it. ;)

I don't care about the money really. I just want to have some fun so I am always hopeful that a game will be fun for me :)

Having said that, I think that pCars is still miles away for most cars when it comes to how the cars drive/feel etc, but I am always seeing little positive improvements and my judgement is based on that. So, hopefully, continuous positive improvements should result in a good result in one year. ;)
Tried this for the first time in a good while this weekend, driving the Focus RS and it's pretty damn good. I drive a Focus ST170 (a slightly more tame but still relatively high performance Ford Focus) and I have to say that it feels, drives and reacts a lot like my real car.

I don't think I've ever really felt a simulation of an FF car that I thought felt genuinely realistic before but that feeling of the car almost standing on its front wheels, the torque steer and the way the tyres feel and how the chassis slightly moves (though this is a bit exaggerated in game) when you steer.

Tried a few other cars and thought they felt horrible though (the Lancer Evo and RUF), but then I've not driven those cars or anything similar to those cars in the real world, but to me they don't feel right, the Evo drives more like an FF car than a 4WD to me.

Those cars are newly put in and have very little work done to customize them. Try the Lotus 49 and 98T. Also try the Gumpert, M3 GT and the Asano LM11 and see what you think Ryan.
Something very strange happened this past week.
I updated Pcars to b.456 took a few cars out to Belgium...and actually enjoyed them..
I really had fun on the circuit. It was my first time running it in the game.
Good to see some forward movement.
Maybe an obvious one, but I did not follow all the discussions and builds etc.... but when I saw the positive comments about the Ford, I though I give it a try.

It appears in the list but I cannot select it? Is that due to my membership (smallest one)?
Maybe an obvious one, but I did not follow all the discussions and builds etc.... but when I saw the positive comments about the Ford, I though I give it a try.

It appears in the list but I cannot select it? Is that due to my membership (smallest one)?

Not sure. I don't think the Fords are as advanced in handling feel and accuracy as some of the other cars anyway. See my list of good rides above and add in the Mercedes SLS and Pagani Hyuara to that mix (although the Hyuara probably lacks grip it should have at the moment)

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