Kart Racing

Best fail EVER

Here is a kid I watched grow up karting here in Ontario, never raced him as he was much younger then me. His dad spent a WHACK of money in karting, and he has the potential to be in the top levels of racing.

This is him winning the 2010 RotaxMax World Finals.

Here is his celebrations

Driver behind wouldn't have cared cause the equipment is all provided. Hed only be pissed if he was hurt cause of such a bonehead move. In Canada a celebration like that would result in a dq, but I'd probably do the same in that position.
yeah i seen him in the fwt i think (i heard his name before) but it's great for canada and america to see him win. Next year be ready for americas first world champion. we really all have great potential.

Keith i have a question. whhen you turn into a corner you have to break for do you start releaseing brake pressure as you turn? heard this technique while watching a video of Nyck De Vries and people said they finished 5th in the rok world finals doing this. not gonna try yet because my kart isn't balanced and i don't want to think it doesn't work when it's only because of my kart.
Sounds like the advantage with that technique is that it would allow you to brake a little later that can give you a tenth or two per lap.
Also Austin, since you seem to know some things about the Tony kart team in Florida. Do you if they still get helped by the swede Johnny Mislijevic?
He is the 1996 Formula Super A World Champion (Super KF today) and should be heavily involved with a Tony Kart team in the US.
From what I understand that is an F1 style technique, Austin. Very hard to do, as it is pretty much inverted braking (start hard and finish soft, as opposed to starting soft and finishing hard). You have to hold slight pressure going into the corner and then release it as you get into the apex, if I understand it correctly. It's pretty much a trail-braking technique. It works in F1 because the cars have so much downforce. Wouldn't know how it works with karting because I don't kart and know little about karting. Anyhow, you can see an example of the technique in this iRacing video below. Yeah, it's sim-racing, but just note that the sim-racers get it from the real-drivers, as I'm pretty sure I've seen videos of Hamilton doing this. It's a very slight, delicate thing though, but it can take the time off if done well.

fredrik i don't think tony kart florida is around anymore but there is ocala gran prix which is the lead tony kart dealer and team in the US. haven't heard of the swede at all though. holy s... i knew that technique is how you do it. so f1 does the same huh? Guess thats why schumacer practiced in karts getting ready for his comeback. i'll see if i could practice on one of ogp's sodi kart they used to get ready for the rmc so i could have a shot of trying the technique.
I just want to tell to Fredrik that I use exacly the technique that Austin mentioned on Järnfälla and from normally being 2 seconds from pole man I was only 0.5 so it should help you too.

But that Technique is really hard to learn and you need to know how your kart will react under braking really well. (I once managed to block my rear tires and guess what happen, 360 spin on track and I got off track due to no running off area. But now I know how to handle my kart when the rear is blocking)
yeah well another factor is how to react when hitting brakes hard (lean back in your seat) and also your steering. you have to turn really slow and hardly turn it at all in corners. i just started putting my hands lower on the wheel and it's harder to turn but easier to be smooth. keep doing that as kart and motor is another big issue and for me that is why i'm not trying that technique yet because my back end slides out and i have to go slower and my motor is a stock so it doesn't run as well. if i get in a decent kart i'll try it.
yeah well another factor is how to react when hitting brakes hard (lean back in your seat) and also your steering. you have to turn really slow and hardly turn it at all in corners. i just started putting my hands lower on the wheel and it's harder to turn but easier to be smooth. keep doing that as kart and motor is another big issue and for me that is why i'm not trying that technique yet because my back end slides out and i have to go slower and my motor is a stock so it doesn't run as well. if i get in a decent kart i'll try it.

Look about turning the wheel very little then I have to say that it doesn't work for evryone. I have a quite aggresive driving style so I brake late and I use the technique which you mentioned but I turn alot on the strering due to my aggresive driving style. I learned this from all the karting drivers here in Sweden.

"Turn as you like BUT do not do any corrections" thats what I belive gives the best lap time. Ofcourse it doesn't allways happen that by turning you get the better line but this has to do with taking the proper racing line while taking a corner.
yeah the pros are really relaxed and dont turn hard at all. the best drivers hardly turn at all and make very few adjustments. from what i learned you make your adjustments after the apex.

The adjustments that you make after the apex are to turn the wheel back to the center and to gain as much time as possible on the exits while accelerating. Anyhow it's one thing to know the theory and it's another thing to do it.

I know that I suck at tracks with very long corners like Turn 3 on Barchelona. I just can't seem to find the perfect line so I always have to follow someone firstly while in other track I just need to do 4 to 6 laps and then I know where the racing line is, which corners are good for overtaking and which corners are critical to preper on overtaking.

Btw I have a tip on the technique which you mentioned. When you are going to brake don't push your body just backwards. Push it backward but with an angle that is opisite to the corner. Not to much and not to little angle and you will find it easier to turn into the corner while still braking. But I do rather recommend starting by lining backwards and if that doesn't help to much try to suggestion.

It seems like on 2011 I won't be racing the rotax max senior and stick with the Formula Yamaha. If that happens then I will do my best to be at the top 5 and if possible to even have a few podiums because I got the experience with this kart, the calender looks perfect (big advantage with Järnfälla :p ) and my sim-racing years have taught me alot on how to start with the setup of any car and I can adapt to the weather conditions in a much quicker way then I did be for.
I don't know about you guys but I have always had problems with the Exhaust Hose as I hope it is called. Depending if it is long or short you gain different effects.

For example if it is small I belive you gain a higher acceleration but if it was long you had better top speed. (I might be the other way around but it was quite a long time since I was twicking with it)

Does eny one with personal experience have any clue on what type of lenghts you will be sing differences. (for example if someone has an
Exhaust Hose that is 4.0 cm and an other has one of 4.5 cm then will there be a big visable difference in acceleration and top speed or is the 0.5 cm gap to short)

I hope you get the point.
anyone here live in california and is into karting? i am looking to buy a kart soon to start racing and would like some general info on what kart to choose etc. any advice would be awesome. This isnt to start a career (since am 27)its just to really get into karting, to be a hobby.

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