Kart Racing

Before I will even start each heat I use to visualise the out come of the start.

For example, I had a race at a track with the 3 first corners been taken like Turn 8 at Instambul Park but they where going to the right.
I was starting at the inside and thougt was thinking to really go agreside on turn 1 sunce I was the only one who was taking more kurb then the others and could use it to my advantage. I expected to overtake to overtake 2 cars, one on turn 1 and 1 on turn 3. But guess what happen I overtook 3 cars on the turn 3 braking zone from the out side.

Anyhow, the shart is something that I am average at but when you have lots of sim-racing experience you won't really think about what you are doing during the start of the race because evrything goes just way to quick.

A tip I got from a friend of mine is to not be an idiot and have your noise on the rear of the front driver. Because when you accelerate and if you manage to accelerate before the driver infront then you will be just pushing him forward and you won't manage to overtake him. So keep a very little gap so once the race starts you are ment to have the better acceleration and the correct gap to overtake him once you pass the start finish line.

Btw remember that even if you don't have mirrors you can block/push the drivers just so they won't manage to have a much better acceleration then you. Most of the times here people are braking a little bit when you do that so it could be used to your advantage here. (this goes for the mid-field, the top drivers wouldn't do such thing)

I am sure you probably know this already but when you are trying to overtake someone who seems to be quite good at defending or is running just a few tenths of a second slower then you try to really think and find where is he losing time to you and where do you gain time. Sometimes if you know that you got the better top speed you might need to make some space to then close the gap before the corner that leads to the longest straight and then pass him.

Sometimes I really forget that and it becomes a pain in the *** to overtake someone.
yeah i'm sure and when you come back to a kart try to turn the kart as less as possible. watch the top guys and they hardly turn the wheel into a corner. this is because the hit the brake hard before the turn and have more grip. once you get that you will be on of the best but anyone can be smooth but slow
Don't compare your self with the pro's. Think your self as a pro and try to find your own speed.

I use to compare my self with the pro's and I came to a point where I did not have a really good driving style. Once I stopped thinking about it what happen? Well I managed to qualify at 6th place out of 45 drivers at my rookie year and normaly I would be at 28th our of 45 drivers.

Just learn from the mistakes and try to use evry part of the car that could be changed to your advantage or to cover your disadvantage. If you dont have good top speed then find a way to be quicker on exiting the corner before the longest straight so you won't be attacked at the end of the straight.

Well that example over there was my problem but the other way around. I could not overtake a guy because he had better acceleration then me but lacked top speed. But in the end I got way to agresive and divide in like a maniac and managed to make the move to stick with no incident.
well i got this from karting1.co.uk besides i have been told i am really good and can race with everyone and that made me say i'm finally a pro i just saw something i could improve aswell as consistantcy and then after kart setup you can't touch me. and yeah i'm the same way tried too hard and ended slower. not anymore as i'm around a second quicker and need i to get one more second quicker (competition has became better than ever)
hey guys,
starting tomorrow, the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals 2010 will officialy begin in La Conca, Italy, one the greatest karting circuits in the world. This is the biggest karting event in world hosting 250 of the best up-and-coming drivers from 60 countries. Rotax is a type of motor created by BRP that brought the new era of karting to life. very fast and simple race motor that makes karting a lot simpler driver and tuning.
The rotax max challenge started in 2000 in Puerto Rico which only had 66 drivers from 19 countries which grown big time now. This is the second time it has came to La Conca (2008 and 2010). It is a very fast and technical track at the birthplace of karting. circuit here:
the series brings the champs of national series all over the world to settle for a world title. In the junior category, UK's Jack Barlow and Matt Parry are the one's to beat but Nick Neri of the U.S. can challenge like he did in the winter time. In Senior, UAE's defending dd2 champ Caleb Williams looks to fight with 2007's champ canadian Pier Luc-Quelette. several other great races aswell. to be kept up-to-date during the weekend check out this site: http://www.maxchallenge-rotax.com/event2010/grand_final.html click on the day to get a summary of that day. go here for live brodcating: http://rgf.kart-data.com/ and here for live timing but track time doesn't start untill wednesday: http://live2010.kart-data.com/RGF/
Wow this is a busy thread.

I did some minor class go-karting in KT100's (yes it was a few years back now) but my main karting was in Superkarts in Australia.
And also a one-off trip to the States to race at Laguna Seca.

Go-Karting is fun but I to me it was like a toy compared to Superkarting - speeds of up to 240km/h... huge g-forces. Wings & Slicks... GP Circuits...

Adrenalin - YEEE HAAAAAA!!!!!
[video]http://rgf.kart-data.com/[/video]tuesday november 16th, 2010 update:
today was the first day action has taken place on the race track. today was the kart raffle. in the grand finals you don't have your own kart, it is supplied to you. they are all brand new spec-chasis (one chasis per class) with brand new engines. here you pick a ball from several balls with a number. the number you choose is the kart you get. all 250 karts are put on the front stretch in the morning makiing one of the greatest sites in karting. once your kart is picked, mechanics make their preparations for tommorowss practice.
after the preparations are done a welcome party is made at the la conca karting restaurant. Here drivers relax before the big day while others compete in the World Tire Changing Challenge qualifing round. here, the competitor has to dismount and re-mount 4 new tires in the quickest time possible. The event started at the 2008 grand finals and showed huge sucess where loarge crowds showed to watch. more about it will come tomorrow. here's a video more about it: [video]http://rgf.kart-data.com/[/video]
well this is for four rotax classes: Rotax Junior, Senior, DD2, and DD2 masters. to get into this first you need to win or come in a certain spot in the your National series. Ex. Rotax Max Challenge U.S. grand nationals offers three spots for each class. so if you do this you get a trip to wherever this event is held that year. all you have to do is bring your gear and tools and pay for hotel and food and you're good to go. Don't even need your own kart.
First practice took off today to get situated with the kart in untimed practice. Nothing to the kart is changed untill tommorrow's timed practice. only 2 20 minute sessions for each class (divided into evens and odds) but enough to get track time. Few accidents happened to ensure practice time and less stress
qualifing Rotax Junior: after the end of qualifing Martin Rump of Estona takes pole by a couple hundreths of a second over Nick Neri of America (he's actualy my friend lol) and UK's Jack Aitken.

rotax senior on the track now
caleb williams is great driver and won dd2 last year. definetly a threat.
November 18 update: qualifying today was a big day, puts who is a the biggest threat and what class to look for. Practice 3 and 4 also took place to get ready for the big day before racing. Starting the qualy was Rotax Junior odd numbers. Spain's Alvero Otero took the early pole but could not hold it after even number when the top 4 beat his time. Estonian Martin Rump took a tight lead of 3 hundreths of a second over American Nick Neri who took second.
Seniors hosted another good qualifing event where Edward Brand of the UK beat American Daniel Formal by a tenth. DD2 master holded the best run of the day. Scott Cambell took the pole by one thousanth of a secoind over Hamish Cross. Canadian Daniel Morad took the pole solidly in DD2
Seems to flow semi good for Sweden it seems Victor Bueveng on a 20th place in his heat in Junior, John Friberg 10th and finally Martin Victorsson on 4th in DD2.
I hope Friberg can get a good run tomorrow because he is a really good driver!
John was 3rd in the last practise session yesterday but then the timed qualification was a disaster :( but as u said, 10th in the first heat though but then in the 2nd heat he got taken out by another driver so its going to be a tough day 2moro.

Victor in junior, are running with 12kg too much, which isn't really an advantage ;)

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