Kart Racing

yeah well my friend Nick Neri came second in qualifing and won heat 1 then diaster happened in the next race where he had 7 or 5th then crashed in the last lap. But problem is the prefinal is set up by points made the 4 races so If Nick can move up in heat 3 he's ok but i wander how they set up A, B, C, and D. anyone know? by Points?
LCQ was today for drivers that didn't make the top 32 plus the final heats to start it off. America's Nick Neri rebounded from a bad day yesterday to a 2nd today. He'll start the prefinal tomorrow 11th
yeah shows how great of an event this really is. Final today and Martin Rump of Estonia has won the junior and followed by dutchmen Jordi Van Morsell and Joel Affolter. Nick Neri of America 6th. Looks like i could be next as i'm slower than him with an uneven kart i found out yesterday.
martin rump has been DQ for seat parts. Van Moorsen of the netherlands takes victory. Senior is won by South African Caleb Wiliams winning his second straight victory but in different class (dd2 winner last year) and daniel Morad of Canada takes the win all the way from the back in DD2
Guys the 2011 Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals will take place in the desert of the United Arab Emirates in Al Ain in November 2 or 3 weeks around the f1 race (should start where we could watch it live). Will you be there? I know i will
Guys the 2011 Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals will take place in the desert of the United Arab Emirates in Al Ain in November 2 or 3 weeks around the f1 race (should start where we could watch it live). Will you be there? I know i will

Would be intresting, I will try to get back to national Karting first and then I might go for the RMC.
you can always study or make up hw so why make that mess up going to a rmc?

Well because I know that I am alot quicker then I was before and that I can probably win the RMC if I can get a bit more exprience then I allready have. But I will just have to see. Normaly I could take the short cut and save money for a Formula Renault 1.6 test which is held at the middle of September if I can now Win a few National races and get the freaking inv which I got last year but just let it go.

Experience is what I lack and thanks to sim-racing I now know how I can maximize a normal training season to find what the kart lacks and can be improved but my overtaking is quite bad since it was a long time I overtook someone in a race.
i don't blame ya but i think your next stars come from karting though. only a month away from daytona kart week to start of the WKA manufacterurs cup and Dirt series. i'll be in the yamaha juniors again and hopefully this time with Ocala Gran Prix. Have a good shot at bringing home the title. Supernats was during the rmc i was covering all week long and a good sucess like last year. also this last october was the roc world finals in lonato for mini roc, junior roc, super roc, and roc. so the big races have all ended and many tracks are closed down but don't worry, kart week is on it's way on Decombur 18th at Daytona international speedway and the Florida Winter Tour starts in January. WSk will be back with the masters early in the year aswell starting with the master series then the euro series after. how do you guys practice all winter?
normally i dont practise at all here in sweden during the winter because its cold, snowing or bad weather in general.
but like last year i went to italy in late january and practised there for 2 or 3 days and then i had the first race in march, so the gap was too big from practise to the first race. and a lot of drivers had already driven 2-4 races already...
This year is going to be better though, since im done with school and can work to earn some so we hopefully have a larger budget 2011 :)
nothing is decided yet but i plan to go to italy at least twice during the winter for practise and then hopefully have my first race in the end of february :)
normally i dont practise at all here in sweden during the winter because its cold, snowing or bad weather in general.
but like last year i went to italy in late january and practised there for 2 or 3 days and then i had the first race in march, so the gap was too big from practise to the first race. and a lot of drivers had already driven 2-4 races already...
This year is going to be better though, since im done with school and can work to earn some so we hopefully have a larger budget 2011 :)
nothing is decided yet but i plan to go to italy at least twice during the winter for practise and then hopefully have my first race in the end of february :)

Hm...Italy, my club goes to Spain all the time. Btw have you ever tried to do sim-racing a bit often because IMO it helped me alot to gain time on 2008 when I was racing at the MKR. I was able to use the theory of turning, braking and out come predictions (Experience with simple words) from sim-racing to real life and there for I could quickly adapt to the kart much quicker on each track because I never practice on the tracks before the races and it was my rookie year too so my first run on each track was on the race day.

Nowadays I go from time to time to Hammarby here in Stockholm and do a few laps at there indoors track which is quite simple but I keep having karts with to much weight on the rear so a little kid always manages quicker times then me due to the less % of weight on the rear. But I am 1 second slower then the best lap time so I should be alot quicker in any kart where the weight is fixed by my Dad. Remember 40% front and 60% rear weight. :D
to be honest, i race on the computer quite often but it hasn't helped me a single bit for my real racing anyway :p and i actually never had any problems with adapting to the kart etc after not been driving for a time, but its always better to race and practise on a regular basis. and then 1-2 months is a too big break. if anyone have possibility, they should drive every week :)
lets not turn this into a irl racing vs simracing thing but imo you can't compare them two for many reasons.

The team i race for, normally goes to italy so thats why. and most of the big races takes place there as well, so its good preparations for those races.
to be honest, i race on the computer quite often but it hasn't helped me a single bit for my real racing anyway :p and i actually never had any problems with adapting to the kart etc after not been driving for a time, but its always better to race and practise on a regular basis. and then 1-2 months is a too big break. if anyone have possibility, they should drive every week :)
lets not turn this into a irl racing vs simracing thing but imo you can't compare them two for many reasons.

The team i race for, normally goes to italy so thats why. and most of the big races takes place there as well, so its good preparations for those races.

Do you race in the MKR series or somewhere else here in Sweden?
I never raced in the MKR but i i did the sydsvenskan series in 2001-2003 :)
The races i will do in the Sweden next year is; Swedish Championship, Viking Trophy and Big Prize of Gothenburg. It was the same this year but i raced Stockholm Race Weekend as well.
Then i will do the European Championship just as i did this year but i will also race the World Championship and WSK Euro Series (did 1 race there this year) and then hopefully the first 2 or 3 races in the WSK Master series :)
how do you get in the wsk world finals (i think that's what you meant)? Italy does have great tracks and events there. La Conca (rotax grand finals) and Lanato (RoK cup international). down here are big races are mostly real expensive so its hard to run like the winter tour which is a thousand bucks a weekend but with that they have a mini rok class that the winner can go to the grand finals, rotax winners can go to the rotax grand finals, kf winners can go to wsk world finals (wanting to run kf2 if a miracle happens), and some senior classes like kf2 go to the 500 milhas granja viana which is a huge endurance race for professional drivers all over in fast concession karts.
well the WSK World Series was open to anyone this year but not too many drove it. WSK Euro Series is by far the most popular and toughest one for some reason.

Next year there wont be any WSK World Series though. There will be WSK Master (5 races in italy), WSK Euro (4 races around europe), WSK Champions Cup (Canada) and WSK Final Cup (Italy).

To bad its the same here as in the Winter Tour in USA, its expensive :(

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