no livetimng and giorgos be more spefcific on that because idk if you mean any vids or live on-board cams.
hey guys check out this site: it gives you tips on how to be top dog in karting. i know all of this beleive it or not but my dad showed it to me and i read a little of it.
Well the main difference is the Jet tuning, in Yamaha you could change the fuel flow on the run.
You can't do that in Rotax because there you have to choose the correct Jet on the carburettor to give the right amount of fuel for the race.
And picking the right one is always hard, you can also adjust the needle position on the throttle cable as well as the rear exhaust.
The hard is that the Jet is depending on temperature and air pressure, and sometimes it doesn't matter if you have a chart and weather station like the pro's you'll still get it wrong.