Kart Racing

On tracks like Järnfälla that is really twisted and tight I use to brake and turn into the corner to carry more speed and then it's full force on the throtle and exacly as you explain things above my post.
today there was team usa testing at ocala for the rotax max challenge grand finals. closed the entire track for these guys. Race coming soon. Juniors were on a Sodi kart and seniors on CRGs. be interesting to hear how that goes.
I don't think a used Chassi is a good idea. The front part of the car (the camber) will be screawed up and it will take time to fix that although it will never be good.

IMO it's better to go and buy a new Chassi and a used motor which then goes for it's service and comes back as a new one. (you might have up to 1000 euro).
Nah 1 race chassis are as good as new, you only start noticing differences after 3-5 races if you are a top driver and 10-15 races if you are a driver like me.
A new chassi cost nowadays around $5200 for CIK one and perhaps like $4000 for a non-CIK, so they are very expensive.
And for that cost I'd rather have a chassi for $1900 that has done 5 races than a new kart ;)
WSK has many separate championship, a US one, European one and a World series as well as two others no-one cares about.
WSK doesn't supply anything but the teams and drivers has to, a works driver has one new chassi every race, not sure about engine.
guys i found out something interesting. Keith barrick has been racing since 1995 and he and his dad owns KnK karts. from what i saw it's just made in asia and Canada. Keith runs shifter and rotax and has won several canadian championships.
guys i found out something interesting. Keith barrick has been racing since 1995 and he and his dad owns KnK karts. from what i saw it's just made in asia and Canada. Keith runs shifter and rotax and has won several canadian championships.

And he have been a real life driver in a faster car, yes thats old news to the some of us :D
darn i was racing against 3 drivers who were practicing for the grand finals and 3 other dudes but my problem was kart and motor but skill is the smallest thing i need to improve on. 1.3 secs off because straight seed is hard and was loose in fast corners but tight in slow. at the start i started 3rd as 2 guys wanted to start in the back and the guy to the outside tried to run me on the curb which you can't go on but i kept hammering it which messed him up and put me to second. was stayingf with the leader for most of the lap untill the kart was bad at so i went to last sadly but i know what i have to do: brake harder and be smoother which calls for practice.

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