Kart Racing

well show your speed. knowing how good this team is go out and don't blame the mechanic. i'm trying to get on ocala's team because my dad knows nothing about my classes which puts me in the back when i am a lot faster than that.
Do what I did, find info about your Class on the internet and then tell it to your dad. He will learn something new and you too. With my Sim-Racing experience and setup knowledge I can probably get a kart that feels grate for my handling.

I normaly have a base setup for my Yamaha when I get into a totally new track.

138cm left to right wheel distance. 0 or 0.5cm Caster (depends if the track got alot of corners or not) and 0.2 cm on Camber since it's suggested by alot of people on the internet. Then we used to have a air presure on the tires both front and rear but I can't remember how much. Plus we had Aluminium and (an other type of metall which I can't remember today) on the rims so we were testing if heavier tires or lighter tires would give the better performence.

Tbh we never were very detailed on that but on 2011 I will make sure that we are testing this things more often to find good setups in a shorter time once we are going to have a race on tracks which I have never driven a lap on before.
they do a little. i have a race at their facility this wekend and in daytona kartweek in december if one of my brother's new karts is a full sized kart (yamaha sportsman uses either 1 10 chasis or full sized where i need full sized in junior) i'll run 4 classes with 2 ay while my brother would have 3 with 2 cadet classes and 1 yamaha class. that means 7 classes so i'll see if i can get on the team for that race with a mechanic as their wka team is small compared to rotax races and the fwt.
I have never heard for that race and the track so could you give us a few pics and feedback about classes that will race and extra stuff that are inclueded on the Grande Finale.

It will neither be at Västerås or Lindköping but SKRC is still in there mind. They will take there final desision this week and it will probably be at 16-17th of October depending on weither. It have been pretty cold this 2 weeks at the south part of Stockholm so I guess it won't be possible to beat any track record.

Fredrik will you also test the Energy's?
not a fun day. was in the back because the motor was still bad and two guys wrecked ahead so i was batling for 4th but the person in the front of me wouldn't keep her line so at the end so guys who crashed passed us and i came 7th.
Thats true.

Now I wonder will the testing be at Västerås or Lindköping. I hope it's at Västerrås because Lindköping is far but I have never driven in Västerås so I might be really of the pase.
When you drive on a track which you feel comfortable at try to find corners that you belive you can press the gas pedal a bit earlier. In that way you will start improving your lap time.
well also your kart is only used to gas and brake. if you coast it doesn't know what to do but it flexes when you hit the gas. all you have to do is brake before you turn and be on the gas the entire corner no matter how tight it is and who's near you.

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