Kart Racing

I think you'd place pretty good.
Two of the best drivers are in Paul Carr Racing, one of UK's best karting teams and their results speak for themselves.
Btw Giorgos, Energy Team Sweden will have a test day soon on SKRC or Linköping. So look out if you are interessted because I will certainly try and attend and test drive one of them :)
Btw Austin, how's Energy doing in USA, are they good and in what classes?
energy isn't in america. main chassis here are crg, tony,arrow, birel, alonso kart, and top kart. mostly just the first four. but still if you get in the grand finals the team manager (basically the supporter of team usa) will order the kart used in it for testing. but if you asked me i'd get one right aftyer making to the grand finals so i get plenty of practice and know the kart bug time so i can have a good chance of winning.

oh guys very important you slam those brakes. you can't in honda but rotax can. remember to move your body to the left (if you turn right) so you don't spin. That and being smooth is the key to winning races
I think you'd place pretty good.
Two of the best drivers are in Paul Carr Racing, one of UK's best karting teams and their results speak for themselves.
Btw Giorgos, Energy Team Sweden will have a test day soon on SKRC or Linköping. So look out if you are interessted because I will certainly try and attend and test drive one of them :)
Btw Austin, how's Energy doing in USA, are they good and in what classes?


I will force my parents to get a test btw they will be at SKRC since they were there last year and I testedrived a Rotax Max Senior with only rear brakes and one with 4 brakes but the one with Rear Brakes was out of oil so when I braked I spun the car. (It was also wet so you can imagen how quick I was :D ) I love Energy althought there chassi is aweful.
Damn I hate Facebook, I have not used it for 4 mounths and now I am forced to do it once again. Btw I hope to see you at SKRC since it's the closest track to both of us. (Lindköping is to far and I am caind of lazy)

Damn Fredrik, there are 175 Joel Johansson. whats his Avatar on FB?
use my advice giogos. key to winning races
Why would I if I already do that, I am very agresive on the brakes and I move my body ALOT. I even Jump on the seat after I exit a hairpin from time to time. At järnfälla I made over 35 jumps in a race of 12 laps. (I did not care about hte chassi back then since I did not have that much knowledge but now I know I should not jump that often)

Just joking mate, thanks for the advise but I am not a rookie. :D
np giogos. just giving my advice because down here rotax is huge and one of the world's best lives nearby with many other super great people racing me. of course have no idea how sweden is in rotax. may be better than anyone in america
hey guys remind me at the end of november to ask bram if we can get the florida winter tour streamed on rd. they brodcast their events live but it would nice if all of rd can watch the races as this is a HUGE series. besides good to see people on track who could be something great one day.
hey guys remind me at the end of november to ask bram if we can get the florida winter tour streamed on rd. they brodcast their events live but it would nice if all of rd can watch the races as this is a HUGE series. besides good to see people on track who could be something great one day.

You are just saying that since you will be participating. :p

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