Agree. No issues with comfort for me too, in fact, it's even more comfortable for me than my G2, because it gives me less heat and less pressure on the forehead, I can drive for hours without issues. But it's not the case for everyone, wadjo or something here at RD also returned his crystal because of his headshape. Not everyone seem to have a headshape that fits the crystal well and many seem to be helped by the Apache strap. If they included that by default then they had less returns and more happy crystal users.Just for reference, my zero issues combo consists of:
- optical cable
- my own cheap (and old) powered USB 3.0 hub
- Quest 2 strap for the back of the head - increases stability
- Apache strap - slightly increased comfort, but I could go without it
For me, the headset was comfortable from the beginning, the add-ons help, but would not be a must.
My optical cable is probably broken, but the copper cable has a other advantage: 2* usb instead of one, so a longer batter time. I never have an empty battery.
I wrote those suggestions because not everyone has a great experience like the two of us... Also the software part, zero issues here(but massive! issues before 1.11) and no usb issues too but I still read to much about those issues.