“We see GTR3 as kind of the gateway. If people play it and love it, the next step would be RaceRoom. R3E is a solid simulation product, that’s not what GTR3 is going to be perceived as.
The product at the end of the day needs to appeal to both sides, hardcore racer as well and the casual gamer.

Really confused by alot of this....if GTR3 is a gateway and meant to cater all types, while raceroom is the next step and a solid sim.

Does Raceroom not already cater to everyone with their different difficulty settings ?
Amateur mode breaks for you, you can enable a racing line, big giant arrows for turns and the tuning options are pretty basic and compareable to a forza/GT game.

I'd really like more details on how they plan on doing things differently so the games are not in direct competition?

Maybe Paul can do another interview with Simbin to explain it while they wait for a publisher, license and can produce some actual game footage that isin't a R3E Z4 running on UE4.

Hopefully the publisher needed to make this game happen doesn't find this thread and it's 14 pages of dissapointed racing fans lol
How am I being stubborn? I literally stated I am aware of the fact they were originally talking about catering for both sides, but the notion of going more casual is absolutely there. And it most certainly is:

It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important. At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC.

I think another point we need to take note of is, whilst the PC community would love this hard core simulation thing which is fine, as Allan said there is a console community that aren't going to fully adhere to that. The product at the end of the day needs to appeal to both sides, hardcore racer as well and the casual gamer. A game that does that really really well is Formula One. I can have fantastic fun in the simulator on PC and I can have just as much fun as a casual gamer on a console. They do it really well. I'm not saying that's something we are going to follow completely, I'm just saying that they've done it and it's possible... The best way to put it is neither side will be forgotten.

Emphasis is mine, obviously. Notice that for example he clearly states they will take the game a different route compared to Raceroom, which is one of the things from the current interview people are upset about. Yet it's clearly mentioned right there in the very first interview. Also notice that while they absolutely state "it will be a proper simulation", at the same time, they repeatedly emphasize the importance of casual player and they even give the F1 series by Codemasters as an example on how to do that kind of game well. And you only have to read a few discussions to understand what hardcore simracers think about the F1, even today, when it's admittedly evolved quite a lot from the state it was in back when the above comments were made.

If you still think I'm "being stubborn" by pointing out the notions of going more casual were absolutely there right in the beginning, I don't know what else to tell you.

No. What I meant by stubborn is the fact that no one is saying that they didn't intend to target a casual audience. What people are upset about is that that now seems to be all they are doing--catering to casuals--and that wasn't what they said originally. If R3E is the next step after GTR3, then how are they tending to serious sim racers? You're being stubborn by only focusing on their casual statements and ignoring that, based on the recent interview, they seem to have shifted focus and are now only really catering to casual racers.
No. What I meant by stubborn is the fact that no one is saying that they didn't intend to target a casual audience
Plenty of people are saying pretty much just that, with plenty of them being visibly surprised by the mere notion that a game from the GTR series could ever be anything but a hardcore sim they've been dreaming about for years. The problem with claims like "no one is saying that (insert statement)" is that more often than not, they actually mean "I personally am not saying (insert statement)".

Also, I guess I am stubborn, then. I honestly have no idea how repeatedly admitting they *did originally* say they will cater for both sides means I'm ignoring the shift of focus implied in the recent interview, and I generally find your arguments quite confusing and contradicting each other with you seemingly quite intent on twisting my words into something that would fit your arguments better, so it's probably best to just end this conversation right here. Cheers.
I don't no if simbin have shifted focus. If you read the interview, this is write that GTR3 contains the simulation aspect that the Assetto Corsa or R3E players like.

I did read it. And the keyword there is "aspect" that's vague and doesn't say anything. What aspect of AC or R3E is he talking about--physics, tire model, graphics, content? Without specifics, it's a hollow statement and should be recognized as such. Add the fact that he also said he sees GTR3 as a gateway to sim, and that R3E is the next step, and you start to realize that "simulation aspect" doesn't mean what some people were hoping it would mean.
Plenty of people are saying pretty much just that. The problem with claims like "no one is saying that (insert statement)" is that more often than not, they actually mean "I personally am not saying (insert statement)".

Also, I guess I am stubborn, then. I honestly have no idea how repeatedly admitting they *did originally* say they will cater for both sides means I'm ignoring the shift of focus implied in the recent interview, and I generally find your arguments quite confusing and contradicting each other with you seemingly quite intent on twisting my words into something that would fit your arguments better, so it's probably best to just end this conversation right here. Cheers.

First, I can only speak for myself. So I don't care what other people are saying. I know what I meant, and you and I were talking to each other so why bring up what other people mean?

Second, how am I the one twisting words? The discussion was about them seemingly moving away from simulation, then you jump in and start talking about how catering to casual racers has always been a part of their plan, even though no one was denying that.

But now I'm the one confusing things and twisting words to fit my argument? :O_o: I see.
First, I can only speak for myself. So I don't care what other people are saying. I know what I meant, and you and I were talking to each other so why bring up what other people mean?

you jump in and start talking about how catering to casual racers has always been a part of their plan, even though no one was denying that.

Oh come on, one and all, lets not judge a book by its cover, when the cover hasn't even been produced / finalised yet, this is turning out to "he said she said"

I am sorry to say this, as I used to love it hear, but "some" of this community has become so septic, (yes I meant that, not sceptic) it's awful to read in what was such a nice place.

Come on people
Oh come on, one and all, lets not judge a book by its cover, when the cover hasn't even been produced / finalised yet, this is turning out to "he said she said"

I am sorry to say this, as I used to love it hear, but "some" of this community has become so septic, (yes I meant that, not sceptic) it's awful to read in what was such a nice place.

Come on people

it's not really worth having a discussion forum if everyone was positive about everything
Oh come on, one and all, lets not judge a book by its cover, when the cover hasn't even been produced / finalised yet, this is turning out to "he said she said"
The CEO himself showed the book cover and gave a spoiler tho.

Actually... considering the first interview the CEO made a rather horrible plot twist to that book lol
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Oh come on, one and all, lets not judge a book by its cover, when the cover hasn't even been produced / finalised yet, this is turning out to "he said she said"

I am sorry to say this, as I used to love it hear, but "some" of this community has become so septic, (yes I meant that, not sceptic) it's awful to read in what was such a nice place.

Come on people

But when the author tells you what's in the book, are you still judging it by the cover?
Paul : I got the impression that those of us looking for a realistic experience need not be worried. All the good serious stuff will be in, with options to make it more user friendly possible to turn on and off. I'll not go into the conversation we had here, but I finished the chat with a contented feeling that it will be suitably "hard-core" enough to satisfy those wanting that kind of experience.
Paul : I got the impression that those of us looking for a realistic experience need not be worried. All the good serious stuff will be in, with options to make it more user friendly possible to turn on and off. I'll not go into the conversation we had here, but I finished the chat with a contented feeling that it will be suitably "hard-core" enough to satisfy those wanting that kind of experience.
If so why people should do the next step to R3E? Especially R3E provide already this new user friendly options. :O_o:
If you've read the OP you should know GTR3 will be NOT the simulation like you expect.
But of course you can dream on :thumbsup:

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