Hi Paul and RD staff,

I think most of us appreciate the hard work you and the RD team are doing for us simracing community. Keep up the good job!

I truly believe the sources were double checked etc. but if the source (seems) to give not so thrustworthy info you cannot help it....damage control. That was the main reason I wrote with best intentions my post a couple of weeks ago. Not trying to be the smart guy but I had a 'feeling' it was going this way.

The fact we all take the opportunity to reply positive, less positive or even negative says we're still passionate and hope the best for GTR3. Hopefully next weeks/months we see footage and we can laugh about ourselves and drink again an ice cold because future for GTR3 is bright.

@Paul Jeffrey : For what it is worth and completely off topic but again well-meant: my personal advise from father to father: Spend more time with the kids!**

**kids as in your son and not us keyboard heroes ;)
  • Deleted member 13397

Only we need remastered GTR2 & PnG3 :)

the fact is, for some reasons a bunch of people are waiting for a successor of GTR2 / GTL
my reasons for this are i am not happy with AC,PC1,PC2,AMS,rF2 and RR3

the problem is, we all evolved and i assume if the GTR3 of 2019 have been published in 2013
we would be greatly satisfied (even not knowing how it really is)

my hopes are like Vanajas, a car racing platform with decent physics, up to date graphics, support for modding
Speaking of: We have a new road map coming from s397 in 48 hours. It should be an entertaining one since they promised us the reiza content dlc in a very soon timeframe. Should be more fun than this.

I wonder if it will mention the new UI they're working on? They forgot last month.:D
Still got some slices of pie if anyone wants some?

RD is invaluable for my passion of simracing, people need to keep things in perspective understanding wailing like men child's over a game is rather pathetic!

There is already so many great sim games either still in development, pending release to get so wound up on one game.

Let's all step back and just remember what our passion is and enjoy it.

@Paul Jeffrey thank you for your dedication and hard work you put into RD and the community
@Paul Jeffrey , Your only the messenger mate you done your job an it's a good one:thumbsup:
I did drop in a cheeky comment as it seems unclear what type of game is been developed by SimBin, due to the WEC tweet as I think most others are confused.

As for the comments it's business as usual at RD , I see these type of threads spiral out of control on a regular basis an often un-watch.

I think RD is 50 - 50 with posters the one half who are decent people, long term member's who can debate an be constructive in reply's, we all known them. ;) As for the other 50% I'd call them "drive by posters" :rolleyes: who just rant most often don't read the full post.

@Bram Hengeveld , maybe it's time for a different subscription model ?
We appreciate what Paul has done.

Oh dude yes definitely. If it wasn't for Paul, we'd still be kept in the dark, not knowing the details. The details themselves might be uglier than we hoped, but at least we have lots of details now thanks to Paul.

Lots of details that just saved me 60 euros.

Paul is just the messenger, not the sorry a** fool that decided to burn down the name "GTR"
Only we need remastered GTR2
I wouldn't call it a success or an improvement. It would be like remaking [insert famous movie or book] = we know where the story leads, and by remaking it we'd live off it's past success without innovating or creating something new. That's pathetic. We need a new story, director, actors.

We need to improve sim racing as a genre, in my opinion. Enough of mock-up/look-alike spec cars and fantasy liveries. Enough of bad MOD cars. Enough of bad MOD tracks with horrible heights and cambers, or even stolen tracks. Enough of a few officially licensed cars from a few popular classes and calling these 'racing simulators'.

It took 12 years so we could have a title as focused as ACC (except for the F1 titles, of course). A full real-life series replicated in all cars and their real liveries, all tracks laser-scanned, all the rules, a competitive racing license, a career mode, night/day transitions, weather. We have something truly special here, and IMO just remaking an old sim shouldn't even be considered, regardless of how good it was back then (and still is to this day).

Besides, the true developers behind GTR2 made Project Cars 2. This one could've been one of the best sims of the current generation if it wasn't for weird physics that change a lot, quite a few basic (but annoying) bugs, and horrible sounds almost all across the board.
Kunos is more consistent when it comes to feel and physics, despite the actual physics (tire, chassi, and aero models) not having any real simulation value. But if Kunos somehow get the simulation part to a better state than what they've achieved with Assetto Corsa, we'll actually have a spiritual successor to GTR2, something we haven't seen since 2006. And I really hope they do succeed in making ACC the best simulator of the past 12 years.

Just my 2 cents.

@David Wright I am aware. However, the notion of going more casual is absolutely there.

Please stop being so stubborn. He just showed you a quote where they said they were going to improve on RaceRoom physics and that neither side of the coin (casual/sim) will be forgotten, especially the sim guys.

So please tell me how they are doing what they originally said, when they're now claiming GTR3 is a "gateway" to RaceRoom? It's pretty simple... If they're improving on the R3E physics, why would R3E be the next step up from GT3R?
@Paul Jeffrey
Paul's dedication to all things RaceDepartment should have never been in question by anyone here. But those that did so, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Quiet now aren't you? Bloody sheep, the lot of ya.

edit: the ones who disagree are the actual sheep themselves.
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I think that GTR3 will be a good simulation (R3E physic +) but with help for the casual gamer (flashback, traction control...). And raceroom will be a simulation without help for casual gamer.
u expect them to erase all those assists we have now? Well, few days ago i joined random multiplayer server to test new gtx driver, i was driving with a keyboard and had a lot of fun :D
@Paul Jeffrey
Paul's dedication to all things RaceDepartment should have never been in question by anyone here. But those that did so, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Quiet now aren't you? Bloody sheep, the lot of ya.

I have never doubted Paul's dedication and integrity. Neither I never questioned how much he means for this community. Since he took over front page/news section RD become my daily routine.

However, I fully stand by my comments from yesterday. I also have some reflections after Paul's commentary, but I have decided to take them to private message channel, as they are irrelevant to discussion about GTR3 product itself and I don't see appropriate subforum section for continuing such discussion in open..
Please stop being so stubborn. He just showed you a quote where they said they were going to improve on RaceRoom physics and that neither side of the coin (casual/sim) will be forgotten, especially the sim guys.

So please tell me how they are doing what they originally said, when they're now claiming GTR3 is a "gateway" to RaceRoom? It's pretty simple... If they're improving on the R3E physics, why would R3E be the next step up from GT3R?

How am I being stubborn? I literally stated I am aware of the fact they were originally talking about catering for both sides, but the notion of going more casual is absolutely there. And it most certainly is:

It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important. At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC.

I think another point we need to take note of is, whilst the PC community would love this hard core simulation thing which is fine, as Allan said there is a console community that aren't going to fully adhere to that. The product at the end of the day needs to appeal to both sides, hardcore racer as well and the casual gamer. A game that does that really really well is Formula One. I can have fantastic fun in the simulator on PC and I can have just as much fun as a casual gamer on a console. They do it really well. I'm not saying that's something we are going to follow completely, I'm just saying that they've done it and it's possible... The best way to put it is neither side will be forgotten.

Emphasis is mine, obviously. Notice that for example he clearly states they will take the game a different route compared to Raceroom, which is one of the things from the current interview people are upset about. Yet it's clearly mentioned right there in the very first interview. Also notice that while they absolutely state "it will be a proper simulation", at the same time, they repeatedly emphasize the importance of casual player and they even give the F1 series by Codemasters as an example on how to do that kind of game well. And you only have to read a few discussions to understand what hardcore simracers think about the F1, even today, when it's admittedly evolved quite a lot from the state it was in back when the above comments were made.

If you still think I'm "being stubborn" by pointing out the notions of going more casual were absolutely there right in the beginning, I don't know what else to tell you.
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I'm not sure if I've ever seen a PR interview receive such a universally poor reception before. Meant to build hype for the game, ended up killing all hype for the game.

I'm also not sure I've ever seen a thread this long where most of the sim racers were in agreement. Strange times!

Paul's dedication to all things RaceDepartment should have never been in question by anyone here.

The only thing I question about @Paul Jeffrey is his dedication to those shirts...:O_o:

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