
Simbin studio staff hiring
So you think it's fair that for all the good articles on here we get castigated for what was an honest error, do you think for a minute we are happy about how it played out. The disproportionate response is what I find ridiculous coupled with the implication that we deliberately set out to deceive people.
If it was that honest of an error, make up for it by deleting all articles you made on GTR3 based on false informations (which means almost all of them, at this point).

It doesn't matter that you're sorry about it because it's irrelevant if it was done on purpose or not. What matters is that the longer these articles stay online without an extra introduction paragraph in big and bold characters stating that since the time of publication informations included turned out to be false, the more credibility you lose.

The fact that all of them are still online unmodified, just goes on to show that if it's not already a clickbait article per se about other subjects, clicks in general is all you care about regardless of whether or not what you state in your articles is true or not. You're going down the same route as that other guy that still lurks around here. After being proven as a fraud, he came out as a shill for one of the developers. The feeling that the same thing is happening here has been slowly creeping in.

If I were a journalist (a real one, not some guy with a blog calling himself a gaming journalist without a proper degree), that would've been the first thing I'd do. To issue an apology and actually make up for it rather than making a fool out of myself by going around and saying "hurr durr please ignore the half a dozen articles in which we mislead you just because we wrote a bunch of them that weren't a scam hurr durr".
OK maybe i read it incorrectly, but it said Sweden above and this is not Simbin, but Race Sector Studios ?:thumbsup:

Paul's attempt at a history lesson seems to have failed. Perhaps the Simbin website will make it clearer that they are developing GTR3 and they are based in the UK.


though other aspects are in need of updating as they have now clarified that GTR3 won't be the simulation their website says it is (or was).
GTR3 / WEC / Fake News / Criticism of me/RD – A Response.

Hi all,

I want to write this little note to those of you who have commented on this and other threads recently about “fake news”, more directly in response to some of the GTR3 / SimBin features we have run in recent weeks, and criticising both myself and RD.

Frankly I’m annoyed by these comments, and although it is smart to not put (virtual) pen to paper when angry, I’m going to have a go and see what happens...!

Ok so here goes…

EVERYTHING we (I) report here at RD is true, factual and unbiased. This is my sole responsibility, and one I take very seriously. Sim racing and motorsport are my passions, and because I’m not good enough to race professionally, nor can I paint skins or make mod car and tracks, I’ve decided to give back to the community by my work at RaceDepartment. RD has become my other passion, and I firmly believe nowhere else offers the freedom, dedication and honesty as this wonderful website, and the community who call it home.

Now in response to the SimBin / GTR3 comments. At every turn we have reported what has been made public knowledge, or what has been told to us by people right at the very core of the organisation. The WEC licence news came via a tweet that stated it would both be at GamesCom and was a “recreating FIA World Endurance Championship”. This tweet was real and from a legitimate source, and it was copied into the body of the article in which it inspired. Additionally, this tweet was confirmed by Chris Speed, CEO of SimBin, as being legitimate. These things are fact.

Added to this I have spoken with Chris as far back as 2017 where chat around the WEC licence has taken place, all in relation to GTR3, so coupled with the tweet from a known partner, and multiple conversations on the topic of GTR3 and WEC, this is more than adequate as multiple sources of confirmation. As a further addition, the same conversations between Chris and Bram have been undertaken separate to my own on this licence. So that very much destroys the “fake news” theory.

As for clickbate, this is rubbish. I’m pretty confident we don’t attract more visitors to RD with GTR3 news than we would have at any other time. We are by far and away the largest sim racing website in the world, and the idea that one game could draw in significantly more readers than our normal traffic, when the game is part of a genre we are already covering is just ridiculous.

The reason for the delay in three fold. First, I wanted to have some images to use in the piece. This was the plan from the beginning, however for reasons beyond my control these eventually became not possible to include in the article, despite my best efforts. I’ve personally seen dozens of images, and moving footage of the game, and although some more work needs doing to meet the graphical standards of ACC for example, I believe them to be good enough to publish. The developers disagree however, and frankly that is their right to do so.

Secondly during the writing up process my laptop decided to screw up, losing the work I’d completed to that point. Not a big deal in itself, as it took another day to catch back up, but when I’m doing my normal RD duties, working 48 hour weeks in a hard job, creating video content, trying to be a decent father and husband and everything else on top, it takes a while to get the stuff in order and ready to publish. I once did a mental calculation about how much free time I have in a “normal” Monday – Friday working week, assuming I get up at 6am and go to bed at 12:30 (its normally later than that). The calculation looks something like this:

6am – 6:30pm Work

6:30pm – 7:30pm dinner, pots, play with son

7:30pm – 12:30pm RD stuff, dev Skype chat, planning, research, video production

So that’s approximately 5 hours across the full week to myself, every week. Think about that please when criticising what I do.

Lastly I had a few pointers that I wanted Chris to clean up, as it didn’t make much sense in the finished draft. These were duly sent for review and amending. With Chris being at the GamesCom event and travelling to and from Germany, this obviously built in some delay too.

So frankly the delay is understandable, and just one of those things. I know you all want to know as much as possible about GTR3, and we will continue to try and give you the most insight we possibly can, but please just apply some patience and common sense to the way you behave in the comments section, and the unfounded accusations that get thrown around.

RD are independent, we take no money from devs or games, nor are we required to say certain things about any title. Coupled with that I am also independent, and beholden to no developer. I / we do what we do because we want to give back to the community, we want to share our great hobby and we want you to have the best, most trustworthy, honest, sensible and exclusive news we possibly can. Why? Because we love what we do, and we want to share that love for those that don’t have the contacts, time or inclination to gather the information and shift through the rubbish yourselves.

It hurts to hear some of the things said in the comments, especially when what we have reported is in good faith, correct at the time of going to press and verified by multiple trusted sources.

Do I think anything we've published with regards to GTR3 has been untrue? No. It has all been correct, and verified, before publishing. Has the scene changed since it was published? Yes, but that's not our fault, and we cannot be held accountable for that.

Frankly I'm pretty pissed off with some people and the way they are speaking about me and RD in these comments. If you don't like it, then please just bugger off. I can't be bothered with you.

Ok that’s it from me, feel free to hit the disagree button and carry on as before! :D
Like many here, I've supported many games, and I'm almost 52
I thought Nigel Mansell is 65. :cautious:
But really mate... what's with the name ? :alien:

Frankly I'm pretty pissed off with some people and the way they are speaking about me and RD in these comments. If you don't like it, then please just bugger off. I can't be bothered with you.
If we don't like what ? Simbin, the interview, this whole game of GTRones saga, RD or you personally ?
I thought we're all here free to express our points. :) Or is it that we can criticize each other all over this forum but only if you're not a staff member. That's not completely fair, to be honest.
I personally didn't say anything bad about you neither RD, I believe like most of us here that you being just ...mislead. :unsure:
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GTR3 / WEC / Fake News / Criticism of me/RD – A Response.

Hi all,

I want to write this little note to those of you who have commented on this and other threads recently about “fake news”, more directly in response to some of the GTR3 / SimBin features we have run in recent weeks, and criticising both myself and RD.

Frankly I’m annoyed by these comments, and although it is smart to not put (virtual) pen to paper when angry, I’m going to have a go and see what happens...!

Ok so here goes…

EVERYTHING we (I) report here at RD is true, factual and unbiased. This is my sole responsibility, and one I take very seriously. Sim racing and motorsport are my passions, and because I’m not good enough to race professionally, nor can I paint skins or make mod car and tracks, I’ve decided to give back to the community by my work at RaceDepartment. RD has become my other passion, and I firmly believe nowhere else offers the freedom, dedication and honesty as this wonderful website, and the community who call it home.

Now in response to the SimBin / GTR3 comments. At every turn we have reported what has been made public knowledge, or what has been told to us by people right at the very core of the organisation. The WEC licence news came via a tweet that stated it would both be at GamesCom and was a “recreating FIA World Endurance Championship”. This tweet was real and from a legitimate source, and it was copied into the body of the article in which it inspired. Additionally, this tweet was confirmed by Chris Speed, CEO of SimBin, as being legitimate. These things are fact.

Added to this I have spoken with Chris as far back as 2017 where chat around the WEC licence has taken place, all in relation to GTR3, so coupled with the tweet from a known partner, and multiple conversations on the topic of GTR3 and WEC, this is more than adequate as multiple sources of confirmation. As a further addition, the same conversations between Chris and Bram have been undertaken separate to my own on this licence. So that very much destroys the “fake news” theory.

As for clickbate, this is rubbish. I’m pretty confident we don’t attract more visitors to RD with GTR3 news than we would have at any other time. We are by far and away the largest sim racing website in the world, and the idea that one game could draw in significantly more readers than our normal traffic, when the game is part of a genre we are already covering is just ridiculous.

The reason for the delay in three fold. First, I wanted to have some images to use in the piece. This was the plan from the beginning, however for reasons beyond my control these eventually became not possible to include in the article, despite my best efforts. I’ve personally seen dozens of images, and moving footage of the game, and although some more work needs doing to meet the graphical standards of ACC for example, I believe them to be good enough to publish. The developers disagree however, and frankly that is their right to do so.

Secondly during the writing up process my laptop decided to screw up, losing the work I’d completed to that point. Not a big deal in itself, as it took another day to catch back up, but when I’m doing my normal RD duties, working 48 hour weeks in a hard job, creating video content, trying to be a decent father and husband and everything else on top, it takes a while to get the stuff in order and ready to publish. I once did a mental calculation about how much free time I have in a “normal” Monday – Friday working week, assuming I get up at 6am and go to bed at 12:30 (its normally later than that). The calculation looks something like this:

6am – 6:30pm Work

6:30pm – 7:30pm dinner, pots, play with son

7:30pm – 12:30pm RD stuff, dev Skype chat, planning, research, video production

So that’s approximately 5 hours across the full week to myself, every week. Think about that please when criticising what I do.

Lastly I had a few pointers that I wanted Chris to clean up, as it didn’t make much sense in the finished draft. These were duly sent for review and amending. With Chris being at the GamesCom event and travelling to and from Germany, this obviously built in some delay too.

So frankly the delay is understandable, and just one of those things. I know you all want to know as much as possible about GTR3, and we will continue to try and give you the most insight we possibly can, but please just apply some patience and common sense to the way you behave in the comments section, and the unfounded accusations that get thrown around.

RD are independent, we take no money from devs or games, nor are we required to say certain things about any title. Coupled with that I am also independent, and beholden to no developer. I / we do what we do because we want to give back to the community, we want to share our great hobby and we want you to have the best, most trustworthy, honest, sensible and exclusive news we possibly can. Why? Because we love what we do, and we want to share that love for those that don’t have the contacts, time or inclination to gather the information and shift through the rubbish yourselves.

It hurts to hear some of the things said in the comments, especially when what we have reported is in good faith, correct at the time of going to press and verified by multiple trusted sources.

Do I think anything we've published with regards to GTR3 has been untrue? No. It has all been correct, and verified, before publishing. Has the scene changed since it was published? Yes, but that's not our fault, and we cannot be held accountable for that.

Frankly I'm pretty pissed off with some people and the way they are speaking about me and RD in these comments. If you don't like it, then please just bugger off. I can't be bothered with you.

Ok that’s it from me, feel free to hit the disagree button and carry on as before! :D

I don't know about other people but i personally would never assault or hurt you by my posts. What i'm personally sh*tting on with my posts is not you, it's simbin with the direction they've taken. You and rd are very much a-okay in my book. I'm just disappointed in chris is all.

GTR2 was my very first sim with my logitech dfgt damn it. I wanted to feel the glory of a hardcore sim so fleshed out like that again... But instead we're about to get this abomination... (if it ever gets released that is, lol)
To many make it personal and emotional
I could not care less about licences as compared to all other areas of a sim
You free to buy the final product at your leisure or not

The thing I don't like about bagging sims is you are casting aspersions
on the staff which is no difference to rubbishing someone does 3rd party

They have feelings too you know
The toxic sim racing community that PRC used to write about on show here on this thread.

1.If you think GTR3 is not hardcore enough read the reviews & dont buy it if is simcade.
Nothing toxic from community because people are not "thinking it's not hardcore enough", the CEO of Simbin himself said it, and he did it after saying the game would have a focus on simulation too in previous interview.
There is also the fact that they are doing a game like this, according to him "not even an attempt to be a sim", using the GTR name, that could only go bad with the community anyway.
They should start a new franchise instead.
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Snipped for length.

I don't believe Paul did anything wrong here, and I hope those piling on him for one reason or another are not just doing so because they need a replacement for me to attack.

I believe SimBin are taking a very bizarre approach to game development, in that they conduct interviews with sim media outlets prior to having the resources/funding to finish a game, and hope that the reception to said interviews/articles will reel in publishers that will provide them with the necessary financial backing. SimBin's own bizarre approach to marketing and development is not RD's responsibility.
You know what's sad? We might have another game to look up to, and i do really wish a good game comes out of all this mess, but many "simracers" would rather not have any game at all, so their favorite game is the only thing in town.... that's just petty.
You know what's sad? We might have another game to look up to, and i do really wish a good game comes out of all this mess, but many "simracers" would rather not have any game at all, so their favorite game is the only thing in town.... that's just petty.

It's petty, but it makes sense given the current online-focused climate.

Sim Racing is not very popular, and the already small user-base is split between an enormous amount of games.

Rocket League has a sizeable userbase and eSports scene because there's only one car soccer game.

We have twelve. And all of them drive drastically different from one another, to the point where unless you're a freak of nature, transitioning from one game to the next isn't an easy task.
Reading all the negative comments causes me to pause and think, "Perhaps I'm not a serious sim racer".

I say this (or think it) because I can't pass judgement on something that has not really been revealed in any solid way at this point. Not sure where I stand on the whole, It's got top be a "full on, Holy G Forces Batman, this thing made me puke", simulation or it's rubbish thing...

I probably don't make the cut as a serious sim racer because I don't need it to be the be all end all racing sim. I just want to enjoy my time with it, I am after all in this thing to have fun.

As for the staff, fake news, I've been lied too, hysteria, shame on y'all for being so hard on folks trying to give us all they can on this stuff...really, behave, take a chill pill, cool your jets, RESPECT..."Reatha Rest your Soul)

Thanks for the article, very interesting, lots needs to be seen, ready, willing and able to wait for further revelation...as I am above all a sim racing enthusiast, whether I make the grade as a "serious sim racer" or not.
Wow, so many likes and loves from Paul's interview but so many not likes in the comments and I can't say I blame anyone. I am barely capable of doing a decent design on a sim car given the most basic of tools so I am in utter awe of the designers and developers of the sim racing games on the market.

Having said that .... and even though I totally get the need for funding and that the sim community with all the games out still is a small market share of the industry, I am deeply disappointed that they are choosing to go Project Cars route..

GTR, GTR2 and that whole series was the DNA of what sim racing was and GTR3 was the great hope of what it could be. That's as harsh as it gets. I can only hope that someone at SIMBIN decides that they can make a Gran Turismo or Forza game for the masses on console which will allow them to make a PC game from the profits for the sim racers here at RD just as Keannu Reeves knocks out a big money movie to allow him to take scale for a low budget indy movie.
Wow, so many likes and loves from Paul's interview but so many not likes in the comments and I can't say I blame anyone.
This is a good point. Right now, Paul's OP has:


The community has spoken. We appreciate what Paul has done. A few people have made accusations about Paul, himself, but not the vast, vast majority of members.

Good job, Paul, keep it up! :beer:

Let's put the heat where it needs to go: SimBin.

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