I realize it's a free forum but why are you guys talking so much plain bullcrap here all the time? It's an interview where they outline their directions.

Why would you folks state your own pointless wishes and suggestions? :rolleyes:
I realize it's a free forum but why are you guys talking so much plain bullcrap here all the time? It's an interview where they outline their directions.

Why would you folks state your own pointless wishes and suggestions? :rolleyes:
Some of the developers are quite active on this forum and openly engage around ideas and opinions.

My advice is to keep offering up your ideas and opinions as they DO get seen!
He never said iracing was totally unrealistic nor did he say you have to be drunk to enjoy it :roflmao:. When comparing the two he actually said Iracing is not perfect but its much more closer to real life and much more realistic than ''Project Carts''.

I wasn't comparing the 2 titles i was refering to his comment regarding the the tire model ;)
Watch his video comparing the porsche in AC, iracing and r3e.
He says it's also unrealistic, mushy and feels like a melting rain tire.
Yeah RMR1 but sector 3 and Simbin develop a new technology for GTR3. Why not simulation and arcade in GTR3. And this technology can be use on R3E after GTR3
GTR3 as a gateway means: Try to get the casuals as much as possible with a noob friendly easy arcade/simcade game. After that hoping some of these casuals want to do more seriosly racing and will step up to the simulator R3E.
To provide arcade and simulation already in GTR3 (which R3E already does) will make it useless as a gateway.
It shouldn't be that hard to understand :whistling:
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It's called conversation, discussion, brain-storming, shooting the breeze with fellow
enthusiasts. People do this all the time in real life and online.

There must be a meme to cover this I'm blanking on...
Turning in circles and digging into wishing-wells is no conversation...
I don’t understand why GT3 racing has to be simcade. It doesn’t offer the painting and customization kids like, it doesn’t have the coolest new Lamborghini released by Hotwheels, and it doesn’t have the brand recognition of F1 or NASCAR. I understand why Forza, F1 and NASCAR have to be simcades, but why Simbin thinks non-enthusiasts want to play with a series they haven’t heard of, in plain, lifeless tracks, is just beyond me.
SimBin put their cards on the table. IMHO, devs have in part got some priorities wrong and held back the genre for quite a few years. It frustrates me. I don't use other genres when I game, so driving is a big deal to me.

So - if SimBin doesn't want my money, I'll happily keep funding Kunos projects/DLC, S397, Reiza, etc. I'm over this news story already.
It’s good to have another sim in the market, but for me and specially after this interview I’m very fine with rfactor2 for years and years from now.... no need to wait for GTR3 or ACC, rfactor2 is the sim that has every thing despite its defects!
Leave him be...

a girl can dream. :D

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