Is GTR3 going to have something similar to PCars's solo mode where all cars & tracks are available from the start and I can setup custom race weekends against AI?
Career with tier progression might be nice to some people but I don't want to have to spend time grinding through the game to unlock cars & tracks.

Is GTR3 going to support mods?
We cannot. Despite the fact that I have a lot of respect and symphaty for @Paul Jeffrey for all the work he does for our community.

My bitterness comes from impression how long Paul was keeping us inside this bullshit baloon, while he enjoyed number of clicks and traffic on GTR3 forum.
Let's look back two weeks. Here are some quotes of messages we received from Paul

Aug 11st: "Confirmed to replicatre WEC Championship" 'Official unveiling" "doubts disppelled once and for all"

Aug 12th: "Guys, for those in doubt I can confirm this is fact, official, not fake news, confirmed at the highest level etc.etc. "backs up something I've known for a year, but not been allowed to say"

Aug 12th: "This has never been tabloid news... its a bloody fact, from official source!

Aug 13th: "Yo! Interview completed :) "Seen plenty of footage and it looks sweet"

Then we went to two weeks period of 'waiting for pictures', 'laptop crash' etc.

Let's be honest, the only real news that excited us on Aug 11th were WEC licence and chance to see something by Aug 21st. It seems to me that our Paul knew already by end of Monday Aug 13th, that both of these 'facts' are indeed false. Yet he decided to leave us with this whole bullshit for next 14 days. Not fair.
Lol chill out mate.
Can't help but wonder if this was Paul's reaction during the interview.

The latest abuse of Unreal Engine in simracing should be a news too...seriously I want to know why all are jumping to UE4...all the games are going to look very similar (no matter the artist choices, color palette, etc etc)

All SIMULATION games should ideally look exactly the same, because they want to simulate the SAME reality.
What is worst (for me at least...) I just recently uninstall the darn GTR2 ! :D
I mean, I figured... don't play it that much recently and anyway...
new one is just around the corner !!! :laugh:
Oh boy... was I wrong... :sneaky::devilish:
Haha, people actually thinking current Simbin would give us a top GTR2 successor after S3 delivered R3E:whistling:. They are going console, that is the only reason for developing GTR3. And using Simbin as dev name is a very strong marketing strategy. But i bumped my head once with R3E, not going to do it twice:cautious:
The name GTR is only strong with the older simracers, new generation players wouldn't even know what it is about, so saying that the names GTR and Simbin will help new consoleplayers to get hyped seems dubious at best.
So, based on his comments about GTR3 being a gateway to sim, if you're already driving R3E, then there's no reason to get GTR3, because that would be going backwards in terms of hobby progression.

Nice! Genius promotion. I'm sure this interview will boost interest and day-one sales.
Okay, I'm officially loathing Simbin now.

So basically no license, no clear stated direction, no clear idea about content or features, no screenshots. Sorry, the term that comes to mind is "Attention Whores". Lots of hot air about their occasional "screenshot" with no substance. I'm going to mentally filter all the articles and threads about them from now on.
A la lecture de l'interview « mes espoirs » sont réduits à néant. J' imaginais déjà gtr3 comme la future référence du simracing.

- Un mix de raceroom (sons" bruit moteur"/contenu / licence officielle FIA )

- project-car 2 pour les graphismes,

- rfactor 2 pour la physique

- d'iracing pour le multi-joueur...

- d’assetto corsa pour le modding

mais visiblement ils ont besoin financièrement de faire un jeu grand public

(style : gran turismo –forza--project car) afin de remplir les caisses du studio et de réaliser un maximum de vente.

Quand on voit que l'essentiel du e-sport se déroule sur des jeux grand public …

Les simulations "" Hard core"" à l'image d'un dirt rally représente trop peu de succès commercial malgré tout les avis positif !

Par conséquent dans l'immédiat tous mes espoirs reposent sur Assetto Corsa Compétition....

Pourquoi ne pas unir les forces en présence l’équipe sector 3 + simbin uk pour refonder et développer raceroom …plutôt que de sortir un nouveau jeu gtr3 dans 1 an « 3eme trimetre 2019 » qui au bout de 10 heures de jeu on aura mis de côté pour revenir aux autres jeux ?

When reading the interview, "my hopes" are reduced to nothing. I already imagined gtr3 as the future reference of simracing.
- A mix of raceroom (sound "engine noise" / content / official license FIA)
- project-car 2 for graphics,
- rfactor 2 for physics
- of iracing for the multi-player ...
- assetto corsa for modding
but obviously they need financially to make a game for the general public
(style: gran turismo -forza - project car) to fill the boxes of the studio and achieve maximum sales.
When we see that the essence of e-sport is played on mainstream games ...
The simulations "Hard core" in the image of a dirt rally represents too little commercial success despite all the positive reviews!

Therefore in the immediate future all my hopes rest on Assetto Corsa Competition ....

Why not join forces with the team sector 3 + simbin uk to rebuild and develop raceroom ... rather than release a new game gtr3 in 1 year "3rd quarter 2019" which after 10 hours of play we will have put side to return to other games?
What a dumpster fire. They use the names simbin and GTR that are only know to simracers to "market" (the word market is used very loosely here) a game, which the main target is not simracers. They admit to the public (on a website that consists of simracers, by the way) they don't have a lot of content and are looking for a publisher to give them money for licenses. They say they have playable content but are not able to give a few screenshots for the website to post.

Everything about this is so wrong. I don't even know what the point of this interview was. I guess it can be a warning for us to stay away from this project and not get our hopes up. Honestly, looking at the way things are right now, i don't think they can deliver anything other than a buggy mess, and that's if they are able to deliver anything at all.

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