It is finally on my HD. Max vid settings. HD 7970 3gb. All good. Has somebody got a manual for me? Because I have dl it from Rockstar directly, there is no manual ava. Cheers, Andrew
I am using the AMD Monitor program GPU Tweak from AMD itself. In there you can set the GC to *Gaming*. Well, the GC gets a bit hot....90 Celcius, but thats okay. Using 89 % of the vram. also I have installed the new Beta from AMD, espec. made for GTA 5.

Free Advertising when you win street races @Bram Hengeveld . Especially for you :D
Only if RD Crew is the main Crew though!
It comes up every time you win something :)
Yeah but it is nicer to have it after winning a race :p
I had a race where the first section was straight only. But combine that with 20 cars, of which probably 18 never raced in any race game before and turn one will be total immense chaos :roflmao:
Are you kidding? :p

I wish I was. Decided to go from MSAA x8 to MSAA x4 (without nVidia TXAA), so I could max everything else (including density, variation, shadows, textures, and the scaling/shadows on advanced graphics :)

With MSAA x8 I push the VRAM limit, so I have only around 30mb to spare, which leads to some serious framedrops and the random crash :)
I wish I was. Decided to go from MSAA x8 to MSAA x4 (without nVidia TXAA), so I could max everything else (including density, variation, shadows, textures, and the scaling/shadows on advanced graphics :)

With MSAA x8 I push the VRAM limit, so I have only around 30mb to spare, which leads to some serious framedrops and the random crash :)
Ahh well, I have 2G of memory free, but I suppose my GPU Clock speed is not good enough to use highest quality textures :p
Playing on all settings High, no AA, 1080p on a Laptop is pretty nice as well right ?:p
Never thought to check RAM usage yesterday, but it's extreme on VRAM! I cannot max it out with my 980 SLI due to lack of VRAM. Saving up for TITAN SLI?

I don't always buy into that but it depends on the resolution you're playing at. A lot of games will cache as much video memory as you give them to use but doesn't mean they'll actually use that much memory. I believe Call of Duty Advanced Warfare was like that, using a video card with 8GB of memory, it would cache up to 7GB in video memory but the game never actually required that much video memory and ran just the same with 3GB of video memory. Unless you're running the game at 4K resolution with all of the bells and whistles, I just don't know that its using as much video memory as it might seem.
Found on Rockstar Support:

GTA 5 PC Intel + AMD/Nvidia GPUs (laptops mostly) FIX!!

Someone found out how to fix the problem that prevent GTA from launching on Steam once you click on "play" (process starts and closes right away).

This is the video.

  • You have to disable the GPU performance launch the game, then Rockstar Social Club will start and you can launch the game.
  • Then in the video he closes the game by ending the process in the task manager, which leaves Rockstar Social Club open.
  • Then he enables the GPU performance again.
  • Then he can play GTA 5 with his GPU performance finally.
Conclusion: GTA 5/Rockstar Social Club doesn't launch with the two GPUs enabled. It's a bug happening only in this game.

Found in the net:

If your game does not open on an Intel laptop, follow these instructions:
o For Nvidia:
1. Open Device Manager.
2. Go to Display Adapters.
3. Disable Nvidia Device.
4. Start the game launcher.
5. Reenable Nvidia Card. You need to do this while the launcher is up but not after the full game has loaded.

o For AMD:
1. Open Device Manager.
2. Go to Display Adapters.
3. Disable Intel Device.
Well, well, well, finally! :D

It was about time we could play GTA V on PC. I won't go back in the debate "should GTA be in this forums?" that animated the threads recently. I fully understand why people would not like to see it on this website, but my opinion is biased since I love this type of game. Personally I'm glad it's here, and I'm glad to know I'll be able to share time with the great community in here, with something a bit different, and potentially very fun! :p

After a tedious install from the 7 CDs, a long download of the 5 Go patch, and a complex adjustment of the graphic settings, I could have the game ready for some smooth and pleasant gaming! I love it already, it's so immersive. :geek:

I can't wait to join the RD gang of thugz and get involved in an official RD event.
See you soon in Los Santos, guys! ;)

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