6GB with a Geforce 770 vidcard

I wouldn't think that would be an issue however, GTA IV on the PC was well known to be a CPU hog. Not enough information yet on GTA V on PC to know if its the same yet but I suspect the CPU/memory will have at least some impact on performance as it did with GTA IV. Your video card should be fine though.

Are you using an Intel Nehalem CPU?
I have never played this game , but read this and might help some of you guys .

Answer: We have identified an issue where players with Windows usernames that include characters not found in the table at the bottom of this page will likely run into difficulties when attempting to download, install, or play GTAV. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.

If you don’t want to wait for a fix, you need to create a new Administrator User Account for your Windows system that only includes letters A to Z, a to z or numbers 0-9 from the basic roman alphabet. For a full list of supported characters, see the table at the bottom of this page. Please note that simply renaming your current User Account will not correct this issue. Once your new account is created (or if you already have an account that only uses these characters) we recommend you restart your PC and log in with that account before starting or continuing with the installation process. To create the account, follow these instructions from Microsoft’s website:

Cruising around in an open world, could be cool and different, but how is the driving experience compare to any decent SIM?
Better than F1? :rolleyes:
But to be honest, if you feel like GTA shouldn't be here, then just skip the entire forum instead of spamming your opinion, which has been shared a lot of times already. We, the people who do like it, aren't waiting for sarcastic comments.
.. you may want to ....just cruise around in an open world
Cruising around in an open world, could be cool and different, but how is the driving experience compare to any decent SIM?
Well, if pCars gets another delay, KUNOS makes again an update that kills all mod-cars, ... you may want to smash some bad guys or just cruise around in an open world
Well, if you cite me please don't rip the in yours opinion only useful information out of the context, thx
Well, if you cite me please don't rip the in yours opinion only useful information out of the context, thx
Not sure why you and the other guy are so on the defensive, I do not have an opinion, I am just curious.
I am not into gaming, only interested in SIM racing/driving, not familiar with GTA, but since it seems to be of interest to people enjoying SIM racing/driving, like I do, it got me curious.
I personally have zero interest in smashing anything, bad guy's included, that is why I removed that part, but I enjoy the driving part of the SIM experience and being able to drive on streets I am not familiar with sounds interesting, that if the driving is remotely similar to what we are experiencing in our favourite SIMs.
Please, do not read anything else in my question, just a simple and straight forward question.
But you know what, never mind, enjoy your GTA, sorry I ever asked.
Not sure why you and the other guy are so on the defensive, I do not have an opinion, I am just curious.
I am not into gaming, only interested in SIM racing/driving, not familiar with GTA, but since it seems to be of interest to people enjoying SIM racing/driving, like I do, it got me curious.
I personally have zero interest in smashing anything, bad guy's included, that is why I removed that part, but I enjoy the driving part of the SIM experience and being able to drive on streets I am not familiar with sounds interesting, that if the driving is remotely similar to what we are experiencing in our favourite SIMs.
Please, do not read anything else in my question, just a simple and straight forward question.
But you know what, never mind, enjoy your GTA, sorry I ever asked.
I had no defensive purpose so far, just wanted to stress that maybe you picked the wrong focus of my post - and the main focus was more ironic than anything else - maybe I should stress this better in the future :geek:

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