F1 22 Modding Questions Thread

This is more of a photoshop question pertaining to mods but does anyone else have issues with photoshop being incredibly laggy (practically unusable) when loading the FOM 3d model? I have a 2080 super, i9 with 32 gbs of ram I feel like that should be plenty. My RAM usage according to task manager is only 46% when trying to work with the 3d model. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: to add, My memory usage allowance is set to 78% and I have it set to the correct graphics processor.
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This is more of a photoshop question pertaining to mods but does anyone else have issues with photoshop being incredibly laggy (practically unusable) when loading the FOM 3d model? I have a 2080 super, i9 with 32 gbs of ram I feel like that should be plenty. My RAM usage according to task manager is only 46% when trying to work with the 3d model. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: to add, My memory usage allowance is set to 78% and I have it set to the correct graphics processor.
Which version of Photoshop are you using? The newer versions are pretty poor for 3d rendering. I am running the 2020 version and I still find it can be troublesome when updating any changes. It can go for long periods without a problem then suddenly starts acting up, I usually have to close the paint .psd and then reopen it to make the change
Which folder? It defaults to wanting me to save it in the folder the mod is in on my PC — not to the root folder for F1.
every ERP are at F122/2022 asset group ? right, so all the folder bellow 2022 asset group appear in the 2022 assett group also.

Thats mean, all clone folder from 2022 asset group appearing directly in the F122 folder are the folder containing the minimaps

More often the root is the same excepting not going in the 2022 asset group, but all minimap created are with you original dds, just quick search in your pc the name of those minimap if you struggle to find them.


the car: F122/ 2022 assett group/ f1 2022 vehicle package/ team / fom car/ wep is the ERP

hes minimap are

F122/f1 2022 vehicle package/ team /fom car/textures/liveries

simple as this, but not always simple to find and some texture specially those from cinematic havent the same path for minimap

minimap have the same name giving to the texture in the ERP


unless you had change their name, the should be like this and that one is for the trouser for the racecrew.
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Which version of Photoshop are you using? The newer versions are pretty poor for 3d rendering. I am running the 2020 version and I still find it can be troublesome when updating any changes. It can go for long periods without a problem then suddenly starts acting up, I usually have to close the paint .psd and then reopen it to make the change
thanks for that. I was running the newest version of Photoshop but installed 20.0 and that made a world of difference. Theres still some slugginess but not near the amount I had before.
Is there any value that can be changed to make the AI's tyre temperature more in line with the human player's tyre temperatures on pit exit? Currently they lose very minimal time on the cold tyres compared to the human.
Hi, I've looked through all the posts in this forum and haven't found a similar issue.

When i install a custom helmet design (by copy and paste, because that's the way the designer provided the mod) it only shows up in the "f1 life" customization menu, when i go to my driver career the helmet still has the default skin.

Does anyone know why this happens?
Hi, I've looked through all the posts in this forum and haven't found a similar issue.

When i install a custom helmet design (by copy and paste, because that's the way the designer provided the mod) it only shows up in the "f1 life" customization menu, when i go to my driver career the helmet still has the default skin.

Does anyone know why this happens?
Stupid question perhaps but have you highlighted the helmet in F1 Life, pressed edit, then on the equip option? The helmet won't automatically be used in the game if you don't.
Hello ,

I also have a question :) ok maybe 2 :)

1. the FOM Car folder is for your own My Team?

2. to change the grip of the different types of tires , I change the data in the tyrecompounds folder. There are 7 different tire types (without Ints and Wets). Do I still have to change all tire types or do some fall out? (e.g. Hypersofts)

Thanks and best regards
What folders should I back up so I don't lose my custom files with the new update? The files I've edited are all my-team related. (livery, racesuit, gloves, hat, crew shirt/firesuit, etc.) Do I just need the 2022_asset group folder? Thats where all the files are located but I've noticed when downloading copy + paste mods its usually 3 different folders.

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