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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Come on John, we all have our bad races or get annoyed if someone wipes us out, you only have to see myself and the way i acted at times the past few seasons to see that. Then you miss a race as you have had enough and realise how much you miss racing and then want to be back racing again.

You have great pace in this game, your qualifying always shows that, its just getting the race pace sorted with practice. Will be a real shame to lose a stand out guy in the field, hope you consider your decision to stop and we see you on the grid for Malaysia. If the core guys all started dropping out like that there will be no league to come back to for the next game :(

Have a PS4 myself, you will get bored once you are done with whatever games you have got with it, is a real lack of good games for it atm, would hold off getting rid of the ps3 if i was you. I still spend more time on the PS3 than PS4, maybe thats just me though
@Andy Goodwin @Andrew Wood Cheers for the nice comments guys, really appreciate it. I tried to get myself up for the race this Sunday but I just can't get motivated. To be on any sort of decent pace I have to practice and it takes up a lot of my spare time. I'd rather give my spot to someone who is either naturally quick or will put in the effort to race.
Not been on for nearly 3 weeks now, but nonetheless the car felt good after 15 mins on TT. Had 2 drive thru's. 1st for taking out Boothy on lap 1, then a strange one popped up after lapping someone:mad:.

Didn't have the heart to go chasing Boothy after that, and woulda needed a lot more laps to have gotten remotely close enough to do so anyways. Ran outa fuel halfway round last lap as well - I wasn't making you go around another lap on purpose there @Karl Fuss:laugh:
I was trying to stay on the lead lap and screwed up a bit on my last lap and lost 10 seconds or more at Turn 4......

I'll try to update the points tonight, had a busy weekend after this race was done.
Ahh. Thanks Matt.

Very sorry Karl. I should have been more careful when rounding that corner. It was clear that I went too wide instead of keeping closer to the inside. Why the game simultaneously warns me (appropriate) and flips your guy off (inappropriate) is beyond me.
Which lap? I don't remember it - lol
Is it in your video?
I'll try to watch it later.

at any rate - no worries. :)
Championship Hungarian Grand Prix - Sunday Apr 27 - 7:30pm
Lobby open at 7:15, Race Start 7:30 GMT

Sign ups 48 hours before race 7:30 Friday, Reserves will then be offered any free race seats.

Please sign up as follows Name / Gamertag / Constructor

Assists - None
Distance 100%

Host - Chris B | chja00111

Backup Host - Mark Torres / Faux News 79

Sign up's:
1 - Harry Stride / SoggyCabbages / Williams
2 - Mitch Gosling / mitch4p4looz4 / Lotus
3 - Matthew Booth/Boothy116/Force India.
4 - Eric Jaeger/Jaegermeister34/Merc
5 - Mark Torres / Faux News 79 / Lotus
6 - Chris Benham | chja00111 | ScudMissile
7 - Zach Plummer | RallyKingCMR7 | A less effective ScudMissile
8 - Gavin Hendley / Gavos 2 Base / RBR
9 - Rob Poelmans/Rob46 BE/ RBR
10 - Zsolt Baumgartner/Jarv027/Mercedes.
11 - Craig Renard - reserve
12 - Tristan Mann/ tony bair / Williams
13 - C.Knowles / freechi11y / reserve
14 -
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Lotus - Expert AI
China - 100% distance
Q - dry
R - dry
Pole time - 1:37.109
My Quali time - 1:38.622 (in Q2, made top 10 but didn;t put in a Q3 lap)
Race fast lap - 1:37.303 (Vettell)
My fast lap - 1:40.402
Race Time - 1:36:27.528
My finish position – 6th (+1 lap)
O / O (L12) / P (L24) / P (L39)

Finally got back to my career yesterday after leaving the guys in the garage at the end of Q2 for over 3 months!! Once the AI started putting in their times I decided to stay sat in the garage and save the tyres as no way I was going to match them. With two sets of fresh options and two primes I was set for an O / O / P / P run with stops on lap 12, 24 and lap 40.

I really should have done some practice for this one before starting but after the weekends Grand Prix and with little time available I decided to just run a few laps and then get into it.

Starting from 10th I got away fairly well although lost a place as things bunched up at turn 1 but threaded my way through the long right-hander and exited turn 2 in 6th place side by side with my team mate Kimi. I was on the left and we raced up towards the next corner and he conceded the position as the track narrowed and I was up into P5 as we rounded the tight right-hander. Far better than I could have hoped for. These early season career cars really do feel a bit tank like and it was a struggle getting the car turned in for first left-hander before sector 2 ends and the hairpin, didn’t help that I was misjudging the braking points for latter for a while too but managed to hang onto 5th place for a while despite the cars crawling all over my backside into turn 1 and the hairpin once DRS was activated. Eventually Hulkenburg found his way past as I was a bit eager on the throttle out of the hairpin and the backend got a bit screwy giving him the chance to pass me on the way up to the final turn but 6th place was kept over the remaining laps until my pit stop on lap 12. I went in ahead of Massa but despite me having no damage and having a quick stop he was still out ahead so a place was lost and I had no chance of keeping up with him once we got going and he was quickly pulling away leaving me in 7th but with a little bit of respite from the others as all the stops were completed.

Over the laps to the second stops I was coming under fire from a bunch of AI again, my teammate being one of them but I was able to keep the position with some hard but fair fighting although it was helped a great deal by their reluctance to overtake on the inside into the hairpin. It quickly became obvious that if I used most of my KERS along there, stuck to the left-hand side and kept a tight line around the corner that they would not pass even if they closed right up on me. Much harder on the exit though and harder still on the run to turn 1 where they would blast past me on the outside as I hit the brakes but by holding tight to the inside I was always able to retake the position on the way around and hold the inside into the exit.. very close a few times but it seemed to work. I’m sure Kimi will not be happy as I have been keeping him among others behind me like that several times and for the team perhaps I should have let him through to chase down more points but I am keeping it clean and want to win that teammate challenge lol.

Stop 2 came and all went smoothly but some cars stayed out an extra lap and once their stops had been made I had somehow lost positions and re-joined in 12th. This became 10th as some of the slower cars pitted a few laps later but when I saved the race at lap 30 only one car ahead was yet to pit and with the rest well ahead and me now under pressure from behind again it looks like it’s going to be tough going to hold onto the points positions. Fastest lap so far is in the 1:41’s while the fastest lap is in the 1:39’s and most cars ahead are now running a second or more faster. Definitely feel I would be doing better if I could have adjusted the setup as I have changed quite a few things in how I set the car up since I started this Grand Prix but with parc ferme in effect I was stuck with it... Fingers crossed that the lowering fuel will see my pace increase and at least hang in there for a point!!
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