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Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Cool JF. We'll leave it a few days to guage responses.
I imagine we really only need two or three of the League racers to make it a weekly thing and we're away.
Cool BTW that Vettel has added his name to the "Wall of Champions"
Thinking of it, Peter has a good point not making it either mondays or fridays...And for the time, for me 9:30 GMT would be best, but that would be really late for you guys I guess. I could make it for 8:00 GMT, but not all races, since it's 3:00 in the afternoon in here (my boss really likes it when I work a couple hours between sim races and race/rallye/motocross events !)

Yeah that Wall of champions really is something ! Everybody had a big grin on their face when he hit it. Heading for the GP in 30 minutes, there will be light showers all day, so it really should be action packed ! Just hope nobody has bad accidents...
Race report

Quali, not good. Primes, and I damaged my front wing on my outlap and made a mess of the hotlap. Set a time, but pitted for new wing and another run. Setup for 2 flying laps, 1st hotlap I make a mistake but go a little faster, 2nd hotlap and I get a blow out on my left rear tyre coming through turn 4! Have to settle for 5th on the grid.

Race, got a good start and pulled up past kangaroo. Now here is where it gets complicated, and I can tell you how I see it from my cockpit. I lift off the gas and try to keep an equal gap to the cars infront of me, but I can help noticing a space open up which looks very inviting to put my car into, which will close the door on kangaroo who (as far as my mirrors and the arrows are showing) is now on my diffuser rather than alongside me. In the split second I have to take all this in, I leave the actual braking a little late and lockup also have the backend twitch out on me. I pass through the gap I wanted to be in and just manage to bring it back from the brink of going on the grass. Now regardless that I was locking up, my car was going to be in that gap as it seemed a legitimate overtake which I just couldnt make stick. Due to my loss of momentum, Bill went around me, when he did that, he brushed wheels with CHS who was on his left, unfortunately making him spin.

So the early parts of the race im battling with Toto, swapping positions, then Marine gets the drop on me at the hairpin. Next lap he goes deep at the hairpin and I follow him in, just managing to swerve back onto the track rather than biting the wall.

I catch Toto again and get past him after making a mistake exiting the final chicane. I then make a mistake and Toto gets past me again going into turn 8 and closes the door very hard on my front wheel!! Another mistake and I fall back behind Kangaroo. Stay with him and then get a drive through on lap12 (thats why I vanished Bill!). This is where 3rd place is thrown away and a possible fight for 2nd.

Take penalty on lap 15 and come out 12 secs behind Kangaroo, and 10 secs ahead of Toto. 11 laps of fairly boring driving and I pit for options on lap 26. As Im sat there I see 4th place TGWulfyn go past and I exit 7 secs behind him.
2 laps later im on his diffuser, and there is 6 laps to try and get on the podium.

I knew I was way faster than TGWulfyn, and I knew he knew it too :D What followed was a great battle, with some great defending. as you know I try not to hit people, so was ultra careful under braking. Had a few 'moments' which you will see from my video which catches all the action from there to the end of the race.

Due to the drive through and being slowed right down behind TGWulfyn, I got lapped by Mattie. (Sorry if I looked a bit indecisive when you were behind me, I was gonna move right but then then your position arrow went that way, so I moved back to the left and you did too! Anyway, once you were past I tried to use you to get past TGWulfyn when he got the blue flag. Its really interesting to watch. TGWulfyn did some more blocking and I got past him in Turn 8 but spun on the exit and he went back past.

Its a shame we didnt have one more lap, as Mattie ended our battle prematurely by winning a lap up. As you can see in my video, we were 2tenths apart over the line if that. One more lap and I would have had you for sure and the sweet taste of bubbly :p

My fastest race lap 1:14.246

Here is the full race highlight reel. Staring Me, Toto, Marine, Kangaroo, Mattie and most definitely TGWulfyn!!

F1 2010 @ Abu Dhabi - 12th June TONIGHT!






19:00 GMT


Participation: Qualification and Race
Race Distance: 50%
Car Assignment: Player's Choice
Weather Setting: Dynamic
Track Selection: Abu Dhabi / Yas Marina


Rules and Flags: Reduced
Tyre Wear: On
Fuel Load Simulation: On
Car Damage: On
Car Performance: Equal
Collisions: Full


Braking Assist:
ABS: Banned
Traction Control: Banned
Dynamic Racing Line: Banned
Gearbox: Allowed
Pit Limiter: Restrict to Manual
Pit Box Control: Restrict to Manual


Forum name:
Gamer tag:


  1. Scott Webber / ImpulsivePlay3r / Torro Rosso
  2. Christian Schoeler / ELITE-CHS / Red Bull
  3. insidemattie / Renault
  4. FMFirefly / Virgin
  5. Bartek Wojcik / gootek303 / McLaren
  6. Andrew Bortz / mercedes
  7. Stefan Woudenberg / joempie / Williams
  8. Richard Alexander / Richardflea / Lotus
  9. simon rizzo / Rzzzzzz / Ferrari
    10. Tracy Booth / tbbassman / HRT
    11.Dan Holland / TGWulfyn / Sauber
We battled for 4 position the rest of race ...... in the end i lost!!!! Ouuuuttt oooff gggaaasss!!! Why? Because i ran to must time in FAST to recovered place and forgot to put STANDARD in some laps. LLLoooollll Finish in 5 place. But well, very exciting batle thanks TH.

A great battle indeed Flavio, really hoping for more of that in the future races to come:D Just to bad you ran out of gas, but good for me:wink:
I appologise for comming out of the pits and nearly causing an incident, I was out of the pits and it's not easy to judge the point at which I come out at relative to oncoming drivers, you can see in the video that I did my best to stay clear of you once I realised that we were going to be side by side. Although it looks like I went into the side, then pulled away and nearly hit you a second time, I was trying to get the corner correct as well as not hit you, so involved some corrections to my steering.

I was not playing bumper cars, I think there was one incident that I ended up ramming someone off the road, however this was due to an underestimate of my braking capabilities and not due to intentional ramming off the road. I mentioned and appologised for this in my previous post, I think it was David, but can't be sure, it was on turn 1.

The end of the day, I don't have much experience driving with fuel and tyre sim on, and any incidents that I cause are because of this and not any intentional ramming.
Just for a laugh I'll enter and video it.... BUT Im will do a voice over in the style of CHS, Cobra and Imp3er, might even through in some Shane for good measure! As I'll be using my headphones I'll also have to do the engine sounds too.

Justin Webley / Kaos909 / Renault
I appologise for comming out of the pits and nearly causing an incident, I was out of the pits and it's not easy to judge the point at which I come out at relative to oncoming drivers, you can see in the video that I did my best to stay clear of you once I realised that we were going to be side by side. Although it looks like I went into the side, then pulled away and nearly hit you a second time, I was trying to get the corner correct as well as not hit you, so involved some corrections to my steering.

I was not playing bumper cars, I think there was one incident that I ended up ramming someone off the road, however this was due to an underestimate of my braking capabilities and not due to intentional ramming off the road. I mentioned and appologised for this in my previous post, I think it was David, but can't be sure, it was on turn 1.

The end of the day, I don't have much experience driving with fuel and tyre sim on, and any incidents that I cause are because of this and not any intentional ramming.

Kudos for being so honest. It takes everyone a while to get used to the online cars and the ways we drive for fairness. Im a prime example, when I first arrived here I was a nightmare on the track (many still think I am :D) but over time you get more of a feal for the way others drive, a bit like real F1 drivers get to know there oposition.

General rule seems to be, if the move you want to make may cause a crash, for either driver, don't do it.
F1 2010 @ Japan - Friday, June 17, 20:30GMT



PlayStation 3


20:30 GMT


Participation: Qualification and Race
Race Distance: 50%
Car Assignment: Player's Choice
Weather Setting: Dynamic
Track Selection: Japan


Rules and Flags: Realistic
Tyre Wear: On
Fuel Load Simulation: On
Car Damage: On
Car Performance: Equal
Collisions: Full


Braking Assist:
ABS: Banned
Traction Control: Allowed
Dynamic Racing Line: Allowed
Gearbox: Allowed
Pit Limiter: Restrict to Manual
Pit Box Control: Restrict to Manual


Forum name/Gamer tag/Car


  1. Mark Hume/Spearhead72/Ferrari
  2. Driver
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
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