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Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
I'm just wondering about the "legality" of the whole restart thing.
I know we started at 19:00 on the dot but FM lost connection during the loading into qualifying, so we all did do the one permitted restart and it went well.
Only until half way through the race did we start to see some DC'ing and it was too late for some of us (me anyway) to do a full restart.
Did the first race end with a result or did everyone lose a connection? I dont know because I got DC'd on lap 20.
Nice race, thanks a lot to all you guys! My congaratulation to Italianred!
Sorry to HawkEar about accident in first few laps at the hairspin. I hope I didn't touch you and this caused you not a lot problems...

Thanks Ermanno for the video. By the way I was slowly but constantly closing the gap to Grimmies187. "Due" to this "battle" (you overlapped me and PwNdBy_WEBZwere 1 lap behind me, so there was not battle for any place between all us...)I almost hit the wall and lost chance to reach Grimmies187. But you both were fair and carefull at this moment :) So, it's not problem and thanks a lot for a bit of adrenalin! :) That's why I like these races!

See you in Valencia!
Its a good point to raise Richard, I think that all drivers lost connection on or shortly after you. I saw the message to say you left (no destroyed car so I figured it was a DC) then Dave left in the same manner followed by my connection drop a few seconds later.

Its in the hands of the stewards as far as Im concerned. Which ever race they decide was the legit one. Personaly I think the race needs to be re-run to ensure all 11 of us who showed up for the original start get a chance to race the full distance but this may be difficult due to people real lives.
as u see on 26th second - he started to push me out of the track.. there was a slight contact between me and Zomacher, but he was still in front of me and in next corner (3rd) I cuted because Zomacher pushed me out of the racing and braking line.. I think that u, Zomacher, have to stop yelling about my driving and think about urs.

Man don't be ridiculous pls! You can see clearly on the video that in the first corner I choose the inside line because I was in the lead. There was no room for you there u should used your brakes! Instead of this u cutted the corner and come back hitting my back!!! That slows me down so you able to get next to me but still on the outside line man! You know what? Let's the judges make their decision. I totally got enough of you even where is a video evidence you start complaining. I lost my position because of you and you complaining about me?? Let's take this to the stewards then....
I'm just going by the whole "If during the lobby time and during the loading process someone disconnects, then “one” restart is permitted, but not more. As soon as the loading into the qualifying session has finished, no restarts are permitted any more."

It wouldn't affect my outcome whichever race they chose but having a restart with only people who can effectively make it is like saying "instead of racing on Saturday, we''ll do it on Thursday and whoever shows up shows up."
That might sound a little extreme lol
But yeah, stewards decision perhaps
Nice race, thanks a lot to all you guys! My congaratulation to Italianred!
Sorry to HawkEar about accident in first few laps at the hairspin. I hope I didn't touch you and this caused you not a lot problems...

Thanks Ermanno for the video. By the way I was slowly but constantly closing the gap to Grimmies187. "Due" to this "battle" (you overlapped me and PwNdBy_WEBZwere 1 lap behind me, so there was not battle for any place between all us...)I almost hit the wall and lost chance to reach Grimmies187. But you both were fair and carefull at this moment :) So, it's not problem and thanks a lot for a bit of adrenalin! :) That's why I like these races!

See you in Valencia!

ha ok I didnt know ,I thought you where figthing for position lol
Hei guys!

I do a very good qualification 2 or 3!? In the first lap in t3 i spin trying not loose Lee, wrong choise, broke the noose, enter in pit and onde again last place. I was fast and recovered places, in the half of race i got Darren and TH in front of me and push hard to reach them, Darren wasnt is his days, i see that ans pass him, like TH did. We battled for 4 position the rest of race ...... in the end i lost!!!! Ouuuuttt oooff gggaaasss!!! Why? Because i ran to must time in FAST to recovered place and forgot to put STANDARD in some laps. LLLoooollll Finish in 5 place. But well, very exciting batle thanks TH.
Regards people
Hi Paul,

yeah sorry about any swerves - I was trying to keep to one movement whilst trying to work out from the map where you were. I don't have a button bound close to me to look behind so I couldn't see which side you were creeping up, so a few times my move across to hold a line was followed by a check on the mini map and when i couldn't see your dot I didn't want to just move across and hit you so i moved back to the middle. Lots of second guessing on my part, so I hope I didn't do anything illegal. :|

Unlucky about the penalty - without that I think you would have had a good chance of second, as kangaroo was only about 12s ahead of me iirc after his pits, so you would have been right with him. I also think you were only lapped cos you were stuck behind me!

As for you having me on the last lap... I don't think I would have survived the first corner!!
Let me be clear,If I got a incident of myself where I'm the person doing the mistake I will post it aswell,I'm not posting these things for that people getting penalty,I just wanne let you see how it looks from another angle and you can learn from it.
But thats why we should all try to record,so we can learn from the mistakes
Really enjoyed this race as myself and Rob had a good battle going for the first 14 laps or so.

Rob and I were on different tyres so the middle portion of the race was quite lonely but after robs pit stop he was back there in front of me.

Had a good little battle again but unfortunately i stuffed it into the wall wiping off my front nose with a few laps to go.

Was quite pleased with qualy, although qualifying in 5th wasnt far off the pace.

Did you start on primes rob???

It was a good scrap, and yes I did start on the prime tyres. I was such a long way off in Q though; Andrew's 1:12.6 made my 1:15.1 look like I was driving with a full tank of fuel..and a passenger!
After the collision in T2 between Romain and Freddie I was in a lucky 3rd place, but I knew that would be short-lived, as I'm not great on this track and with a car fat with fuel and prime tyres, I would be overtaken very soon.
I made that mistake when Freddie was just behind us and promptly hit your car into T1...Freddie passed both of us and I held back till you got going again...I'm very sorry for that misjudgement :frown:
It was a pleasant surprise that I could have a good bit of racing with you James, and when you pitted I knew I would have to keep a really good pace with very few mistakes to stay ahead after my stop. When I exited the pits you went a bit wide in T2 and I could get by on the inside. I don't know if I crossed the white line, but it was really close between us! I had fresh options, so I got away from you bit by bit.
It was a lonely race after that, but happy to finish P5, which is better than my usual P6. I would have been a lot further back if we had had a full grid though. I know everyone can't make every race, but when half the contestants are absent, it's pretty de-motivating for the rest.
Here's hoping the grid will fill up a bit for Valencia :cool:
Hi Paul,

yeah sorry about any swerves - I was trying to keep to one movement whilst trying to work out from the map where you were. I don't have a button bound close to me to look behind so I couldn't see which side you were creeping up, so a few times my move across to hold a line was followed by a check on the mini map and when i couldn't see your dot I didn't want to just move across and hit you so i moved back to the middle. Lots of second guessing on my part, so I hope I didn't do anything illegal. :|

Unlucky about the penalty - without that I think you would have had a good chance of second, as kangaroo was only about 12s ahead of me iirc after his pits, so you would have been right with him. I also think you were only lapped cos you were stuck behind me!

As for you having me on the last lap... I don't think I would have survived the first corner!!

Seriously it was the most fun ive had in the League so far Dan, and for that im thanking you! I think moving over to block and then moving back to the middle is more than you should do, I was so paranoid about anything I would try causing a disaster, I was lifting early, accelerating out the turns late and hoping you would do a mistake due to the pressure, but you handled it well, too damn well! My video is just encoding then ill do an upload. Managed to get all the last 4 or 5 laps of our battle in its entirety!

Oh and about the start of the race, Ermanno, reckless? Thats a bit strong. See my video once it is up, im lifted off the gas, looking at whats happening in front of me, big empty gap and yes I just out brake myself a bit. I dont hit anyone, I dont even touch anyone. Bill has to go around me which he would have had to do even if I hadnt locked up, and in doing that brushes wheels with CHS. Sometimes these contacts just bump the cars and sometimes they make a spin, unlucky for Bill it makes him spin, and you can see that happen on the left side of my video, quite a way away from where I am.
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