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Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Hey Justin, i do remember our brush and thought we both were a little clumsy, just a sloppy race incident, but Mufas was just he and i and it cheesed me off as i was just starting to get some decent pace after bad start....will have to learn how and with wat i copy my races
Igor, may I ask why you constantly short shift? I think it'd save you a lot of time if you got your gears right. There might be something I don't know but it seems so unnatural to me.

So that's what races in group 1 are like.. A pity really that there were only 6 starters. Our race in group 2 was very cool too, but a little more action than this one, but that is probably because of the higher number of competitors.

Nice driving, except for the penalties ;-).

Gr's from DionCaesar
How offen you play 75% distance? Fuel - that is an answer...Propably end of then on distance more 50%. After couple of times ending of fuel i learn to short shifting and that real help me.
Dear participants, drivers and friends,

Please remember that we can only judge on incidents of the race if the moderators or the stewards receive a formal written complaint per private message or email. For this to happen, we need evidence in form of video coverage or screenshots. Without any proof of the situation, no decision can be taken.

We are looking into a lot of incidents of the last race in Montreal and ask you to give us the apropriate time to view all the material and then place a decision based on the evidence given and according to the rules and regulations.

RDF12010C - Moderators
Dear participants, drivers and friends,

Please remember that we can only judge on incidents of the race if the moderators or the stewards receive a formal written complaint per private message or email. For this to happen, we need evidence in form of video coverage or screenshots. Without any proof of the situation, no decision can be taken.

We are looking into a lot of incidents of the last race in Montreal and ask you to give us the apropriate time to view all the material and then place a decision based on the evidence given and according to the rules and regulations.

RDF12010C - Moderators
Dear participants, drivers and friends,

Please remember that we can only judge on incidents of the race if the moderators or the stewards receive a formal written complaint per private message or email. For this to happen, we need evidence in form of video coverage or screenshots. Without any proof of the situation, no decision can be taken.

We are looking into a lot of incidents of the last race in Montreal and ask you to give us the apropriate time to view all the material and then place a decision based on the evidence given and according to the rules and regulations.

RDF12010C - Moderators
Dear participants, drivers and friends,

Please remember that we can only judge on incidents of the race if the moderators or the stewards receive a formal written complaint per private message or email. For this to happen, we need evidence in form of video coverage or screenshots. Without any proof of the situation, no decision can be taken.

We are looking into a lot of incidents of the last race in Montreal and ask you to give us the apropriate time to view all the material and then place a decision based on the evidence given and according to the rules and regulations.

RDF12010C - Moderators
Dear participants, drivers and friends,

Please remember that we can only judge on incidents of the race if the moderators or the stewards receive a formal written complaint per private message or email. For this to happen, we need evidence in form of video coverage or screenshots. Without any proof of the situation, no decision can be taken.

We are looking into a lot of incidents of the last race in Montreal and ask you to give us the apropriate time to view all the material and then place a decision based on the evidence given and according to the rules and regulations.

RDF12010C - Moderators
Problem is that it seems no-one finished in the first race but not everyone could make it for the restart.... Have fun with this one you lucky officials ;)
it's pretty simple to be honest, we ensure these rules to be fair and a restart was permitted by the host, when the second race was re-run everyone loaded in fine and was racing which means the race legit.

unfortunately if people get a DC because of the game that is out of our hands, the race carried on and therefor was legit despite people being kicked of by the game or connection issue's, unfortunatly it's one of those things we cannot do anything about.

2nd race was official.
O:33 is not fair man

I am going to say that Mufas also hit me from behind and then pushed me off when I was passing him in race one ( He also did not give back position ). I do not record so yes I know all about the rules, not only did it piss me off but what I saw happen in front of me just after that really got me mad .....Mufas and exarduffman appeared to be playing bumper cars and what appeared to me to be " Intentional " rams off the track..! I hope this is not true and in future races if this continues I will do what I have to.......and before anyone posts there comments about my statement...I really don't care what you have to say.....I came here for fun not to be run off the track and watch it happen to other drivers........I was not going to post about this but it seems that the same things happened to multiple drivers....
Thanks all of you guys for great race. Congrat to the winner and podium finishers.

I qyalyfied in 9th but I was happy to start in the rain as I chosed full wet tyres, which I think was good choice.
In the first few laps I saw people struggling on inters and I could pass a few of them, went up to 6th - 7th place.
My car was set for dry conditions so I was trying to keep my foot easy on the throttle.
My pace was not bad during the whole race but I made two mistakes and spun my car (lost positions) and even went for an extra pit-stop when I missed breaking point in the last chicane. Overall I am happy with my 7th place at the end of the race as I closed the gap to Lee in the Championship standings.

See you all in Valencia
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