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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
i was not at the race but i am getting fed up with people who are never careful in turn 1, for the past 5 races in the very first corner a Driver has spun out mainly because of another driver who is either throttle happy or to scared to brake allittle early? all of you need to slow down damm good on the first corner or it pretty much ruins the race for other's because of your own mistake.
All race will be in this message. So look for update then. It will be 4 parts.

Hi Igor. Nice vid. Nice to see you pressing me in those laps you were right behind me. You sure were quick. No doubt about it. But I have to say that you should be more consistent though and not take too much risk perhaps? You got a penalty for often cutting the corners a tad bit too much. So I don't think the penalty was harsh. And after you have gotten a penalty, you will receive another one even faster when continuing to cut corners. You got a penalty for corner cutting before in Melbourne I believe. It's better not to take too much risk if you can't consistently nail cutting the corners without incurring a penalty. Just some advice :redface:
A bit disappointing for me, due to my own mistakes. Opted to quali on soft but just couldn't hang a lap together, and ended up with a slow time, nearly a second off of pole. Compounded to this was the starting cut-scene where i could see I had been beaten by that time by someone on hard tires :|

Got a good start, but was never going to get the lead from that side of the track. Was expecting someone to try and sneak up the inside so I made sure the car was as stable as possible when the contact did arrive. Set about chasing after the leader, and I did ok for a few laps holding it at just under 2s, but as my tires wore down I slipped further and further behind. Eventually with all tires on yellow I accelerated too quickly exitiing a corner and ended up sliding my nose across a barrier, putting it yellow. I had managed to set a gap behind the same as the one in front until that point, but now I was 9s off the lead with the guys behind me right on my, with a dmaaged wing and quickly deteriorating tires.

I didn't really want to pit, but didn't have much choice about it as the car was getting unstable in every corner once one tire had gone orange. I pitted on lap 10 (2 early than planned), and came out behind Jan. He was having a bumpy time across the kerbs, but I was also making mistakes and not concentrating. I had one opportunity to dive past as he made a mistake, but I think the barrier pushed him back across the road and I ended up inadvertantly doing a nice job of straightening up his car for him, and losing any chance to get ahead. However about 4 laps later I did manage to get past, but now predator (who had overtaken me in the pits due to me needing a new front nose) was 8s ahead.

I got my head down and focused, and was catching by about half a second a lap. If I'd had that much trouble with a clearly unhappy Sauber how was I going to get past this guy? pred was unlucky tho and I think lost the back under acceleration out of the hairpin and I managed to get past him down the straight and pull out a small lead. So now I was running 4th, but the guy ahead was 15s up the road. Well might as well try I thought, and managed to catch up by half a second a lap, my error rate now having been lessened. The fuel was coming off but I could feel the car getting less and less responsive at turn in. Then all of a sudden I was in 3rd place - due to a pitstop! Well lucky in one way because I was never going to catch him, but now I had a car on light fuel and fresh tires hunting me down.

Within 3 laps he was on my back - I had 8 laps to go now trying to keep him behind. I was really a passenger in that all I could do was my fastest line and when he got close move to the middle of the road to not make it easy. I was so much slower through the corners, but I don't think he sensed my vulnerability under acceleration as he kept getting up really close during the apex and then I assume having to lift off. I think I was also running less wing as my straight line speed was a touch better. Then I remembered my front wing was still set up from my earlier accident, so i popped it back down.

This carried on until a couple laps to go where he dropped back with another car close to him on the map. I thought it was predator hassling him, but it turned out it was the race leader lapping him. The blue flags came up for me, but I was going to have to pick the moment right because otherwise I'd leave the door completely open. I took a wider exit line hoping ot make the speed up elsewhere, and sure enough as the leader sailed past the guy behind me made a move. I started to move across to the right to defend the line but saw on my map his blip had gone - merged with mine. I had no idea which way he had gone so moved to the middle of the road so I didn't accidentally cut him up if he was too my right. He was there, but out-braked himself into the corner and bounced across the kerbs losing traction in front of me that allowed me to regain the place. I think there may have been contact between us, but I'm not 100% sure. I didn't feel anything through my wheel, but that's not always a reliable way to judge.

The one advantage to being lapped was that I didn't have to defend beyond the end of that one.

Grats to everyone.
Igor, may I ask why you constantly short shift? I think it'd save you a lot of time if you got your gears right. There might be something I don't know but it seems so unnatural to me.

So that's what races in group 1 are like.. A pity really that there were only 6 starters. Our race in group 2 was very cool too, but a little more action than this one, but that is probably because of the higher number of competitors.

Nice driving, except for the penalties ;-).

Gr's from DionCaesar
That was me behind ya Dan! I'm far too wrecked to do a race run down now, you defended very well coz I knew I was clearly faster but didn't want contact. I was gutted because I got a drive thru for cutting earlier in the race, without that I would have been comfortably 3rd and not lapped.

You held out well, my heart was going like the clappers at the end. Towards the end when i got lapped I was welded to the back of the race leader to try another way to get past you but you knew what was going down! When I did get past you, I put the power in too strong and got the wobble on.

My video will tell the tale - such fun but frustrating racing! I hope you appreciated I managed I miss you even when you were being a tiny bit swervey, but you know what, it was such good fun I'm still buzzing from it all now. It's a real shame we went a lap down for 2 reasons. First reason I would have had you on the last lap, and secondly, the timing boards showed us as +1 lap rather than being 0.012 apart over the line :)
Well that sorts out the issue of picking the teams for the constructors that we were having and i think its a great idea to although that could just mean that the guys from Group 1 pick their fastest counterpart from the other group, but there would still be a speed difference there so it still makes sense.

Im with oli

You could do a draft for picking drivers....have the guy with the slowest draft time get the first pick, second slowest get the second pick, and so on.....or you could just do a random drawing for draft slots...
as u see on 26th second - he started to push me out of the track.. there was a slight contact between me and Zomacher, but he was still in front of me and in next corner (3rd) I cuted because Zomacher pushed me out of the racing and braking line.. I think that u, Zomacher, have to stop yelling about my driving and think about urs.
here's my video, part 1. i won't bother posting part 2 as it's basically me on my own. zzzzzzz (snooze-fest).

P.S. 2nd short video here is for ELITE. lol :)

EDIT: most, if not all of you know this but i will share anyway...i don't understand video editing/technical "stuff" but my race today was recorded with afterburner, previous to this was with fraps. i have to say, afterburner gave me much better end quality, hardly noticed it was on during the race (not like fraps) and used less HD space !! i was able to turn up the f1 2010 graphics considerably :))
One last note: I sincerely believe InsideMattie should be promoted to this league. He won his own race in group 3 by a huge margin, and should definately fit in this competition. Thanks

Dion we are already with 11 people,and the guys in here deserve there spot in here aswell,its abit humiliating to read this.
and Joempie your staying in group 2 ,finish this season in your group :)

ps guys try to record races,pls try to do that more,that gives you a nice perspective how the race went for others,and also to discuss incidents.
as u see on 26th second - he started to push me out of the track.. there was a slight contact between me and Zomacher, but he was still in front of me and in next corner (3rd) I cuted because Zomacher pushed me out of the racing and braking line.. I think that u, Zomacher, have to stop yelling about my driving and think about urs.

bend I just want you to see your incident,I'm not saying you did bad stuff,but we need to learn to control ourselfs abit ,again your a very good driver and I'm not yelling,but this incident helped me to get in p1 and if you would be more carefull there I would be in p3

I post my race and If I do somthing like that I will say it aswell ,it doesnt mean you did bad ,just want to show as mutch highlights as possible to the people.
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