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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
sorry for the delay responding to e'one and getting info back to this thread but i've been trying to upload part 2 of my video so as i could post parts 1 and 2 together BUT i've just found out why it's been so sloooowwwww...i've run over my upload/download limit and they've slowed my internet!! so, that means i can't upload part 2 for several days...

here is vid of first 4 laps

here is my race summation:

bad qualy. in my haste to learn the track a few days before this race, i didn't test wet setups so i struggled with wet qualy, especially with brakes...i forgot to change down from 'high' and therefore was loccking up e'where. sorry to impulsive for spinning and blocking a turn...i saw someone/you coming on my map so decided to NOT attempt reversing in the wet before you got to me as i assumed you could see me there and would go around the outside...maybe there wasn't room? so i took some damage to the sidepod and you to your front wing. i think e'one was compromised by someone at least once in these conditions. so i took a 5 place grid penalty for the blocking and ruined scott's hotlap :-(

so started 9th, was very very cautious opening sequence, 1/2 way round lap 1 got turned around by MuFa and pietro went between us at speed when there wasn't enough room and damaged both our front wings. turned down my front wing to get back some downforce and left it there. slowly picked up the pace, had some great battles, some not so great spins...was really ticked off spinning behind joempie after catching him (all of this you will see in part 2 in a few days - if there's any interest left)! then the incident with joempie exiting the pits...
well it was difficult to avoid you at the 10000klm's per hour i was doing, i STILL can't see my car touching you from MY cockpit, but from yours i DEFINATELY nudged about we call it a 'racing incident' and when we are having champagne together on the Montreal podium, we'll have a laugh about it then! lol
after that, basically brought it home for a sound 4th...a few spins, a few brushes of wall, to much time lost in the first 3rd of race to challenge scott for 3rd etc
P.S. now i know what all the fuss is about with the FI pit bug...i must have lost maybe 20 secs cruising down pit lane behind Andrew. Thx for apoligising Andrew but obviously it's not your fault...and thx for letting me unlap myself on the last lap! and NO thx for being so bloody quick!! that's not fair...i had way to much wheelspin coming out of corners, can anyone help me with that regarding setup??
I'm dutch, but will surely pass on the heineken, sapporo is not bad, but a Asahi Super Dry or Kirin Yebisu, you can wake me up for. :) Don't know Fourex, so order that one for me too (I am always ready to taste some new ones). :D To be honest, the best beer (not lager or ale) is brewed in Belgium. Hopefully I didn't hurt anyones feelings by saying that... :D
Hey i just discovered this thread!

Well firstly a big thanks to Scott, Andrew, Christian, Dave and anyone else involved in sorting out this league stuff. Must have been like "KERS"...worth doing but hard to package. So thank you.

Secondly, can't wait for Montreal. You may think because i have been 'drafted' into the HRT squad that i'll be slow...ummm, who does A Bortz drive for?? So guys, set your 7th gear a little longer to maybe take advantage of MY tow...haha lol
(i wish).

P.S. Andrew, if your reading this...some help please???
Welcome Derek to group 1!
We will all have to keep an eye on you, as you are the new championship leader now ;)

Could everyone of group 1 let everybody else of group 1 know whether they will be absent for the Montreal GP?
We know Piet won't make it. Chris hurt his foot prior to the Monte Carlo GP and I don't know if he can make a return already? How about Steve? Are you gonna make it? Or are you quitting this league, as you mentioned?
Not 100% sure about Max but thought he was still running after I went and I was followed by Gagsy. I am pretty sure the photo I sent shows the correct order of DNF's so that being the case Max went after I did but of course it doesn't show the lap. I was gone around lap 20 I think...
Will send photo with final times and order to Dylan at 6.00 tonight. Meanwhile, heres my race report as I (vaguely) remember it.
Qualifying - Decided for once to quali on primes, knew Legend & Scope (he's moved to the big boys league but I forgot!) were to quick for me so thought I'd go for long 1st run. Only managed 1 1/2 decent lap which left me in 8th.
Race - A slow start off the line meant I could see the 1st corner mayhem unfold and managed to pick my way around the mess. Think i ended up in 3rd or 4th with no damage!!! Lap 8 or 9 I hit Gagsy who was embedded in St Devote with his arse sticking out which took my front wing off. There goes that strategy!! Put some Options on and managed to stay outa trouble (Gagsy seemed to like the wall at St Devote, think I passed his red ass 3 or 4 times lol). Did dent my wing a few times but stayed in or around 3rd all race as people fell off 1 by 1. Got lapped near the end but very happy with a podium, very happy to make it to the end at all!!!
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