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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder

Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
Thanks Thomas. You were running quicker than me and that made me pretty nervous for 20 laps or so.
Luckily I held my nerve. Thanks for the great race, I look forward to racing you again sometime soon.

Thanks also to everyone else who took part!
was a good race, sorry to ELITE CHS (I think, in the ferrari) who was just behind me when I span on the exit of the S'es on the way up the hill and I think got totalled :(

Was a difficult start, I guess it's hard to go 3 cars wide into the first corner! I had 2 wheels on the grass till i got up along side you there, was pretty scary! :)

Out of interest, what tyre / fuel strategies did you guys use? I was on fast engine mode for a while and then wasnt sure how much fuel was left so switched down to cruise to bring it home. On the tyres front it was a Option, Prime, Option, Option.. I guess some of you guys went for a 2 stop - how did you get on :)
My Q-lap was the 1:16 something, and I started 4 on the grid. I remember that there was less then a second between pole and myself, so that was pretty close... And the Q-session was in the Wet...

And i am pretty sure i did a low 1:15 on the prime in the final part of the race... But to be honest, I was not paying that much attention to my laptimes, as to try and catch up with Damien(Tsjarlie)... :)
was a good race, sorry to ELITE CHS (I think, in the ferrari) who was just behind me when I span on the exit of the S'es on the way up the hill and I think got totalled :(

Was a difficult start, I guess it's hard to go 3 cars wide into the first corner! I had 2 wheels on the grass till i got up along side you there, was pretty scary! :)

Out of interest, what tyre / fuel strategies did you guys use? I was on fast engine mode for a while and then wasnt sure how much fuel was left so switched down to cruise to bring it home. On the tyres front it was a Option, Prime, Option, Option.. I guess some of you guys went for a 2 stop - how did you get on :)

Hi Nick,
Congrats on finishing your first ever RD race. To finish first, first you must finish...well i know you didn't win but you are on your way (comng from a one race win veteran).

Strategy...with this game 1 pit stop is all that's required, barring accidents, punctures etc. I usually go options first so as i can get through the first hectic couple of laps with maximum grip, then the track SHOULD rubber in during the race allowing my primes to perform beter for the remainder, primes do about 65% of the race for me. I always set up my car to be easy on tyres for the race. This makes your car a little slower but your tyres last longer = more grip for longer both stints.

Engine... for me it's FAST setting until my tyres are orange, then i go to STANDARD = less wheelspin and stress for worn tyres and save enough fuel for race. Once new tyres on, FAST again.
Hope this helps :)
I actually have a lot of support over this matter, however we should stop talking Dylan, if we have complaints we have to send private messages to the staff... Btw staff members will read your private messages to other players here, i know this for a fact.
points deduction is abit harsh isnt it? im ok with mics, usually cause i can hear them as my engine noises are too louod for me to hear them, plus the message you sent me made me LOL and i dont usually take any notice of them, i only glanced up at your cause it had my name on it.
... Btw staff members will read your private messages to other players here, i know this for a fact.

This is not true, I certainly do not do this, and if anybody, I will discuss issues or PMs with RD colleagues only.

The "Reality Championship" threads were a doubt for me from the start, but seeing as a League section didn't exist in the forum at the time, I allowed them to continue, despite what I see as a direct personal attack, calling it "Reality Championship", as the championship that myself and Dan tried to start, but actually failed due to conflicting opinions amongst many about assists, race times etc.

Since then, the League section has started, and grown, but I still overlooked these threads, rather than stopping them, this is my fault not Bram's. It was brought to my attention that some people were unhappy about the slightly irregular structure and rules of these championships (by Bram), and others by PM, and we decided that we needed to bring the F1 racing club back into line with the rest of the RD structures, and organisers were contacted by PM, explaining this.

I have to give you some credit for your organising of your championship, It is difficult to organise and run things like this on a console, as there just isn't any way of logging results in an automatic way, trust me I tried, but I couldn't get it to work. In the case of the PC, with no dedicated server support, it is also difficult, but with the PC, recording of evidence is easier, and as such rules can be enforced, and "stewards decisions" made in an accurate and fair way.

I would like to point out that Bram has (IMHO) made it obvious you can continue these championships, but you need to make it work in line with the RD rules (which you agreed to, but I bet your bottom dollar you didn't read in full before you signed up). There can be a "reality" section with the 360 league section, if that is what you want. If you dont ask, you don't get. The threads being closed is not a "You can't do it", but more of a "You can do it, but can we take a step back and do it sensibly".

I think you need to control your temper a bit Kyle, you aren't doing yourself any favours by flying off one like this. Next time you decide to openly object RD staff and RD as a whole, I would like to remind you that all RD racing staff, moderators and administrators work very hard, and for FREE to provide a clean environment for people of all ages. I for one feel anger and frustration, and feel like I shouldn't bother offering my time when all I get out of it is whinging people like you throwing your toys out of the pram when you don't get your way.


PS To be honest Kyle, It seems to me that you were more using RD as a disguise for your league to attract more people for yourself, not bring people to RD, considering most people were interested in XBOX racing before you pitched up. After the Christmas period, more people owned the 360 version, and as such, there was more demand around the time you joined, more coincidence than your doing I'm sure.

If you want to hold me accountable for this, you can, but don't go screaming and shouting about it, I will have my earplugs in.

Disclaimer: Opinions voiced in this message are mine, not those of RD.
Well done on your first win bill :trophy: and well done to everyone else who finished. I was looking forward to this one as well but then got disconnected, oh well these things happen.

Thx dave and stefan.

Dave, u got kicked in my host as well as elite? Whats going on man?
Such a shame for u AND us.

Stefan and Nick, first corner, i had no idea BOTH of you were there! 3 wide...hmmm...dont know about that. On ur vid it looks a little like i pushed u but on my vid i left room? Can ebody give their opinions 'cause if i did something wrong, i need to know. Wait for my vid to see as well.
A very nice post there James, you see this is all i was really looking for, instead of just having my championship closed, it would have been nice to have it explained properly in the way you have, then i would have noticed why you was going through all these steps to close the threads, it would have been great to have actually worked with you and the staff to make sure my championship was within the rules of RD and my own, so nothing could go wrong.

My championship was never meant to be hosted here in the first place, the idea was thought of before i even became a member of RD, i come here to find racers who would like to race with me, i find a few of those players here and my championship would not have been as easy to organise if it was not for this website.

As you can understand, when something happens and its not explained thoroughly, it just seems unfair and confusing, i do admit that i may have been a bit over the top on my reactions, but at the same time i was sticking up for my drivers and what i felt was fair for everyone, from the evidence put in front of me it just seemed that we were not appreciated at all.

Also i will note that my F1 Reality name was completely coincidental with what your describing here, i play an MMORPG game called Final Fantasy XI, i used to have a group on there called Reality and we did a lot of great events together for a couple of years, after sometime thinking on a suitable name i just decided to name it after that, so i am sorry but it had nothing to do with your championship you attempted to start :)

Also the point of you saying i was using RD as a disguise, in the beginning that may have been true, because i was simply just looking for good racers, it is hard to find good places with clean drivers, however after searching through this site and reading up on peoples posts, i actually really began to respect and like everything about this website, i offered my help to others like you have seen, i offered any advice to any other championships which were to start up, and any of my friends who asked me, where can i find good clean racers to play against? I directed them to here, as i knew that this website provides that.

I did not really like the way Bram handled this situation, like i attempted to explain to him i think it was done in the wrong way, but well that is just my opinion, i wished that he could understand where i am coming from, i think that you seem to understand me a lot more, as you said you actually seen my championship grow, to be honest it has been pretty casual, we just enjoy showing up each week and racing, there is no real pressure there, and its just been a lot of fun and it will continue that way.

By the way the other Reality championship had nothing to do with me, it was simply named wrong by Jack, i asked him to change ti as it his own championship and would confuse people, but he could not change the name it seems.

You make a good point about more people getting the game, when i came here there was no races at all for the xbox, there were plenty of people who had the game and wanted a championship so it was not overly difficult to find drivers, and obviously over time players from my championship have branched off and made their own, to the point we really made a lot of races going every week, i do know players in these forums who have told me that i really got the ball rolling, they respect me for doing that because before it was going nowhere.

Recording my information and investigating incidents is obviously pretty tough, but i have my methods and they still need some work, especially when it comes to investigating incidents, however there has only really been one major incident which a player had been upset about which happened in the last grand prix, all the rest of the races the players were just casual and knew these things can happen so no one filed a complaint and just simply said sorry to each other and carried on racing.

The biggest concern for me, making my championship into a proper RD league, would be the implementation of rules, would i have to abide by all the rules from RD and also not be able to have my own? Would some of the rules from RD conflict with my own rules? Could i post my rules and allow them to be the rules if they are checked and accepted by a member of staff? Who would moderate racing incidents, when staff would clearly not be able to see replays of it?

These kinds of questions worry me, because if it means my championship has to be changed drastically at this stage, it will really not sit well with the racers, we all agreed to the set rules at the beginning and we all agreed anything major should not be changed at all, i will post my championship rules below and maybe you can give me some good feedback on whether they would be acceptable in an official RD league.
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