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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
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Not really about hurting me and my championship, its about compensating FigjamRACER for the incident i had with him at the Germany GP.

The breaks i made where made not just for myself, but for other players too, a lot of other players have not taken as much time off the game, DutchFLC is actually only 6 points away from taking 2nd in the championship now.

Whether you was at the races or not, what makes you believe you would not have just crashed, or got beat in those races by myself or Dylan?

I was already leading the championship by a big margin before any of the breaks where decided.
Next season i was thinking of a more traditional points system, like this:

1st = 10 2nd = 6 3rd = 4 4th = 3 5th = 2 6th =1

I stated at the start of the season that we could implement small rule changes if they would benefit the championship if something was affecting it, like the Force India car rule change, that was to encourage an extra driver every race and actually have more drivers finish with points, but to completely change the way that points are calculated at the end of the season when we are already this far in, seems really unfair to me, a few drivers i know would have worked hard to get the points positions they did and to have those taken away would be unjust.

I know I said these things could be discussed at a later date but while we are discussing such things I thought I would put in my two cents worth...

1) I would not be particularly in favour of the new points system. They may be fine for the better drivers but for those such as myself who are battling further down the grid the incentive of the points down to 10th place is a big bonus. If points were only awarded down to sixth there would be a bunch of drivers essentially driving for nothing more than the satisfaction of getting to the end of a race. There is nothing wrong with that but it is nice to get some reward and it encourages us to keep pushing to the last in an attempt to pick up any extra points that may be available.

2) Race timings. Although I understand wanting to hang around to try to accomodate late comers to make sure there as many starters as possible I do feel that we have to get racing within a reasonable time. I find it increasingly difficult to get the time to race on a Saturday due to family commitments and when we have delays of 30 minutes or like last night almost an hour that seriously impacts on the amount of time being taken out of the evening. Finishing at around 10 still leaves time to sit and watch a film or something with the missus to keep her happy but later than that means the Saturday evening is completely taken with racing which isn't easy to justify week in week out. I think we should set a limit of say 8:15 and then thats it...

3) Fortnightly racing. Kind of linked to the above, what are the chances of making the races every two weeks rather than every week? This makes it much easier for those with families to fit in the races and still do family related things and would also negate the need to make changes such as losing the last 5 results, etc.

Just a few points to consider for next season.
F1 2010 @ Montreal - , 5th June Sunday Racer





1pm GMT


Participation: Qualification and Race
Race Distance: 50%
Car Assignment: Player's Choice
Weather Setting: Dynamic
Track Selection: Canada Montreal


Rules and Flags: Realistic
Tyre Wear: On
Fuel Load Simulation: On
Car Damage: On
Car Performance: Equal
Collisions: Full


Braking Assist:
ABS: Banned
Traction Control: Allowed
Dynamic Racing Line: Banned
Gearbox: Allowed
Pit Limiter: Restrict to Manual
Pit Box Control: Restrict to Manual


Forum name:
Gamer tag:


  1. Scott Webber / ImpulsivePlay3r / Mercedes
  2. Nick Powell / nickcoolus / McLaren
  3. David Palavandishvili / MuFaS1983 / Ferrari
  4. Tracy Booth / tbbassman / Red Bull
  5. Jan-Olov Johansson / Marine5790 / Williams
  6. Richard Alexander / Richardflea / Lotus
  7. Luke Szulc / videal / Renault
  8. Simon Rizzo / Rzzzzzz / HRT
  9. Hadadi Zoltán / Zomacher / Sauber
  10. Ermanno / Italianred / Virgin
  11. Christian Schoeler / ELITE CHS / Toro Rosso
    12. Justin Webley / Kaos909 / Force India

    Kemal Taşyaran / KeMaLoNsO / Reserve
    / Reserve
Unfortunately missed races are part and parcel of our racing. Some people are able to make more races than others and thats just the way the dice rolls.

At the end of the day if you look at the scoring over the season the table as it stands is a true reflection of the season to date regardless of races missed. Yes Kyle has been fortunate enough to attend every race but his average points scored over those 11 races is an impressive 20.72. Jack with 8 races is averaging a still impressive 15.375 with Dutch in 10 races managing 11 and Dylan is on 10.11 from 9 races. Those positions exactly mirror the way the championship stands so I don't think there is too much doubt that Kyle is rightfully at the top right now.

Of course there are still plenty of races to go and with some other quick drivers now in the mix Kyle may well have a tougher time maintaining that level of consistency so Jack you should not give up the race just yet.. who knows somebody may nick his xbox and then it's all up for grabs ;)
Well, that had thepundits scratching their heads: "Who's this 3 legged thinger-me-wotsit?Where's he from? Who let him on the track? Does he make home madepasta???"

Nope - just a luckybugger who managed somehow to get through the first two corners without(hopefully) upsetting too many people - so usual apologies up front, straightaway, to anyone who I; blocked, run-off-the-track, cut-up, rammed, spun andgenerally annoyed. (Perhaps F1 2011 will have the on-screen option of 'driverraises middle finger to offending opponent') I'm also aware that there were acouple of significant "fast" chaps missing from the line-up, so I'mhumbled to have got so far.

Congrats to theSmurf for pole; couldn't find the"skiing" option for my tyres

Furthermore, abig thanks to Smurf - real sportsmanship sir. In fact there was no need toyield after that extremely, extremely, extremely, tinney-winney touch, as suchincidents I think of as normal part and parcel of racing. Following you forwell-on 30 laps did make things easier for me, so when you let me pass it wasthen that I really had to start concentrating.

My early pit stop,Options to Primes, was a bit hasty: I do something over react to yellow on thegraphic (must be a phobia of some sort) and so that meant I had to pit withabout 15 laps remaining and whack on some new Options. (Time enough to lightthe old pipe and Jones-the-Oil to have a quick shufty around the rig with hiscan of 3-in-1)

Anyway, off we goagain and more than satisfied with 3rd. Had a couple of scares on lap 66 when Inearly had to throw the anchor out for a couple of corners (getting a bit giddyby then for a podium) but managed to keep it all together until the end. Neverbefore been this high on a podium; good job the medics were on hand to stop thenose bleed.

Again, nice chatfrom all who contributed to the race commentary: I wish I had a pound for everytime Kyle said "Anyone could win this race…" :O) I heard some of theguys talking about ad-hoc races during the week: If I'm online then please giveme a shout.

So on to MagyarNagydij. This I find extremely difficult; don't know why, just is, so lots ofpractice between now and Saturday.


I've just caught upon the latest posts, especially concerning Kyle's mishap with FigJam. Didn'tsee the incident myself but if I could just throw in my two-penneth for asecond.

This game is notperfect.
All racers are notperfect.
In the few raceshave had so far, NO racer has done anything DELIBERATE and I very much doubt ifthey would.
There will beaccidents - take todays' GP on that "circuit" for instance; FredCarnose if ever I saw it.

I have nothing likethe reaction time I used to have as a kid, so when my foot hits the breaks(probably when it's too late) and the wheels lock, I'm a passenger: bang.Didn't mean to, it just happens.

So, please, please,please, let's not get too deep in the philosophical aspects of this. Like I've already saidbefore, this is a high spot of my week (yes I know, sad bugger that I am, butthere're good reasons for that) and nowt is going to spoil it.

There - off chest.

Who's for a cup oftea?
lol nice post Mel.... nearly spat my rice pudding over my netbook ;)

Sounds like yo are doing yourself a disservice there mate.. a podium with 8 finishers is a great result and I tnik I am right in saying that we are now tied for 6th spot just one point behind 5th. With three other racers akso closing in it could be that 5th spot is the best battle of the championship ;)

Hungary is going to be a tough one... not much time there so far and what I did was ages ago so definitely need some practice before next week. Lack of track time really cost me this week so I need to find the time for this one.

Darren your commentary is legend. I love the way you try and make it flow but then get baffle mouthed lol. That little spin I had was weirdly caused by running over some debre off someone elses car, it put me into a half spin lol, and thanks for not plowing into me m8, I Really appreciate your fast reflexes.
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