Thanks for the well worded explanation
I'll make them changes later on and have a go.
Im using 3.1 version of realism at the minute...I know Demy recommends keeping his damage values but i liked having the cars a bit more fragile (like in the 2.5 version).
Have any of you been running this version with more damage settings and if so how does it run ?
You can run any mod with any damage settings you want - the damage settings are held within their own file (loose_parts_settings.xml). Just remember that damage will correlate with mistake rates found in the ai_choreographer.xml file. If you have higher mistake rates, obviously more mistakes will happen to the AI...which means they'll be contacting each other more. And if the damage settings are higher than normal (2's and 3's for instance), your DNF rate will be higher...especially at hard tracks like Monaco, where, with Demy's realism mod, the AI is more aggressive and holds their line they tend to bump into the barriers and each other more.
I've been using Montreal and Monaco as my test tracks as they tend to give good "extreme case" results given the nature of those tracks...Singapore would be another good test track, I just haven't gotten my "track_difficulties" setting dialed in for that track so I haven't been racing there as of yet.
So big picture:
Higher mistake chance values in the ai_choreographer.xml file means you'll probably want lower damage settings. Whereas lower damage settings means you can have more mistakes and more cars finishing, since the damage they incur isn't as much. Needless to say there's a balance here which you'll need to play with (along with that moderateDamageThreshold value in the ai_driver_config.xml file) to get your personal preference dialed in.
And remydeleeuw, I'll definitely be making my rounds to these other modders asking if I can make a "roll up" package based on the work they've done. My issue is I see LOTS of mods floating around, and people having issues combining mods...since every mod has its own files associated with it. Hopefully once the 2013 mod is done, I'll be able to get together a relatively universal mod that works well. One-stop-shopping so to speak lol