<scTargetSeparationTime float="0.5"/> --> 0.2
(minimum distance the leader is allowed to follow behind the safety car)
<scInLapLeaderSpeed float="25.0"/> --> 40.0 (
speed of leader when safety car is going in )
<scMaxThrottle float="0.48"/> --> 0.68 (max throttle/acceleration/
speed of safety car)
<scMaxSpeedThroughIncidentZone float="50.0"/> --> 30.0 (speed SC will drive at through incident zone)
<rtRetirementSpeed float="60.0"/> --> 70.0 (
max speed of a damaged AI car when they try to get back to the pits)
<rtRetirementResetTimer float="12.0"/> --> 50.0 (timeout for AI to decide to retire?)
<rtModerateDamageThreshold float="0.5"/> --> 0.85 (damage level that constitutes when the AI will retire vs attempting a repair)
<dfBrakeZoneLimit float="300.0"/> --> 250.0 (
How many meters before the breaking zone an AI car will stop to try to slipstream )
<rcRecoveryTimeOut float="10.0"/> --> 65.0 (timeout before an AI car decides to retire)
<ovTime float="5.0"/> --> 4.0 (
time for AI to execute an overtake when this is lower they will overtake more, But in 2012 this won't have a big impact)
<rsStallPercentage float="0.0"/> --> 5.0 (
% chance of an AI stalling their engine at race start even at 5% there is a little change it will happen )
<maxObservedViewTime float="10.0"/> --> 25.0 (don't know what this does. changed it to 60 in my ai file and didn't see a difference)
So based on this, I don't believe combining the values from the SC ai_driver_config.xml file with Demy's ai_driver_config file would lead to the issue I'm seeing. Same applies to the database differences since these are very minimal and only relate to the safety car chance per track. Unless the <dfBrakeZoneLimit float /> has something to do with it? I just don't know what that value does.
Demy van Zoggel I think the issue may be with these values:
<asOffsetMergeFactorGentle float="2.5" /> (soft merge factor for being alongside a car...not sure exactly what this means)
<asOffsetMergeFactorExtreme float="5.0" /> (same as above, just a "harder" merge factor?)
<asCarInFrontYeildDistance float="9.0" /> (don't know what this does, seems important though)
<dfMinDraftSeperation float="2.0" /> (
minimum distancen AI car will try to slipstream)
<dfMaxDraftSpeedDifference float="10.0" /> (
Maximum speed difference when an AI car will try to slipstream)
Another value that I thought might be of use was
<avPassAngle float="0.15" /> (avoidance pass angle...theoretically the larger the angle, the easier it will be for AI to avoid/pass another car...?)
Demy is there a master list of which values in these ai files do what exactly? I'd love to see a global list like that