ACC Blancpain GT @ Bathurst - Sunday 9th February 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
What a shame, I was driving along following a Porsche and suddenly it went underground, and then I see everybody else up in the air..

confused as my internet Signal didn’t drop at all :(

oh well hope the race was good
  • Deleted member 387850

Well that didn't go quite to plan! Had an unexpectedly good quali session, but right from the rolling start things went badly and I got completely rear ended causing the carnage at the start. Apologies to anyone caught up in it, but unfortunately I was a passenger!

The Porsche was already down on top speed to start with, but the damage must have knocked a few more kph off and I was a sitting duck on Conrod. About lap 8 I thumped the wall on the exit of Forrest's and knocked my steering out by 90 degrees. Hobbled back to the pits, managed to miss my pitbox whilst trying to select the pit options and then when I stopped I realised I hadn't selected to repair the car! Crew put me up on jacks, did nothing and dropped me down again. I tried to do the old AC trick over reversing back and into my box but it wouldn't let me. Decided there was no way I could get around another lap with my steering so damaged without causing more carnage so unfortunately had to call it a night.

On a plus side, ACC has massively improved since I last raced online and I did enjoy it, so hopefully try again at a slightly more sane circuit :)
Well enjoyed that race. Silly mistake made me have to ESC to pits to get new car. Happy with top 10 finish in the end. :D

Is there anywhere we can see race results?
Also where can I watch the stream? ;)
First half turned into a mess where enough "me tapping walls" action happened to mess up the car a bit too much. Incredibly annoying as i have done multiple practice sessions with and without AI without any such mistakes.
Glad i made the decision to spend pit time repairing the car, as the last half was an absolute blast to drive, even though i didn't top of the car with enough fuel. Had to lift and coast + short shift for the last 10 minutes. With the saving, the fuel lasted just long enough for me to avoid being overtaken by @Kevin Cox , even though he was right up my arse in the final corner :) Sorry to whoever drove the lambo behind me who seemed very confused when i tried to let him unlap himself :)
Great race, thanks everyone! Really enjoyed that but was hard as hell.

I lost my force feedfack between Q and R. :mad: Almost impossible to drive without. Have a good race y'all!
Oh no @thestig171 had that one time in Spa before, must be a rate bug. Impossible to drive for sure, could not make one corner that way :(

Well enjoyed that race. Silly mistake made me have to ESC to pits to get new car. Happy with top 10 finish in the end. :D

Is there anywhere we can see race results?
Also where can I watch the stream? ;)

Great race @Kevin Cox, a pity you hit the wall there. No chance to get you otherwise, had quite a few smaller impacts and lost a lot of time.

Sorry for flashing btw. wasn't aware that it is against the rules, just wanted to signal I'm trying to lap cars so it's clear.

Car had definately suffered :whistling:
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Oh! And question:
Someone mentioned that flashing your lights was against our rules. I wasn't at all aware of this after reading the text or watching the video. I guess it goes under "no deliberate distraction of other drivers, etc."?
Flashing the lights is, however, very normal in racing though, and i really do find it useful at times when someone flash at me, or when i flash at backmarkers. Constantly flashing the car you are racing is clearly deliberate distraction, but is it still against the rules when used properly?
Sorry for flashing btw. wasn't aware that it is against the rules, just wanted to signal I'm trying to lap cars so it's clear.
Oh! And question:
Someone mentioned that flashing your lights was against our rules. I wasn't at all aware of this after reading the text or watching the video. I guess it goes under "no deliberate distraction of other drivers, etc."?
Flashing the lights is, however, very normal in racing though, and i really do find it useful at times when someone flash at me, or when i flash at backmarkers. Constantly flashing the car you are racing is clearly deliberate distraction, but is it still against the rules when used properly?
Flashing your lights in itself is not against the rules. However, it is often used to force the back marker off the line while it is the overtaking car his responsibility to do the overtake in a safe manner only then to be aided by the slower car. So in a way you shouldn't do it, when the intention is to flash the slower car off his line, as he has no reason to move off the line, or to show your displeasure with them not moving. If the intention is to make them aware you are placing a move, I'd say it helps and then it should be fine.
Not a bad result for a disaster of a race. At turn 1 I went of road to avoid the mess there but it was not enough still got tagged. And to add insult to injury I got a DT penalty, I took the DT. Then I clobbered the wall on the mountain and had to go in for repairs. By this time I was last before the race really got going. I had a bit of a race with cars that brought out the blue flag for me. I would let them through but then would keep up sometimes making a pass when appropriate. I then went in for the mandatory pitstop, all seemed to be fine until after the window closed, flipping through the MFD only to find that I hadn't done it!! Also I had now been in the pits 3 times two of which I loaded fuel having onboard for 1.5 times the race was heavy going. Haha I even thought I had a chance to catch Paul,he had a DT, I am sure you all heard me on the radio that I was coming to get Paul I then promptly had a small visit to off road. . BTW I can't seem to find the video of the race on RD. found it
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Flashing your lights in itself is not against the rules. However, it is often used to force the back marker off the line while it is the overtaking car his responsibility to do the overtake in a safe manner only then to be aided by the slower car. So in a way you shouldn't do it, when the intention is to flash the slower car off his line, as he has no reason to move off the line, or to show your displeasure with them not moving. If the intention is to make them aware you are placing a move, I'd say it helps and then it should be fine.
Thanks for the clarification @Ricoow. Speaking of rules, chatting during Quali or Race is against the them and can be quite distracting, I actually touched a wall because of it. Please don't do it until EVERYONE has finished driving. Things can be discussed here or after the race is over.

@Ricoow good stream by the way! :thumbsup:

"Well, he might need to change his underwear." That was too funny. :roflmao:
Nice stream indeed @Ricoow even though you missed the main part of Kevin hitting a wall :roflmao:
Flashing your lights in itself is not against the rules. However, it is often used to force the back marker off the line while it is the overtaking car his responsibility to do the overtake in a safe manner only then to be aided by the slower car. So in a way you shouldn't do it, when the intention is to flash the slower car off his line, as he has no reason to move off the line, or to show your displeasure with them not moving. If the intention is to make them aware you are placing a move, I'd say it helps and then it should be fine.

A big point IMO: some backmakers have no clue what a blueflag is, while maybe be several seconds slower pr. lap. I can not count how many times I've done a safe overtake, only for the backmarker to be surpriced and erratically try to win back position, sometimes resulting in I get hit at the rear end after the pass.
If I flash these guys, history tells me they get MUCH more aware of a faster car behind them, maybe even notice the blue flag, and I practically never get the aggresive countermove after I pass.
So yes, flashing lights is indeed a "Move!" signal, but it's more acceptabel to call it "caution, here I am".

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