ACC Blancpain GT @ Bathurst - Sunday 9th February 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
A big point IMO: some backmakers have no clue what a blueflag is, while maybe be several seconds slower pr. lap. I can not count how many times I've done a safe overtake, only for the backmarker to be surpriced and erratically try to win back position, sometimes resulting in I get hit at the rear end after the pass.
If I flash these guys, history tells me they get MUCH more aware of a faster car behind them, maybe even notice the blue flag, and I practically never get the aggresive countermove after I pass.
So yes, flashing lights is indeed a "Move!" signal, but it's more acceptabel to call it "caution, here I am".
Yes you see that a lot on public servers unfortunately. Though last night everyone behaved very cooperative at least when I lapped them and even went of their line so :thumbsup:
A big point IMO: some backmakers have no clue what a blueflag is, while maybe be several seconds slower pr. lap. I can not count how many times I've done a safe overtake, only for the backmarker to be surpriced and erratically try to win back position, sometimes resulting in I get hit at the rear end after the pass.
If I flash these guys, history tells me they get MUCH more aware of a faster car behind them, maybe even notice the blue flag, and I practically never get the aggresive countermove after I pass.
So yes, flashing lights is indeed a "Move!" signal, but it's more acceptabel to call it "caution, here I am".

Regarding lights.

It all depends how they are used, last night they were being aggressively flashed when a car was still a second or so behind. That's uncalled for imo.

Yes, there was a back marker I came across who didn't observe the blue flag and when I tried to get past decided to close the door.

Back markers need to be aware of faster cars, I am because I have crew chief installed. But also leaders need to show more patience, it's not always easy to let another car pass in a safe manner.

We need to remember this is not a league but a club event, therefore should be treated as such. You will have novice and experienced drivers, we all need to play nice and respect each other.
Back markers need to be aware of faster cars, I am because I have crew chief installed. But also leaders need to show more patience, it's not always easy to let another car pass in a safe manner.
Do you have a download link for Crew Chief?

Especially true on such a tight and twisty track as Bathurst. Passing/letting faster cars by on the mountain is nearly impossible.
I use crew chief, only installed it last week and got to admit his does help. it does throw out some random things, like last night I was ''13 seconds slower in the middle sector" when I clearly wasn't but it seems accurate on other info, helpful as it gives you times of what other cars are doing too.

maybe if the problem persists, particularly with the spread of field in terms of laptime we need to ask that all people have this installed to help us all.
helpful as it gives you times of what other cars are doing too.
When you put the relative times up (via the MFD), whenever a particular car crossed the finish line, his laptime will show (for a number of seconds) on the MFD. I use this method to check my pace compared to drivers around me. :)

maybe if the problem persists, particularly with the spread of field in terms of laptime we need to ask that all people have this installed to help us all.
There is also the proximity/position indicator (in the middle of the screen). This helps me a lot to figure out where another car is. Not sure if this is an add-on or not. :rolleyes:
When you put the relative times up (via the MFD), whenever a particular car crossed the finish line, his laptime will show (for a number of seconds) on the MFD. I use this method to check my pace compared to drivers around me. :)

There is also the proximity/position indicator (in the middle of the screen). This helps me a lot to figure out where another car is. Not sure if this is an add-on or not. :rolleyes:

yeah, get that, its just Crewchief shouts it out to you, so you can focus on just driving, not looking at MFDs or laptimes or proximity sensors and with it seeming like there was some issues around lapping etc last night, Crewchief could be useful, its free too which is always nice!
I had a great time, except for a few issues. I was one of those involved in the T1 contretemps at the start. Someone charged up from the back and I was trying to avoid him. Unfortunately, in my attempts at evasion I hit the porsche in front of me. To whomever I struck, I apologize.

I must say that the new start system sucks. I spent way too much time worrying about not getting a DT on the start that moves such as the McLaren making a sprint up the middle caught me by surprise and caused me to react the way I did.

IMO, if we can bin the starting system we should. I do not think we need the sim telling us where we should be, and how far away.

My strategy was just to stay off the walls for the entirety of the race. It seemed that everyone was blowing by me on the straights, so I do not know if everyone was running much less DF or I was just slow. I think the former as a car would come up to me on the straights but not have enough room to pass before a turn. On the mountain I was able to put some space between myself and whichever car it was and we would start the chase all over again.

I know I am slower than I usually am in the sim ( I usually run 2.02's to 2.00 laps in the Porsche in other sims) but overall it was a good race for me. I did, indeed, stay off the wall (for the most part) and I only spun twice, in the Chase (same spot and I know why it happened), and gained eight places.

Fun race, sorry to the Porsche I struck and the start, I hope to do it again.
IMO, if we can bin the starting system we should. I do not think we need the sim telling us where we should be, and how far away.
You'd be amazed how often people overtake on the formation lap when I put the mode on free. Usually we start free but with the new system I feel the formation lap was way way cleaner.
You'd be amazed how often people overtake on the formation lap when I put the mode on free. Usually we start free but with the new system I feel the formation lap was way way cleaner.
I must agree. It's utter chaos when the mode is on free.
I think people just need to focus on the formation lap instructions. If you are to go to the left (lane), go left. If you need to speed up, speed up. Collisions are off, so no need to worry about bashing/crashing into other cars.
We - as drivers - tend to stay conscious of the cars around us, but with the new system, there is no need (at least before the lights turn green). If everybody follows the instructions, all cars will be lined up perfectly and right behind each other.
I must agree. It's utter chaos when the mode is on free.
I think people just need to focus on the formation lap instructions. If you are to go to the left (lane), go left. If you need to speed up, speed up. Collisions are off, so no need to worry about bashing/crashing into other cars.
We - as drivers - tend to stay conscious of the cars around us, but with the new system, there is no need (at least before the lights turn green). If everybody follows the instructions, all cars will be lined up perfectly and right behind each other.
Just be careful that you don't do too much into the red, if you do I believe you get penalize - put into the pits and will only be allowed to leave after the green. In other words a pit start
@Ricoow I had some mates watching your stream, telling me that the stream was very good! Had to watch the replay out of curiosity, and i was surprised to see you switching between relevant fights, and your commentary throughout the whole thing. Ended up watching almost the entire thing in replay. Great work mate!
@Ricoow I had some mates watching your stream, telling me that the stream was very good! Had to watch the replay out of curiosity, and i was surprised to see you switching between relevant fights, and your commentary throughout the whole thing. Ended up watching almost the entire thing in replay. Great work mate!
Good to hear that mate, I do find it hard to keep things interesting (or at least I think so) and especially with the race yesterday it was hard to find battles. I'll make sure I'm even better prepared for the next one coming Wednesday.
@Ricoow thanks for the stream, I pleased to make an appearance even if I was battling at the back. FYI I'm from the UK, not the US :).

Near the end of the race, I was being lapped by Tassenoy ( I cant rember his first name). It seems that I impacted the race as I slowed him down. I was aware he was there and moved out of the way as quickly as I could, unfortuantley he caught me going along the top of the mountain. I woud be keen to get feeback on how I coud have handled this better? I have absoloutely no issue letting a faster lapping driver past and I thought I had done this correctly, but I suspect I coud have done better.

Any thoughts from anyone is appreciated.
@Ricoow thanks for the stream, I pleased to make an appearance even if I was battling at the back. FYI I'm from the UK, not the US :).

Near the end of the race, I was being lapped by Tassenoy ( I cant rember his first name). It seems that I impacted the race as I slowed him down. I was aware he was there and moved out of the way as quickly as I could, unfortuantley he caught me going along the top of the mountain. I woud be keen to get feeback on how I coud have handled this better? I have absoloutely no issue letting a faster lapping driver past and I thought I had done this correctly, but I suspect I coud have done better.

Any thoughts from anyone is appreciated.
I just watched it, it was indeed a very unlucky moment for Geof to have to pass you on top of the mountain. Considering you had no direct opponents anywhere near you and he was fighting for P2 you could have let him by on that short straight before the corner you actually did which would have also been safer for both of you. But I think thats complaining on a high level. Easy to say reviewing it, it's hard to decide that in the second you're there. As a faster car in a position fight you always hope lapped cars won't affect you at all but it's tough on this track.

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