ACC Blancpain GT @ Bathurst - Sunday 9th February 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
Good to hear that mate, I do find it hard to keep things interesting (or at least I think so) and especially with the race yesterday it was hard to find battles. I'll make sure I'm even better prepared for the next one coming Wednesday.

Most of sim racing in smaller events tends to be one guy streaming,randomly clicking around cams without any talking at all. Having coverage like you did for every race would be very nice, but of course it's better from a spectating perspective than a 1st person driving perspective.
The races should have streaming coverage, marketed in social media if possible. I believe this would be the best way to fill the grids :)
@Ricoow thanks for the stream, I pleased to make an appearance even if I was battling at the back. FYI I'm from the UK, not the US :).

Near the end of the race, I was being lapped by Tassenoy ( I cant rember his first name). It seems that I impacted the race as I slowed him down. I was aware he was there and moved out of the way as quickly as I could, unfortuantley he caught me going along the top of the mountain. I woud be keen to get feeback on how I coud have handled this better? I have absoloutely no issue letting a faster lapping driver past and I thought I had done this correctly, but I suspect I coud have done better.

Any thoughts from anyone is appreciated.

You shouldn't worry about that moment. As frustrating it can be on the moment for one racer, you did nothing wrong. It's part of racing and that section is difficult to deal with in such situation. You could have maybe try to stay on the left before skylane and invite me in the inside, but it's easier to say after. And as said previously, it's a club race, my race has no more value than yours!

Well done @Michael Rudolf !
Thx for the race and the stream!
See you next!
I have uploaded the start incidents on YouTube. Both incidents are similar in that a car slows down for a reason and the following car reacts too late. For me (in the second incident) I saw the first one happening and slowed down, in doing so triggered the second one. Now I am not trying to point fingers here, this is for learning. We wreck our race by not taking it a little easier at the start! Expect a car having to brake for something in front of you as you cant see 2 cars ahead.
I took the blame for the first one by someone at the end of the race (white Porsche blue stripe) it was all a bit of a mess and I didn’t react quickly enough to avoid the spinning 911. One issue with the new start is a gulf of difference in the starting acceleration. Was never really like this with the old speed limiter starts.
2nd crash was 100% my fault (I'm in the Audi). :unsure:
I thought I anticipated well enough every body braking before T1 (I even back off when @eSEA One makes his pass on the McLaren), but 1) with the cold tires and 2) my late reaction time, unfortunately, I ran in the back of him. The fact that my Force Feedback wasn't working, didn't help. My apologies.
Luckily I saw that you were able to continue the race when you entered T1 in front of me.
In that chain of events, I also got collected by the McLaren and the Porsche. Pretty hectic start to my race. (Which only lasted one lap...)
2nd crash was 100% my fault (I'm in the Audi). :unsure:
I thought I anticipated well enough every body braking before T1 (I even back off when @eSEA One makes his pass on the McLaren), but 1) with the cold tires and 2) my late reaction time, unfortunately, I ran in the back of him. The fact that my Force Feedback wasn't working, didn't help. My apologies.
Luckily I saw that you were able to continue the race when you entered T1 in front of me.
In that chain of events, I also got collected by the McLaren and the Porsche. Pretty hectic start to my race. (Which only lasted one lap...)
No problem Denis. This video is for informational purposes that we can learn from. In the end it was me who mucked up my race, hit the wall over filled on fuel etc. We will improve
@Geof @Michael Rudolf Thanks for the replies, with hindsight I would have lost less time lifting on the mini straight and keeping right. @Michael Rudolf I think I put my car in a wall when I was letting you past, so it’s clearly something I need to work on!

@Ricoow thanks a again for the stream, I will check my settings, I’veprobably got something set to US instead of UK.
What I always find hard to do is having to adjust when I can barely survive the track on my own. I always make mistakes in that case. Either blue flagging, being blue flagged or just in a battle. Defending usually is fine though
No problem Denis. This video is for informational purposes that we can learn from. In the end it was me who mucked up my race, hit the wall over filled on fuel etc. We will improve
A race is never won on lap one. I always try to keep that in mind. I'm usually cautious going into turn one (I'm definitely not the fastest driver, so the last thing I want to do is f**k someone's race up at the start), but this time I got caught by surprise.
Back markers need to be aware of faster cars, I am because I have crew chief installed. But also leaders need to show more patience, it's not always easy to let another car pass in a safe manner.
Another way of letting faster cars know when and where to (safely) overtake, is by using your indicators. :thumbsup:
On Conrod Straight, I would pull over to the left side and turn my left indicator on.
Another way of letting faster cars know when and where to (safely) overtake, is by using your indicators. :thumbsup:
On Conrod Straight, I would pull over to the left side and turn my left indicator on.
Problem with the indicators is that they are hard to spot on some cars. But it definitely helps
@Geof @Michael Rudolf Thanks for the replies, with hindsight I would have lost less time lifting on the mini straight and keeping right. @Michael Rudolf I think I put my car in a wall when I was letting you past, so it’s clearly something I need to work on!

@Ricoow thanks a again for the stream, I will check my settings, I’veprobably got something set to US instead of UK.
No worries, you did well, nothing to complain about. It‘s easier on other tracks that are much mider
Regarding blue flags, I have a question, it hapened at the end of the race for me:
driver X is in orange because I have 1 lap less than him. he is in position 7, he sees me in blue because I have 1 lap less than him, I'm in position 14 and I am just driving behind him. I am quicker than him so I overtake him but I got blue flag. Shall I ignore this blue flag because in this case, I want to fight for the 13th position. I don't have to stay behind him, right? In this case the blue flag just means, "take care, someone is behind you and could overtake you"
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say
Regarding blue flags, I have a question, it hapened at the end of the race for me:
driver X is in orange because I have 1 lap less than him. he is in position 7, he sees me in blue because I have 1 lap less than him, I'm in position 14 and I am just driving behind him. I am quicker than him so I overtake him but I got blue flag. Shall I ignore this blue flag because in this case, I want to fight for the 13th position. I don't have to stay behind him, right? In this case the blue flag just means, "take care, someone is behind you and could overtake you"
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say
If you can create a gap without holding the 'lap up' car you are cleared to ignore the blues. However if you can't cus your pace is roughly equal you should at some point yield the place as otherwise you are holding him up. Usually if you can create a gap in a lap you're fine. If you can't and only overtake him cus you're faster in a certain sector, stay behind him.
Also if you're the lap up car don't battle them, it comprises your own pace as well

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