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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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I'm a little bit frustrated.

In iRacing I run times that put me in the good category ie ~ 5secs slower than the alien times but with this sim it's like starting all over. I'm 10 seconds or more off the pace in this game! Quite humbling.

So some pre-race advice would be appreciated. I've been running with the RUF because I've run it in iRacing. Is this the best choice for a GT beginner? If not which car should I go with and does anyone have a setup they can share?

@Lou Sytsma The Porsche (not RUF! ;):whistling:) can be tricky to drive. Try the setup below, it makes stable. It goes in "<BLANCPAIN-GSC2013 Directory>\UserData\<User Name>\Settings\Interlagos 79" . The Lambo & Vette are nice & stable with the default setups, with maybe 1 click less front ARB


  • Porky_Interlagos79.svm
    3.5 KB · Views: 217
I'm a little bit frustrated.

In iRacing I run times that put me in the good category ie ~ 5secs slower than the alien times but with this sim it's like starting all over. I'm 10 seconds or more off the pace in this game! Quite humbling.

So some pre-race advice would be appreciated. I've been running with the RUF because I've run it in iRacing. Is this the best choice for a GT beginner? If not which car should I go with and does anyone have a setup they can share?


Hey @Lou Sytsma

If I had a setup for the RUF I would help u out, but I'm driving the Vette.

I wouldn't know about the RUF either, as I havn't driven it before... but I would say the BMW Z4 or the GTR are good cars to start off on.

Anyway, good luck in the race tonight :)

See ya there
For the 2nd week running I lost my FFB going into the warmup :mad: Not funny! Tried leaving the server and coming back, but I probably needed to restart the game. Not happy at all:thumbsdown::mad::(. I was running well all night too.

On another note, many thanks to @Rupe Wilson for sorting the server out for the race timing.
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Well, that was a disaster for me, practiced alot for this race, went to get a drink after last warmup, isnt the game supposed to wait on grid till everyone click's ready?
I seen a 2 minute count down?
Well the race started while i was in the pits, ok so i went from pits then, got black flagged and DQ'd........pissed lol :(
Well, that was a disaster for me, practiced alot for this race, went to get a drink after last warmup, isnt the game supposed to wait on grid till everyone click's ready?
I seen a 2 minute count down?
Well the race started while i was in the pits, ok so i went from pits then, got black flagged and DQ'd........pissed lol :(
Sorry Paul, when the race is ready to start, you get a 30 sec countdown
For the 2nd week running I lost my FFB going into the warmup :mad: Not funny!
I sometimes get this, but sorts itself out after I press the "FFB reset" button.

This race was really great, thanks everyone! Had a nice start from 2nd to 1st, but Gary caught up soon and got his place back after a fair battle. Towards the end it got close with Matej, who put me under a lot of pressure. Two or three laps more and he would have overtaken me for sure. Looking forward to next week!
Made a great start, from 9th to 3rd in the first few corners, dropped back a few places after a spin then pulled over because something came up :(

Hopefully will try and join some more of these races again :)
Great and on some point confused evening, but I enjoyed very much driving with you guys. I didn´t know, qualy format was set to only one fast lap and after a small disturbance from my beloved one, I didn˙t care too much about my speed anymore, because I was sure, I can drive some more laps ... and finished in last row on the start :). I destroyed tires in first two laps battling with Mike and Yuri quite a bit, so my drive in first stint wasn˙t fast as it could be. After pitstop my pace was faster for a second per lap, but Gary and Jan were too far away at that point. I did my best and catch Jan (who had some sort of problems for sure) in last couple laps, but he is a great position defender, so I never even tried to pass him, because he closed every gates on the track. I finished third, happy to be home at last :sleep:.
Thanks guys for fast and especialy fair race and cya next time :thumbsup:.
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