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Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder
Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
Password: click here

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As in all RACEDEPARTMENT club events, the white line donates your track limits do not cross this line with more than 2 wheels.
the same rule applies to a pit entry line.

in the pictures below you can see the max you can take your car over the white line anybody driving there car inside the white line is either going into the pits or cheating, and needs to be reported as this goes against the ethos of club racing. You have been warned. :)
if you run over the white lines by accident you need to lift of the gas so not to gain and advantage, anybody driving outside the white lines with all 4 wheels and using it as a overtaking opportunity should be reported.

we also have this for track limits around a track as a example Click ME
as seen i the main club post at the bottom
when you signed up for a licence there was also a set of rules on display..

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

hope this help guys have fun on track :)
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Thanks, that clears it up then. I just thought we should maybe make an exception for this line, as it is done in F1. But considering the whole white line as the track limit is probably even better -- less confusion if someone enters the pit or not. It would be great if we didn't need the "entering for pits" messages this time.
As far as i know that is only used for the Endurance style events and not needed for general club events.
There is no need either for thankyou's and sorry in a club race, you show this by waiting if you knock somebody off track or tap them..
no flashing of headlights either.

in practice you can say your hello's and small talk for example.

Once your in qually there is no typing until the session is over for all cars.
once in the race there should be no need to type at all . after the race is over for all cars then you can start the typing again.

Divers on t/speak
Talk in practice make a fun night of it
no talking in qually at all
And in the race only race related talk, to help guys if needed .. "ive crashed at turn 1 watch out"
no swearing at the fact you have crashed for example or being crashed into
mute your mic if you find yourself doing this out of frustration.;)

But get a feel for t/speak with the guys around you if taking is accepted among all you guys then ok but if a guys asks you to be quiet please do so in the race respect all drivers at all times.
Dont forget its supposed to be about 2 hours of fun so enjoy it, its not the end of the world if things do go as planned:)
This one didn't go so well. :(

Race 1 couldn't avoid the other car that spun and crashed right into is side. Sorry about that. It was the end of my race.

Race 2 my ffb stopped working so it was very hard to drive. I decided to retire.

In the end it was a good practice for the endurance race. Let's hope for better luck. :(
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