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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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Thank you for the race. I was terribad in the F3 but managed to get on the podium in the F classic, even though i consider it a lot harder to drive.

Settings changes for this race were very good especially the 20%. Made these cars less easy to spin/crash (and even you did, which we did, you could keep going) and thus more enjoyable. Kudos for that choice.
As expected the Formula Classic cars are challenging but so much fun. I spun right at the starting line and then started my comeback until i caught @Dion Vais on the last lap but there wasn't time for the overtake.

The F3 started better but at the end i spun two times after the tyres started to loose grip and lost a lot of time.
Tbh I was wondering about that too Jan. But how can we be sure everyone knows about it and no one will do it since gsc doesn't penalize you. Heck AI does it all the time

The right thing would be to not cross it but maybe a case where half the grid crosses it will arise for numerous reasons. It's better for everyone to do than having an unfair race tbh. I am not familiar how RD resolves such issues
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