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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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The first race was a blast even though the new Camaro is a very difficult car to drive.
It is amazing how an 30 years older car can have so much more grip and is not at all understearing so then I had great expectations for the second race but of course after starting third I overdid it in one corner in 2nd lap I think. Right left tyre went out on the curb and off I go. Tried to catch up but did the same mistake in the same corner the lap after so I decided to quit. Sorry guys.
Had some nice battles today. Congrats to Jan, and @Sven-Arne Andersson
you really got hammered on that first lap man.

I have to apologise to @Joao Fernandes.

At the beginning of the first race I had a better launch than the guy in my front and I had to steer away from him. And you know what happens when wheels are spinning in 1st gear in a camaro and you steer left or right...

It's actually quite remarkable how an older car with 4 gears is actually substantially faster than it's counterpart. Since it cannot reach same top speed and is still faster it means it does everything else better(braking,cornering, accel) It seems kinda odd tbh. I guess someone did his version of the car either faster(the 1968) or slower(the SS)

Except ofc if the old car is really faster in real life

PS: @Julian Dietz I've been told headlights are not allowed ;)
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Thanks guy for two fun races! I really like the Camaro 1968, it's like an exaggerated version of the newer Camaro.
Sorry @Julian Dietz for driving so stupid and leaving you no room in the race with the 1968's. I noticed too late that my mirrors weren't working with this mod at all. I have to remember to edit my PLR file next time we drive those cars.
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