ACC Results Companion

Misc ACC Results Companion 1.24.7

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Hi Doug, not sure what going on here. I installed a few hours ago and started playing around with the settings. It worked great, for the most part, but then all of a sudden it doesn't launch anymore and I get this massive error.

I tried reinstalling, restarting my system, and looking around the files to see if anything was wrong.
View attachment 642797
Hi Doug, not sure what going on here. I installed a few hours ago and started playing around with the settings. It worked great, for the most part, but then all of a sudden it doesn't launch anymore and I get this massive error.

I tried reinstalling, restarting my system, and looking around the files to see if anything was wrong.
Somethings are executing out of the expecting order with one object being used before it is initialised. I can't reproduce this at the moment but I have an idea what the problem is so I'll try to release a fix at the weekend.

In the meantime, can you go to <Documents>\ACCResults and send me the file ARCResultsSettings.json. This should help me to reproduce to ensure the fix covers the issue.

Then if you want to try to run before the fix is out, try renaming the files ARCResultsSettings.json and ACCResultsSettings.json - this will start ARC with default settings and will hopefully get past this error
Somethings are executing out of the expecting order with one object being used before it is initialised. I can't reproduce this at the moment but I have an idea what the problem is so I'll try to release a fix at the weekend.

In the meantime, can you go to <Documents>\ACCResults and send me the file ARCResultsSettings.json. This should help me to reproduce to ensure the fix covers the issue.

Then if you want to try to run before the fix is out, try renaming the files ARCResultsSettings.json and ACCResultsSettings.json - this will start ARC with default settings and will hopefully get past this error


  • ARCResultsSettings.json
    76.3 KB · Views: 62
Hi @Doug Duthie - So currently if you have ARC opened and you try to open another instants, you will get an dialog box with an error stating another instants is already opened. Is it possible to detect that more elegantly and not show that popup dialog but instead give the active instants focus? This would provide better UX I believe and it is common for people to quit ACC without explicitly closing ARC and later in the day to fire up a command script to run ARC and then ACC again but would run into this scary dialog box.
This is implemented now in 1.17.6
Apologies if this has been covered before, I've searched and done my best to get through the 79 pages of comments and not found anything.

My league uses a custom points system and awards a point for pole and a point for fastest lap of a race. I've sorted the custom points and the pole but is there a way of adding the fastest lap point?
Sorry it's taken a while, but you can now add fastest lap as a points category (1.17.6)

Note, you will need to click the new Rebuild button on the Leagues page to ensure it calculates fastest laps for existing championship sessions.
Quick poll:

Does anyone use ACC Results Companion from 2 different PCs to connect to the same database (ie one PC is where ACC is played, another PC just to monitor results)?

Note. I'm not talking about the scenario where the DB is mirrored using cloud file shared (OneDrive, Google Drive etc).

I'm looking at implementing a different DB journaling which should improve reads being locked out, but this will have an impact on the above scenario.
ACC Results Companion 1.17.7 Released (here)

A couple of new things with a sprinkling of fixes

Support for Database Write Ahead Logging (WAL)
The behaviour of ARC is to a large degree determined by the database it uses (SQLite). The default mode means that reads and writes can't happen at the same time. This can mean that screen updates can either take a long time, or freeze completely on large updates (at end of sessions or updating the leaderboard). It also makes it prone to deadlocks causing some operations to fail (due to the order of workflow, writing accidents when the session summary pop-up is a key example).

Write Ahead Logging addresses this where writes occur to a separate transaction log rather than to the main database. This means that reads and writes can work concurrently. In theory, database performance should be increased

To activate, select Use DB Write Ahead Logging in settings. The database will be converted at the next restart. You should notice the UI should be a bit more responsive (especially on startup if you use the ARC leaderboard, and on session completion).

There are however some downsides:
  • There is a reduced durability. There is the possibility of data loss during power loss or hard reboot while in a write transaction
  • WAL will not work over a network file system. If you use 2 copies of ARC - one of the ACC computer and one on another computer (pointing at the share for the database) to monitor results, then WAL is not for you
    • A caveat is that it may work if the ARC folder is mirrored via a cloud drive software (OneDrive, GoogleDrive etc) as this is a copy, rather than the same database
  • The database now has 3 files (ACCResults.DB, ACCResults.DB-wal and ACCResults.DB-shm) - all these should be backed up
  • For full technical details see

If you try WAL and you change your mind, you can switch back at any time.

Splitter for Fuel Page
A vertical splitter has been added between the session and manual calculation panes so you can resize according to your preferences.

Splitter for Sessions Page
A splitter has been on the sessions page for quite a while now, but it will now remember your previous settings. The very first time you use this, the session list may be squashed up. Resize it by using the splitter between the sessions and the laps and re-size accordingly. It should then remember your preferences.

Single Player Resumed Saved Games
There was an issue where the final session in a resumed saved game race was not processed correctly (the ACC results file is missing some information). Now on saved game completion, it will take information solely from the ACC Results file to give you the full race results. Note, there won't be any information taken from UDP so things like tyre pressures and damage etc will not be recorded.

Other Things
  • Updated ACC version numbers/dates for circuits/leaderboards
  • Export diagnostics dialog supports dark mode
  • Fix exception in fuel pages where there are no laps to analyse

Thanks again to everyone who have donated - I really appreciate it
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Would it be possible to add some kind of average function to ARC? It'd be handy, especially for Enduro's, to have the stint average visible as well as the individual lap times. It's possibly more important actually as consistency is more important.

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