ACC Results Companion

Misc ACC Results Companion 1.24.5

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Also, in the leaderboard section - would it be possible to have a "filter by version" option? So we can easily filter out unrepresentative pre v1.8 times? I can do filter by date but then we've got to change that setting on a daily basis. Thanks!
Would it be possible to add some kind of average function to ARC? It'd be handy, especially for Enduro's, to have the stint average visible as well as the individual lap times. It's possibly more important actually as consistency is more important.
There's a few ways you can already do this:
- Session Average Time (right click on the column header and add the column if it isn't displayed).


- Overall average times

- Lap times widget (live average throughout session)

- Leaderboards widget (everyone's live average throughout session)


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Also, in the leaderboard section - would it be possible to have a "filter by version" option? So we can easily filter out unrepresentative pre v1.8 times? I can do filter by date but then we've got to change that setting on a daily basis. Thanks!
I'd been meaning to do this a while ago, but completely forgot! I'll add it to the work queue
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Just going through my league and the fastest lap point I added to the custom scoring system is adding a point to my individual race tally for each race even though i have never achieved a fastest lap. It doesn't seem to be adding the points to the league standings though.

Is this something I've done or is it a "bug"?
I've just done a quick check and I think it's working. Can you export the diagnostics (instructions here) and I'll see what's going wrong
I've just done a quick check and I think it's working. Can you export the diagnostics (instructions here) and I'll see what's going wrong
I think I may have found my error. I created the Fastest Lap option in the view\edit points window but I only specified the number of points for the fastest lap, I didn't specify a position. Once I had changed the position to P1, points have been awarded correctly.
I think I may have found my error. I created the Fastest Lap option in the view\edit points window but I only specified the number of points for the fastest lap, I didn't specify a position. Once I had changed the position to P1, points have been awarded correctly.
Good to hear that. I forgot this wasn't terribly intuitive
Hi, I'm using a proxy server through my sim rig because I need multiple connections, so Ineed to run the ACC Results Companion on a different port than the broadcasting.json contains. How can I go about doing this?
Hi, I'm using a proxy server through my sim rig because I need multiple connections, so Ineed to run the ACC Results Companion on a different port than the broadcasting.json contains. How can I go about doing this?
I'm not sure I understand your use case, but this is a tricky one. ACC's broadcasting.json defines the UDP port that ACC opens and this informs ARC which port to connect to.

Are you saying you want the ACC still to use the original port (eg 9000) and for the proxy to remap this?

You could do a slightly ugly workaround. ARC uses the ACC Data Folder to find various things (broadcasting config, driver details, results etc).

Create a new folder (eg <My Documents>\MyACC). Under that copy the <My Documents>\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config and <My Documents>\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Customs\Drivers folders.

ie you have

Now, for SP races it is also useful to have the results folders. These are dynamically created, so best just to create a symbolic link. Open a cmd window (Run as Administrator) and navigate to your MyACC folder, then create the link as follows (substitute your folder names)

cd "E:\Users\Doug\Documents\MyACC"
mklink /D Results "E:\Users\Doug\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Results"

If this works, you should receive a response

symbolic link created for Results <<===>> E:\Users\Doug\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Results

In explorer, note the subfolder is added a a link

The contents of MyACC\Results should now match that of the ACC\Results folder.

Now edit MyACC\Config\broadcasting.json and change the port to the value of your mapped port.

Now, in ARC, change the ACC Data Folder in Settings to point to <My Documents>\MyACC.

To quickly test if this works, you could use the SHM Widget (Settings->Overlays->Show SHM Widget). This will be visible when ACC is running (as long as ACC isn't in full screen mode). Drag the overlay where you want it but using the header row. Add some broadcast fields by right clicking,


I'd suggest the above fields. Now start a session. If the broadcast config has worked, you should see the fields update
the app doesnt recognize the results folder, so it is not registering anything. I dont know how to fix this...i am running 1.17.7

I get this message

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I'm not sure I understand your use case, but this is a tricky one. ACC's broadcasting.json defines the UDP port that ACC opens and this informs ARC which port to connect to.

Are you saying you want the ACC still to use the original port (eg 9000) and for the proxy to remap this?

You could do a slightly ugly workaround. ARC uses the ACC Data Folder to find various things (broadcasting config, driver details, results etc).

Create a new folder (eg <My Documents>\MyACC). Under that copy the <My Documents>\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config and <My Documents>\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Customs\Drivers folders.

ie you have
View attachment 648860
Now, for SP races it is also useful to have the results folders. These are dynamically created, so best just to create a symbolic link. Open a cmd window (Run as Administrator) and navigate to your MyACC folder, then create the link as follows (substitute your folder names)

cd "E:\Users\Doug\Documents\MyACC"
mklink /D Results "E:\Users\Doug\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Results"

If this works, you should receive a response

symbolic link created for Results <<===>> E:\Users\Doug\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Results

In explorer, note the subfolder is added a a link
View attachment 648861
The contents of MyACC\Results should now match that of the ACC\Results folder.

Now edit MyACC\Config\broadcasting.json and change the port to the value of your mapped port.

Now, in ARC, change the ACC Data Folder in Settings to point to <My Documents>\MyACC.

To quickly test if this works, you could use the SHM Widget (Settings->Overlays->Show SHM Widget). This will be visible when ACC is running (as long as ACC isn't in full screen mode). Drag the overlay where you want it but using the header row. Add some broadcast fields by right clicking,

View attachment 648863
I'd suggest the above fields. Now start a session. If the broadcast config has worked, you should see the fields update
View attachment 648864
Hey gave this a shot and didn't have any luck. Here is the proxy server I am using with my rig:

I checked the log and it was attempting the correct port. Is it because the proxy server doesn't support 2 way connection? It works properly when I close the proxy server but the second I turn it back on arc goes dead.
Hi @Doug Duthie - I just realized ARC hasn't been recording my sessions since 2 weeks ago. What would be the first thing to check when that happens?
Check the log page for any errors. I'm guessing that there are issues on the broadcast connection to ACC. It's worth checking if anything is blocking the port or ACCResults.exe (antivirus/firewall etc).

Can you export the diagnostics (see here) and I'll have a look
Hey gave this a shot and didn't have any luck. Here is the proxy server I am using with my rig:

I checked the log and it was attempting the correct port. Is it because the proxy server doesn't support 2 way connection? It works properly when I close the proxy server but the second I turn it back on arc goes dead.
Again, I'm a bit confused about why there is a need for this proxy. It implies that multiple devices can't connect to a single UDP port. I find this a bit misleading or confusing as that is the whole purpose of using UDP (multiple clients can connection to a single UDP port - and ACC just broadcasts on doesn't care who is connected).
EDIT: Just done some reading around this and some games do only support one connected client, so that was b****cks what I just said above :redface: However, ACC does support multiple clients (

It worries me where you say it doesn't support 2 way connection - ACC's UDP connection does have a 2 way conversation (request connection, request car/track data, request disconnect). Maybe that's not what they mean though.

However, back to your situation. It sounds as though you are still pointing to the original ACC folder if it works when the proxy is off.

Check should point to your copied folder

Go to the settings page and ensure you have the following set

Now restart ARC, then start a session in ACC. Now look through the log in ARC (it may have scrolled off the logging page. so it will be easier to open the file directly - <Documents>\ACCResults\ACCResults.log)

Search on UDP. You should find the following message on start up

INFO FileUtils.OpenBroadcastConnectionDetails : Broadcast/UDP configured on port [9000]

This should be the port that your proxy is forwarding to (ie you specified in your copy of broadcasting.json.

When you start a session, you should see the following messages

DEBUG ARCSharedMemoryMonitor.graphicMemoryUpdated : Requesting new broadcast connection
BROADCAST** ACCBroadcastInterface.getNewConnection : UDP connect requested to Connected=False, Stale=False, Old ID=0, clients=0
BROADCAST** ACCUdpRemoteClient.RequestConnection : Requesting connection - DisplayName = Your name, ConnectionPassword = asd, Interval =100, CommandPassword =
BROADCAST** BroadcastingNetworkProtocol.RequestConnection : [Conn -1] - GUID=3aaa7651-ea73-4c19-84b4-344d25e9a883: Requesting connection to Your name, pwd asd, interval 100, cmdPwd
BROADCAST** ClientPanelViewModel.DoConnect : New connection requested to with PW asd
BROADCAST** BroadcastingNetworkProtocol.ProcessMessage : [Conn 2 : 3aaa7651-ea73-4c19-84b4-344d25e9a883 :  53180]: Registration result received, success = True, isReadOnly = False, errMsg =
INFO ARCSharedMemoryMonitor.isNewSession : Possible session change - sessionIndex old/new = 0/0
BROADCAST** ClientConnectionViewModel.ConnectionStateChanged : [Conn 2] - connected = True

Also, when you have started an ACC session, from Windows, open a Command prompt as administrator

Start->Command->Run as administrator

Note the port that ACC is broadcasting on (eg 9000) and the port you want to forward for ARC (eg 9001) and type the following

netstat -a -n -o | findstr 9000
netstat -a -n -o | findstr 9001

This will show the listener and the clients that are connected

UDP *:* 17548
UDP 44116

If you still have problems. export the diagnostics (instructions here) and I'll see what is going on
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Check the log page for any errors. I'm guessing that there are issues on the broadcast connection to ACC. It's worth checking if anything is blocking the port or ACCResults.exe (antivirus/firewall etc).

Can you export the diagnostics (see here) and I'll have a look
I am not able to see a full list of the logs but I saw the following two that stood out.
> WARNING FileUtils.monitorFolder: ACC Folder does not appear to be set up - client side monitoring disabled

> WARNING FileUtils.GetUserReference Cannot parse userd id xxxxxxxxx into licence and user profile

Diagnostics uploaded: sf_ySXnZCRak-biVSpRqaFMcGTC22kv0FhAPgsDNlIg

So this happened after I reinstalled Windows 10. I kept the ACCResults from before the reinstall in my User/Documents folder. So I am guessing on my new install, ARC is seeing my existing ACCResults folder and not liking something from there?

NOTE RELATED TO THE ABOVE: Also I noticed this weird behavior. I open up ARC and I see past sessions. Then I click on other tabs and when I come back to the sessions tab, all previous sessions are gone except one. I have to close ARC and open up again to see all the sessions.

I hope that helps.
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Hi @Doug Duthie - I found a small bug. The highlighted tab can highlighting the wrong section.

Steps to reproduce:
* Right click on any of the tabs goto Display Pages and uncheck one of the section for example "Leaderboard".
* After hiding that section when you click on a tab, it highlights the wrong tab (the one after the one you clicked).
* There is a fix which is to close ARC and re-open again.

NOTE: When you unhide it, it puts the section at the end. Not in the order you had it by default which I think should.
Hi @Doug Duthie - I found a small bug. The highlighted tab can highlighting the wrong section.

Steps to reproduce:
* Right click on any of the tabs goto Display Pages and uncheck one of the section for example "Leaderboard".
* After hiding that section when you click on a tab, it highlights the wrong tab (the one after the one you clicked).
* There is a fix which is to close ARC and re-open again.

NOTE: When you unhide it, it puts the section at the end. Not in the order you had it by default which I think should.
I'll try to answer all the points together:
  • It can't seem to find the ACC data folder (this is what the first warning is complaining about). It is pointing to "C:\Users\Paradox\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\" - Have you changed the path of your documents folder on re-install? You can update the folder from the settings page. Click on the button highighted in red and point to the new location
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  • "Cannot parse userd id" message - it looks like a bad file has got onto the leaderboard. That reminds me I need to purge that
  • 1st weird behaviour - this is actually a feature (for once, this isn't programmer speak for whoops!). Certain screens (Circuits/Leaderboards etc) allow a click through to the session on the sessions page (ie you want to see the session for a fastest lap). It will then filter just that session. Just press the Clear button to reset the filter (you'll see the ID field gets cleared of the session ID)
  • Weird bug - well spotted. I'll add that to the (long) list of bugs to fix
ACC Results Companion 1.17.9 Released (here)


A couple of new things with a sprinkling of fixes. Note, if you were an early bird and managed to download 1.17.8, this has been replaced by 1.17.9. The former had a bug when new installs would throw a lot of errors on the first run.
Tab pages
There have been a bunch of fixes here. Hiding tab pages would give weird results (some pages would hide and after hiding others, the incorrect page would display).


In addition, you now have the option to re-order the pages (drag the buttons to the order you want)

Event re-factor - server results refresh
All the program events have been re-factored as it was becoming too muddled and in some cases events were being lost, or fired too many times. One thing that should be fixed from this is the sessions page should automatically refresh now after loading server results files.

Penalties for Leagues
If you add post race penalties, the adjusted positions should now be reflected in Leagues

Teams Dialog
Works better in Dark Mode

Thanks again to all who have donated - I really appreciate it


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