AC 24hour Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@LeMans, Wed 28th June 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event

thats a crying shame that you were sent to the penalty box (again and again) :cry:
(So search your conscience, where did you anoy MRS Fazzi :O_o:)

As for the rest of the race, I really liked the day/night change for the 24h hours format and stand by my idea to race SPA24h, but I´m not sure 2h realtime is really a good idea.
Even with the "close" Mazda/Abarth field I had "downtime" because noone was near.

AND: I´d stay with 1x time flow for Quali, they don´t go for whole days of Quali irl.
24min acceleration was unnecessary hectic(messy)

Let´s do that again :inlove:

Oh, and after the BlacknWhite I went directly to the fridge, celebratory Beer time:cool:

(Obelix, just ONE beer :rolleyes:)

One Beer.PNG
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Qualified in 13th, not quite up to pace. Lost and gained places throughout the race but threw away p13 on the last lap when I put wheels on the gravel and handed it to Steve who had been slowly gaining in the closing laps. Tried to catch up again in sector 3 but not quite enough to regain the place.

Warping seemed fixed, Han, so thanks for the work you and Rasmus have done. Pity about your connection issues.
Strange experience, didn't work out for me...

24h format is great, a bit unfortunate that it started the wrong way and had to do restart. I had no sound on restart, had to quit the server and get back on. half a lap down... Tried to get closer to the guys in front of me, but just too far away. After Ricardo had to rejoin I got some hope, but couldn't get close enough. Almost got to his rear in our last lap, but then both of us were shipped back to the pits, couldn't finish the lap, unfortunately...

Anyway, the day/night thingy was great, saw no warping today and reinforced my bad luck sheilds again. One day it'll work out fine I guess :cool:

Thanks Han and congratz to the front guys, Jason, well done, Fulvio great drumrolls :cool:

Strange for me as well.

The reconnect at the start also left me without any sound, but I thought I could drive just with instruments. While there were cars driving around me it actually worked since I was just copying their driving, but once I got on my own it became clear that not hearing the tires was not working for the braking so I decided to restart.

When I came back the whole thing was a mess, leaderboard was blank and race positions were all over the place. I was P20 while Jose in front of me was P16 and Bouke behind was P18. In that last lap I even got blue flags for Bouke! I think in the end we run out of time so we got cut back into the pits keeping the positions.

Overall it was quite lonely for me, except for the start and end of the race it was just me on my own.

The format with the day/night cycle was awesome, I really enjoyed it! Would like to see more of it, even on regular races.

It was a pity for Han's constant disconnects, and José's unfair disqualification :(

Congrats to the podiums and Han for hosting, catch you guys in the next one!
- Ricardo
Bob, was that you asking for a join during the session? I didn’t know how/what to do, sorry! Not sure if I’m ‘allowed’ to let people in/join.

Can anyone enlighten me on this one? What to do with join request during practice/qualy?
What do you mean with a join request? Bob has the password so he can join himself. Or do you mean Discord?
Thanks for organising Han, a great combo with the night/day:inlove: Huge congrats to Jason and Fulvio, such stonking pace from you both:confused:

On race *restarts I often lose my wheel ffb which happened tonight, was like going back to Microsoft aircraft controller for flight sims, my arms had an easy night though, 1 finger racing:laugh:
*why do we do restarts? - not a whinge just an honest question - 'cos there's winners and losers in the 1st f*ck up, just as there are in the 2nd start, and how many starts would you do? Why penalise someone that's made a great start 'cos those ahead didn't play the long game? If they were stopped, maybe ppl would be more careful:rolleyes:

Ok, yeh, it was a whinge after all:roflmao:
I think the restart was more about things not working after the server restart??

For me personally it was a net loss as I was was P11 after half a lap
(after not qualifiing)
Ah, if that's the case, then I stand corrected, just that it's happened before for general feckery before is all

EDIT: yep, I was a net loss by 6 places too
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Oh well, after last two races pole at Miami and Montreal, again a good qualy result having mx5 pole but bad luck. First race start attempt was perfect. Lead the MX5 pack comfortably but unfortunately for me race was restarted. Good start race 2 but had to slow down in chicane because of the Abarths, lost some positions as I had to hit the brakes not to collide on apex. Had a great race next laps slipstreaming, 4 wide, great fun. Unfortunately Han had connection issues and warped into me (and I think Richard), game over.
Was looking forward to this very much could have been a 1 hour blast of a race.... Had no issues with Sol after reinstalling it yesterday on my new built PC. But had some fps drops sometimes which normally isn't an issue at all. And we should clarify in advance next time at Lemans if you can take the whole track width for overtaking and slipstreaming or not.
Thx Han for setting this up with SOL 24 hour race with all the hassles.
Maybe better no pole next time and more race luck, we will see.
cu all
Bob, was that you asking for a join during the session? I didn’t know how/what to do, sorry! Not sure if I’m ‘allowed’ to let people in/join.

Can anyone enlighten me on this one? What to do with join request during practice/qualy?
Yep, not sure why it went to you must have been a private Discord room that I didn;t have the password to get in. don't know. Thanks :)
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Congratz to Jason p1 and John for p3 . nice recovery John but i became part in the outcome between you and Carsten guys was just lap1 first incident i though ok now they are going to be more carefull ,damn if i was wrong and stupid to belive that just at the start of the straight another incident and i got involved . i dont know who was at fault in the first incident but in the second incident John you should have waited for an ez overtake on the straight against the mx5 . the race was fun anyway night time i was making the corners in blind mode the flow of the track was incredible and the bulldozer Han clearing some of the cars in my way was amazing on my side. congratz also to the rest of the grid for keeping those fights very clean , and ty Han as always for hosting :D. my ping was ok before the restart but after the restart was bad it is a server side thing , now i have a theory i joined the server very early in the spot between 1-10 but at the server restart i was late to join and if you check the pings of the late joiners you can see they are all above 200, feel like the late you join the server have trouble recieving information from the players (it is just a theory)

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