AC 24hour Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@LeMans, Wed 28th June 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I think the restart was more about things not working after the server restart??

For me personally it was a net loss as I was was P11 after half a lap
(after not qualifiing)
That's correct. Amongst other things the time multiplier didn't work for some of you.
And this was my first attempt to use the 24h format so teething problems could be expected and also trying out things to mitigate like restarts. It just that I have to learn how the system works and what doesn't.
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Well that could of gone better!

I seemed to be having issues with the 24hr transition as I wasn't seeing any difference in Quali. I double checked the settings and rebooted the PC. But it still didn't fix it. However, in the race it was fine - wierd.

I wonder if the super fast quali transition is because its only 20mins and not an hour - perhaps there is a bug when it's less than an hour. I'd suggest we just do the transition in the race and skip it in quali.

The first start went OK but the second start saw me on the grid with no sound - I think someone else had the same problem. So I had to exit and re-join. I plodded around on my own waiting for the night time - which was very cool - and then parked up and watched the action from the other cars.

Anyway, it was a good learning experience for us all and lets hope all the issues are ironed out in the coming races.

Thanks as ever for Han in the tremendous effort he puts in to make these events work.

Finally, another shameless plug for my Tuesday races....

If you've not tried the Lotus 25 then you're missing a treat. This is a very lively, drivable car and you're all more than capable of driving it :)

Once we've ironed out the 24hr issues I'll put on some day/night events - obviously not with the headlight free Lotus 25!
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Yep, not sure why it went to you must have been a private Discord room that I didn;t have the password to get in. don't know. Thanks :)
The information and location of the Discord channel was in the PM I send you for your first race with us. To get access to that channel you have to synchronize your RaceDepartment account with your Discord account. You can to that here:
Congratz to Jason p1 and John for p3 . nice recovery John but i became part in the outcome between you and Carsten guys was just lap1 first incident i though ok now they are going to be more carefull ,damn if i was wrong and stupid to belive that just at the start of the straight another incident and i got involved . i dont know who was at fault in the first incident but in the second incident John you should have waited for an ez overtake on the straight against the mx5 . the race was fun anyway night time i was making the corners in blind mode the flow of the track was incredible and the bulldozer Han clearing some of the cars in my way was amazing on my side. congratz also to the rest of the grid for keeping those fights very clean , and ty Han as always for hosting :D. my ping was ok before the restart but after the restart was bad it is a server side thing , now i have a theory i joined the server very early in the spot between 1-10 but at the server restart i was late to join and if you check the pings of the late joiners you can see they are all above 200, feel like the late you join the server have trouble recieving information from the players (it is just a theory)
I've asked the staff members involved in the warping problems if this is something to investigate.
After the race I discovered that I had my laptop connected on the same ethernet connection as my desktop. As I never had problems before apart from an occasional lost internet connection, I suspect that this is what caused my problems yesterday.

If my laptop was interfering with my desktop connection, it would result in a high ping on the race server, does it?
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I don't know if it's related but Han was very close to the high pinging Fulvio (200+) when he first lost contact with the server. This was the incident that cause both Richard and Thomas to crash as Han warped into the cars.
Yeah under the trunk i was hiding a jammer but shhh . Jokes apart is not my fault as Han was losing the connection multiple time even when i was not close to him
Well that was fun, especially the first lap................................. (apologies for the poor quality video, I'm new to this uploading thing)

I was holding onto third for quite a while and the other thing I was holding up were few MX5's behind:D but really exciting stuff. Good battles with Allan. Mika, Robert and Andre.
I got mugged by Robert and Andre in the last chicane with one lap to go and when Andre launched off the sausage kerb I was collected by his spinning car which ended my challenge. Then Andre used the MX5's better corning to pip me to the line on the final lap. Even though some drivers 'explored' ;) track limits exiting the Porsche curves, I have no complaints, really good fun.

The day/night transition was spectacular, I did suffer frame rate drop and stuttering in the dead of night so was happy to see the sunrise. I guess I need to turn down some stuff like Robert did but overall a great experience. We never know how these experiments are going to turn out but if we don't try we will never know. Qualy was a challenge so best to leave the24hr clock off for that imo.

Well done podiums and a huge thank you to Han, just unfortunate that you kept dropping out otherwise you would have been up there.:thumbsup:
After the race I discovered that I had my laptop connected on the same ethernet connection as my desktop. As I never had problems before apart from an occasional lost internet connection, I suspect that this is what caused my problems yesterday.

If my laptop was interfering with my desktop connection, it would result in a high ping on the race server, does it?

Sounds like the likely cause, Han, if it's not normally connected. Also would depend how much of the bandwidth the laptop was using, for example if it was downloading a Windows update in the background.
Sounds like the likely cause, Han, if it's not normally connected. Also would depend how much of the bandwidth the laptop was using, for example if it was downloading a Windows update in the background.
Don't know because it's the laptop from work of which I have limited access to the system functions. But I'm using a Devolo system which means that the signal travels from the modem in the livingroom via the electrical wires towards my studyroom. In the wall outlet is an adapter with two ethernet connections. For this reason I always disconnect the laptop when I have finished working but yesterday I have forgotten that. We will see tonight if I have problems again without the laptop connected.
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i dont know who was at fault in the first incident but in the second incident John you should have waited for an ez overtake
I would have waited for the pass Fulvio, though in the 2nd race cars were jumping around, Carsten and 2 others were stuttering from the start line onwards - the yellow Mazda was a good 2 car widths away (aka, it looked like an easy pass), next it appeared slightly in front.

It didn't happen in the 1st race, just the 1st lap or two of 2nd race, then late on when racing with another Abarth. When you were behind me, I saw you 'stop starting'/warping too. Most times (tho not all), when I watch a replay I can see the warping, but for this event I can't. As far as I know my ping didn't go above 25:unsure:

My apologies to you and those involved.
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Even though some drivers 'explored' ;) track limits exiting the Porsche curves, I have no complaints, really good fun.
Yeah, I might have cut there at least once, although not on purpose. The only place where I used all of the available tarmac was on Mulsanne, but I think I saw a message somewhere about this being ok - although I don't remember where and I can't find it now. :unsure:

Anyway, I 100% agree - we had some excellent battles. After my stupid spin on lap 3(?) I was very determined to climb back as much as possible, and I think I might have been a bit aggressive when fighting with you, or at least more aggressive than I usually am. But after having caught up with you again after losing around 13 secs earlier, I wasn't going to be satisfied finishing behind you anymore :D

I think this was only my 2nd race ever at Le Mans, and the first one was on a '67 version 2,5 years ago. I never expected this track to be so much fun.
24h cycle was great, although qualifying was a bit of a lottery: I was hoping that the Mulsanne chicanes wouldn't be during the night, because my PPF is a bit slow when adjusting exposure. That made my headlights almost useless right after the darkness came...
After my holiday I am faced with a barrage of technical complications??

i have CM 1.79:) from what i have read that is okay...
Do I just have to follow the video and download 2.2.9?? a bit concerned i am going to create havoc in the world of my Assetto Corsa, and get into all sorts of trouble.:O_o:
Big thanks again Han for putting this together. I know many of us have been asking for 24h cycle. It's a real shame some had issues that impacted their races :(. With the 24h and warping seemingly fixed, I'm always down to run this race. Between this and @Interslice 2hr Sunday race, le mans really came alive this year :thumbsup:

Didn't get a good quali time as the world was spinning x1000 :sick: but once the race started, even the gorgeous weather was ignored by me because I had to pay attention to the 3 or more cars drafting next to me, behind me, and In front of me!

Richard, Thomas, Andre, Allan, Mika, and Paul (sorry if I forgot any others) all drove really well considering we were all on top of each other for parts of the race :thumbsup:. Shame the racing gods didn't let us keep it up all race :unsure:

Had a great drive with Andre into the sunset and throughout the night :laugh: , finally pulling a little gap with 15min to go and getting closer to Allan until Paul he wanted to play instead :p The arbaths slower pace in the last sector of the track had Andre and Mika catching up, which spiced things up more and evened the playing field, thanks to some perfectly executed bump drafts by Andre :cool:

A great track to get the warping fixed. Think I spent at least half the race less on someone's tail. Really great to use the draft again.

Thanks again Han. Hopefully we'll get the bugs rolled out and everyone can enjoy the 24h.

See you all next race
After my holiday I am faced with a barrage of technical complications??

i have CM 1.79:) from what i have read that is okay...
Do I just have to follow the video and download 2.2.9?? a bit concerned i am going to create havoc in the world of my Assetto Corsa, and get into all sorts of trouble.:O_o:
CSP (not CM) is 1.79 and I think that is fine, My CM is 0.8.2561.39678 {you can find this number on the Settings->Content Manager->General page on the right hand side, labelled App version) and I have SOL 2.2.7 - again I this this version of SOL is fine. There seems to be some issues with SOL 2.2.9 and the latest CM so I haven't upgrade yet. But I think others are using 2.2.9. I'd personally stick with 2.2.7 for now.
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After my holiday I am faced with a barrage of technical complications??

i have CM 1.79:) from what i have read that is okay...
Do I just have to follow the video and download 2.2.9?? a bit concerned i am going to create havoc in the world of my Assetto Corsa, and get into all sorts of trouble.:O_o:
Hi Ernie, I hope the holiday is/went well.
Like you, when reading about updates, I was cautious about making any changes. My system has been very settled and stable for years now and I was wary about doing anything to upset that balance.

But I downloaded SOL 2.29 and installed to folders into the AC root folder as instructed and it all worked well straight out of the box. I already had CM 1.79 and that went in easy as well so if this is anything to go by have no fear, it can work first time.
A great track to get the warping fixed. Think I spent at least half the race less on someone's tail. Really great to use the draft again.
I know when I first suggested this as 'Track of the Month', some people voiced concerns that it would be a boring flat out fest in these cars. But from what I saw, most had something to fight for and the drafting made a change from some of the technical circuits we have had recently.

Whenever we have raced here in other formulas it has been fun too and I for one always look forward to racing here. The 67 circuit would be awesome in period cars too.

But another month next week so lets see where the vote takes us.:)

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